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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Well as per the KSP Weekly it's been reduced by about half.
  2. New release with Russian and Spanish texts. See the OP for download links. Thanks to @Artem Kerman for the Russian texts Thanks to @fitiales for the Spanish texts Edit: There is a known issue with the texts in the difficulty settings not aligning (overlapping) but that is a stock bug in 1.3. But you can still read them and the tooltips work fine if you hover over each setting. (Hopefully a Dev will fix it for 1.3.1)
  3. V Release for KSP 1.3. See OP for linls. Includes NEW ability to highlight any or all power production or consumption parts on your vessel in the SPH/VAB and Flight. Fully Localization ready (no translations yet, but volunteers welcome!) Fix for Kopernicus Solar Panels for those that use Kopernicus. Re-added support for USI LS and MKS - courtesy of Ormira.
  4. This is a known bug with TMPro (the plugin used for displaying text in KSP) version used in KSP 1.3. Here is the bug report. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/14500
  5. Update: Nearly finished updating and testing for a new version. Hopefully tomorrow.
  6. Can you supply more information. You say your install is modded. Have you tried without the mods installed to determine if this is a stock bug or a problem with mods interaction? What flavor of Linux are you running? Can you provide an uploaded log link?
  7. You say you are using 1.2.2 for mods. Are you using Real Fuels or RO by chance? There was a bug with 1.4.4 and those mods. You can fix it if that is the case my replacing the content of the file \GameData\REPOSoftTech\AmpYear\MMConfigAmpYear.cfg with the following:
  8. Yeah sorry guys... Been busy. Will try to get it done this weekend.
  9. A kerbal on EVA.. You didn't mention that. In that case you have to kill the Vessel as well. You can't switch to a vessel that is an EVA Kerbal if the Kerbal is dead. If they die on EVA in stock then the vessel must also be killed and disappear. Stock does not support that use case.
  10. First of, I'm not a lawyer. Second - I'm speaking here as a modder. I don't see how one entity can dictate a license on another entities creation. There are rules within the EULA for mods for KSP. It states the mod must have a license, and that all source code must be publicly available. Choice of license for creative work is up to the creator. By default, no license is considered a Restrictive license as per the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. All rights reserved, isn't technically a license and isn't required under the convention (you can go read about that if you want more info). Most licenses for mods are open source, freeware. However, not all are. And that is the creators choice. Having said that, there is a kind of "gentlemans agreement" within the community that forking, modifying and releasing modified mods should only be done when all efforts have been made to contact and discuss with the original author (License permitting). And yes, I understand this is where your "good will" thinking comes in. But bottom line is a license is a license. You can't change it. Only the creative owner. There are many threads about this on the forum. There are also several threads on the forum giving advice, links, and information on how to choose a license.
  11. Actually I just had a thought... it won't probably work correctly. I forgot something. I'll do another dev build today (if I can squeeze it in).
  12. Well it does the same thing for Crewed velssels as BackgroundProcessing does. But I also coded in so if it detects BackgeoundProcessing is installed it won't generate EC and let that mod handle EC generation. In theory it should be fine with both, but I didn't test it. You can test it for me if you like.
  13. Ok, there is a Development build available on github only here. For those willing to test it for me. But in the testing I've done today I'm seeing flawless EC readout for unloaded and loaded vessels (as well as all other resources). Instructions: BACKUP your save file (I've warned you!) Completely remove the ThunderAeroSpace, BackgroundProcessing and REPOSoftTech\BackgroundResources (only this subfolder) folders from your GameData folder. Download the Zip from the link above and unzip it into your GameData folder. Report back your findings.
  14. Yeah thanks all. I have a fix I'll test today and if all goes well will make a dev build only on GitHub Si some of you fine folk can also test and confirm before I do a full release. Fingers crossed should be in the next few hours. (edit) until then I recommend two things. Remove the BackgroundProcessing mod if you installed it and turn off the background resources processing option in the TAC LS difficulty settings.
  15. Well that's interesting to the author of that mod. I don't see why you have posted this in this thread.That appears to be an error with the Ship Manifest mod.
  16. Moving the cameraS will be problematic. Yes there are multiple cameras. Where do you want to move it to?
  17. I already answered this where the same question was posted in this thread.
  18. It probably won't work for sure. It's on my list. But my list is long. Perhaps @Papa_Joe has some time.
  19. Which clipping are you referring to? The one referred to here:
  20. PCM.UnregisterExperienceTraits(part); PCM.Die(); Vessel.CrewWasModified(vessel); If you intend them to respawn as per game settings. Check HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.MissingCrewsRespawn and then call PCM.StartRespawnPeriod() Where PCM is the instance of the ProtoCrewMember and vessel is the Vessel they are in and part is the Part they are in. For crew that die it is stock intended their portrait becomes static. If you don't want this then you can call a refresh on the KerbalPortraitGallery.Instance.StartRefresh(vessel). Of course this all assumes they are in the ActiveVessel. If you are still getting NREs please supply more info on the NRE.
  21. We will have to see what the future holds.
  22. Guys, I would recommend raising this on the bug tracker and supply un-modded logs and craft files so QA can take a look at it.
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