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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Why is this in plugin development sub-forum? I see no plugin here?
  2. There is already discussion and activities about this on the spacedock thread
  3. sorry I wasn't clear enough. Your log: ******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer) ******* Which tells me you are running 32 bit KSP (which can only use about 3GB? roughly of RAM) Run 64 bit KSP and your problem will go away. EDIT: Or, you are running 64 bit and you have posted the 32 bit logs (they are in different folders)... and if that is the case, then your problem could be something else entirely.
  4. You seem to have a part from one of your mods that is using a module (mod written) that is trying to set a constant. This is a know limitation/bug in KSP. So that happens and then FAR starts having problems and then Deadly ReEntry starts having real problems. and that's the death of it. So how to fix? You need to hunt down the part/mod that is causing that problem and remove it. I also noticed: which is a very old version of FAR. FAR is 15.7.2 now and you have that installed.But you have an OLD version of MechJebFARExt installed which is trying to reference an OLD version of FAR. In fact you shouldn't even have MechJebFARext installed:
  5. Not a lot I can help you with there. No Log so I have no idea.
  6. Here be your problem: DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 1 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 5592424. DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 2 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 5592424. DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 3 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 5592424. DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 4 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 5592424. DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocation 5592424! Could not allocate memory: System out of memory! Trying to allocate: 5592424B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: Texture Allocation happend at: Line:379 in Memory overview
  7. Modlists are very interesting guys.. but not going to help much. If you supplied a log someone could probably provide you with assistance (and the logs already contain your mod lists).
  8. Fairwell to you Kasper, Good Luck for the future and Thanks for all you have done for this great community.
  9. No one is going to be able to provide you with much assistance without a log file.
  10. You have the wrong thread my friend. That is a CKAN error not a TAC LS error. thanks.
  11. Firstly Don't know where you got that list because the list of mods you have installed is this: You have 34 Null Reference Errors and that's the start... followed by NaN errors... and it goes on from there. for a start you have TWO Module Managers installed. I'd go through and check every mod is actually up to date with KSP 1.1.3, duplicates, etc. Then begin the process of elimination.
  12. 1.2 is in Experimentals so unless you are in the hand picked Experimentals team. Nothing. You wait for the public pre-release that comes after that.
  13. Yes well you have to have the file from the same version number. So If you are playing 1.1.2 and your steam is updated to 1.1.3 then unless you backed it up you are fresh out of luck.
  14. Yeah, the DLLs won't fail to load--they will load. They'll just break badly when you try to do anything not in NET 3.5. I'd recommend downgrading and making sure your project is set to .NET 3.5 target.
  15. There are links for pretty much all of that already. Try searching the forum. (sorry on phone so too lazy to search, cut and paste on my phone).
  16. Did you follow @nli2work excellent post. Note the Relative path Excludes the Parent object.
  17. Yep you are guessing right. You have to use an older version of mono on linux that supports .NET 3.5. Because that's what you need. This might help. http://blog.rubenwardy.com/2016/07/20/rimworld-install-monodevelop-with-dot-net-3.5/
  18. When you say elsewhere what do you mean? If you are using steam right click KSP in the Steam app, select properties, local files tab, then verify integrity of game cache.. If you purchased from KSP store or GOG re-download, and create a new copy. You can then copy across your Saves folder and GameData mods into the new copy.
  19. That's 'cause it loads Before MM does it's thing.
  20. Probably not a lot of help is going to come without a log. Logs tell a lot about what's going on.
  21. Yes you are. Unity can't open .mu files. They are proprietary files created by the mighty mu himself. If you want to edit your models you have to go back to your 3D app and edit them then re-import them to Unity. Or you can edit them in place depending on what 3d app you are using. Then you have to re-export the .mu file from Unity once you update your objects in the scene in Unity. There is also a .mu importer for blender if you need to use that for importing .mu files into blender (which is good for importing other .mu models when you don't have the source model). but I don't think that's what you are wanting here as you have the original models yourself.
  22. From the OP: TurnBooster Allows you to use electrical power to harness SAS/Reaction Wheel modules for additional turning power. Boosting them by 25%.
  23. I'm thinking of dropping the Power Turn feature/option from AmpYear. I just feel it probably doesn't add a lot of value, do many people actually use it?
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