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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Hi All, In looking at the code for TAC LS I've noticed something about the Non-Lethal (hibernating) option that is available. Essentially the mechanics work like this (from what I've been able to determine): You currently can only turn Hibernating option on/off by manually changing the config file. It seems this used to be an in-game option but was turned off. Hibernation only works for food and water consumption. If the vessel runs out of O2 or EC they still die. Hibernation remains in effect until food and water becomes available again on the vessel. The kerbals can still function as normal during this time. I propose the following changes to this mechanic: Allow turning Hibernation on/off per save game via the Space Center TAC LS window. Any kerbals already hibernating when you do so will continue hibernating until food and water is restored to the vessel (or it's recovered). As soon as you turn it off though, any vessel that runs out of food or water kerbals die. When kerbals are hibernating change them into tourists so they cannot function as normal crew. Once food/water is restored they become fully functional crew again (or you recover the vessel). Thoughts? Input?
  2. This sticky at the top of this forum contains the information you seek.
  3. Well... CKAN metadata belongs to CKAN not the mod. I am working on a fix to avoid the issue altogether once and for all. Unfortunately though, it's looking like users will lose their current settings when they re-install the next version. I have spoken to @politas and together with RO team will make the necessary changes to ensure it all works. But that is unavoidable at this stage (due to the legacy code and the way it's been set up). https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/39
  4. Hmm. There was a change made and there is a cfg file that RO overwrites (the TAC lifesupport.cfg) file. Which is what you want if you have TAC and RO installed. But that error is CKAN and not TAC or RO. It sounds like there is a restriction built into CKAN? Hoping @politas can shed some light? Also a heads up for @stratochief66
  5. No I believe the one in question is no longer available.
  6. I'm pretty sure I know exactly where it's occurring. I'll do a test today and get back to you.
  7. I have been reliably advised that the fonts as per what is in the start of the tutorial are in the squadcore.ksp file. Just not in the part tools unity package. So you can download them yourself and use them. In theory it should use the ones from the squadcore.ksp file. But may actually re-package them into your ksp file.
  8. If you use the fonts from the tutorial or the ones from the squadcore bundle then they are packaged in that bundle. If you use your own fonts they should be automatically packaged into your bundle file (along with your pictures).
  9. In the Assetbundles folder there will be a mole.ksp file
  10. No use the Asset Compiler tool as per the tutorial. Not the "Build All''" button in the KSPedia Tool
  11. Ahhh. missed that. Good pickup! See my pic above you are missing the Database Screen (Script)
  12. I've had some "strange" things happen to me as well. Like currently I can't seem to get it to compile updates into my package without having to recreate the whole asset bundle. I've been discussing that with triggerau. All I can suggest is scrap the bundle. Scrap the prefabs (you still have the objects). Recreate the prefabs. Delete the old assetbundle in the bottom right by clicking delete unused. Recreat a new bundle - reassign the prefabs and try again.
  13. I think you might have messed up your category creation. (Guessing) What did you type in the Category/Subcategory fields at the bottom in the "New Category" section an click create?
  14. Did you create a prefab of your screen and assign/create the asset bundle? If there are no prefabs assigned to the asset bundle you won't get anything. See the prefab and when selected assetbundle is assigned bottom right. EDIT: Ninja'd
  15. NP. As sarbian said. If you want to persist any data in the save file though, change it to use a KSPScenario then you can use OnLoad and OnSave for that.
  16. Bit hard to tell with just that snippit. But you seem to be over-doing it. And I think a GameEvent is exactly what you want. All you need is a MonoBehaviour class using KSPAddOn to have it start at MainMenu (or SpaceCenter) scene. Tell Unity not to destroy it between scenes. Register for the GameEvent.onCrewKilled and then put your code in that method. so it would look something like this: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.SpaceCentre, true)] public class DeadKerbalPenaliser : MonoBehaviour { public void Awake() { DontDestroyOnLoad(this); GameEvents.onCrewKilled.Add(onCrewKilled); } public void OnDestroy() { GameEvents.onCrewKilled.Remove(onCrewKilled); } public void onCrewKilled(EventData<EventReport> evtdata) { // Put your code in here. // evtdata.sender will contain the Name of the kerbal that just died. } }
  17. yeah he did. But that's cool. Let's see if he comes back and updates it. Otherwise I'll have to do an unofficial official patch'd up version again. When I get a bit more time I'll go check his bitbucket repro, pretty sure we fixed that...
  18. I believe it's a mod issue with BackgroundProcessing. Have posted on that thread.
  19. Yep Thought that had been addressed. But maybe when @jamespicone picked up all my changes and put out a new version it got regressed? Will put it on the list. but probably best @jamespicone fixes it if he has time.
  20. You could try CameraManager.GetCurrentCamera() and manipulate the near/far clipping panes and the field of view.
  21. The silence is probably your best answer. No one has started compaining... Yes it works just fine. There is just an issue with the landing legs being a bit wonky. Hope 1.2 will allow me to address that issue.
  22. No it's the full thing. I am not the only one on the team. And looking for others. Feel free to volunteer to join the team (via PM as well). And finally Feel free to submit ideas/requests/etc on the TAC LS github.
  23. Having recently taken over TAC LS as part of the RO group I am wondering if this mod is still active and works under 1.1.3 or not?
  24. v0.12.4 Published. Most importantly fixes the settings file not loading correctly. But also makes the Editor filter optional and fixes a few other things. See the Changelog in the OP.
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