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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Here is the process for raising feature requests such as this: Raise a report on the official bug tracker. Set the type of the report to "Feature" Record your details. Cheers.
  2. As I said. It's a simple fix for a simple oversight on my part. The hardest bit is finding the spare time to publish the fix. I'll try to get to it in the next few days. But I have a long list just like it.
  3. Most likely scatterer. Long standing issue with that mod. Don't have the time or energy to spend the hours needed to figure out why. Thanks all.. Looked into it briefly seems like a simple fix soon as I get a spare hour to do so.
  4. Yep. Currently it will only work on saves started with ResearchBodies installed because research bodies has to write info into the save file. I can put that on the backlog. you can manually do this if you know what you are doing. [Edit] Here's how: 1) backup your existing save case you mess it up. 2) start a new game similar to your existing sve (IE career mode etc) 3) edit the new save persistent.sfs with a text editor. You need to copy some things from it into your existing save 4) First this block (Put it into the PARAMETERS section of your existing save) DON'T copy the blocks from this post, copy them from the new save you made 5) Then this block (Put it where the other SCENARIO blocks are in your save): 6) Save your changes.. Cross your fingers and toes and try to reload your save.
  5. 1. Possibly a bug. Will have to look into it. 2. That sounds like a bug yeah. Will have to look into it. 3. possibly related to 1. but you have to complete contracts. 4. Only from the consideration of whether it can see them (distance). but if you are running stock the TB-75 can find all of them from kerbin. Impressive list of mods.... The error is from Contract Configurator - saying that it can't find ResearchBodies contract (dll). So did you delete ResearchBodies? Can't tell from a screenshot of some folders. Logs are much more useful that screenshots of folders. I'd check - You have ResearchBodies installed completely. and you have the most recent version of Contract Configurator installed as well.
  6. I see no errors in the log related to ResearchBodies.. but plenty for other mods. You started a new game and what difficulty settings did you select? Can you go to the main menu and go to start a new game and access the difficulty settings for ResearchBodies and what do you see? Regarding planets available at startup? From what I can tell you aren't using Kopernicus or any planet mods? and you completely deleted any previous ResearchBodies install in your steam folder before installing the latest? (Just checking we haven't got some old rogue settings cfg files being picked up). Short of that I'd try eliminating mods to see if you can find the source of any conflict.
  7. There's a link in the OP for pre-assembled vessels. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/88993700/EnduranceCraftFiles.zip I haven't tested them with 1.3.0 but anyone could do that and report back.
  8. Did you complete research contracts on them? When you do, you should see their research percentage go up in the Observatory when you select them. Until you reach 50% you won't see their orbits. and the old method of clicking to pay to get research has been removed. You now have to complete research contracts at the Observatory or using the TB-75 telescope... Or, if you have my TST mod you can take pictures of them to gain research points...
  9. You should have a discovery message for every body (including moons)... and an IGNORELEVELS record for every body as well. IGNORELEVELS is whether the body is visible on a new game start (Based on difficulty levels). Actually I do recall having a file for RSS planets... Must have dropped off the radar. I'll dig it up and fix it up and include in next version.
  10. You need a file like this: Where Galaxy1/2/3/4 etc are the planet names... NOT the planet names that display in the game. But their names defined to the PSystem within KSP. IE: The CelestialBody.name name = TarsierSpaceTech - replace the name with the mod name. This is the file I use for my TST mod to add it's galaxies into ResearchBodies. So should work if you create entries for the RSS planets.
  11. Yep.. you need a cfg file for planet mods... The mod does not support the hundreds of different planet mods out there without a cfg file for them. Up to the mod to do that.
  12. Probably. I am not clear what your issue is at all sorry.
  13. Well with all that said. I do believe this has been addressed for 1.3.1. But I would need to confirm that and currently not near my PC. So don't quote me on it.
  14. Why? Why not Just change the tag. Correct. These bug reports are still active. Are known. And are prioritised appropriately. They are not forgotten or ignored. You simply have to weigh up all the business priorities and bug reports - along with such bugs impact on the game and prioritise resources appropriately.
  15. It happens because sounds like a bug. As there have been a number of reports. I'll try to get to the bottom of it this week. in the meantime, no you can't turn EC consumption off. please hang in there and I'll get to it as soon as I can.
  16. 2. oh.. sounds like a bug then. You mean the instructor Wernher? is appearing in the other facilities?
  17. 1. Needs a balancing pass... But if you just want Sun, Kerbin, Mun slide the difficulty setting for this mod to hardest. It's not currently linked to the difficuly setting you set for the overall game. (but it's on my list). 2. Not something this mod changes.
  18. That would be because it's a mod... not using stock modules. Not to say it can't be added. But you know... my mods were written originally for my own entertainment. Requests to add support for other mods always entertained.. but it comes down to free time and how hard it is on first assessment. As I have no idea what mod you are talking about. A link, a request on github goes a long way too (Because I am bound to forget if it's just left here on the forum).
  19. V6.8 published. This version is required to support my ResearchBodies mod.. If you don't use that mod, you don't need this update. If you don't use my ResearchBodies mod.. well why not now that it's been updated to KSP 1.3.0?
  20. Sorry.. haha. Maybe I've forgotten how my own mod works.... Disregard my crazy notion earlier. I should learn to not post before my morning coffee.
  21. V 1.2.9 for KSP 1.3.0 release. Major changes... See the change log. Language volunteers more than welcome - PM me. I expect bugs as I simply did not have enough time to exhaustively test everything. Sorry it took so long... For mods that support this mod, please PM me for info on the changes to cfg files required.
  22. You say extra graphics card? Do you have more than one installed in your machine? Have you disabled all but one of them? Also sounds like the resolution is not supported by your card/monitor. You could try resetting the settings file so that KSP will generate a new one with valid resolutions and back to default. Try going into the KSP directory and renaming or deleting the settings.cfg file. When you first start KSP it will regenerate this file with the default/valid settings.
  23. Need a bit more info here.. How do you install? did you buy via Steam? What machine are you running the game on? What Operating System? Some specs? Does it meet the minimum specs? Sounds like graphics issues. What Graphics card and have you updated the latest drivers for it? After that, and assuming you have minimum spec PC I'd reinstall the game and report back with the above info.
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