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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Thanks I'll look soon when I get home. As for the RB log being empty. I'll look at that to see if it's writing correctly, but I'm guessing it won't be empty by the time you shutdown KSP and it closes the file.
  2. Can you supply the save file with this Duna contract in it? The one yesterday? I didn't see it. If the contract had been offered before you upgraded then yes. But like I said RB should be removing it. So I'd like to look at that contract more.
  3. Conjecture is interesting guys. If you supply your logs someone can tell you what mods are causing your problems.
  4. So everyone, @nightingale has updated Contract Configurator to support ResearchBodies. My thanks to him for making that change. So everything should be great. CC now knows when Bodies are not found or not finished research and will not offer contracts for them and text in Mission Control to tell the player that they need research. Go get V1.16.0 of CC if you use it.
  5. I'm guessing their metadata doesn't know that I changed the location of the mod in the last version. Nor do I consider this to be my job. I'd recommend installed manually in all cases. But that's just me.
  6. See OP, Use of CKAN I do not support. Take that up with the CKAN guys.
  7. So you are running multiple version of Module Manager for a start.. and they are getting errors. ModuleManager.2.6.22 v2.6.22.0 ModuleManager.2.6.24 v2.6.24.0 You have other mods that are out of date for KSP 1.1.3 that are also crashing and causing errors RCSBuildAidToolbar v0.7.6.40440 - just the first one.... Principia is throwing errors as well.. I'm going to stop there. Yeah you know what. I'd recommend starting with a clean Install and update all your mods for KSP 1.1.3.
  8. According to your part config. your model from Unity that you exported should be called model.mu and in the same folder as the part cfg file. Is it?
  9. Yes. They are just empty gameobjects in Unity. Make sure you get the rotation correct (as per my pics). If you have it setup like my pics and your config file with the two fields above correctly named it should work.
  10. You need a dockingNode transform and controlNode transform (if you want control from here). http://imgur.com/a/qinWu The nodeTransformName transform is preset/default to nodeTransformName = "dockingNode". So either you create a transform with that name (as I have done in example pics) or if you call it something else you have to add nodeTransformName = "<name of transform>" in the partmodule config in the config file. The controlNode is a field in the partmodule config called 'controlTransformName =' and the name should be the name of your transform. It does not have a preset/default value so you have to specify it in the partmodule config in the config file.
  11. I believe what Diazo said is correct. If you set the FlowMode for a resource in a part to none and turn cross feed off then it should block that resource flow. Having said that, 1.2 Resource flow modes are all changing, and the whole system is being re-written and will most likely change this behaviour.
  12. Hmm, I don't see that Duna contract from your screen shot in your save file. So it's possible it has expired between when you took the screen shot and your save file now. If it recurs can you please capture your save file, output_log.txt and researchbodies.log and re-report the problem. Now, the log file should definitely NOT be in the folder you describe... unless you have an OLD version of ResearchBodies installed. If you have BOTH a \GameData\ResearchBodies and a \GameData\REPOSoftTech\ResearchBodies folder in your install than that means you did not follow the install instructions. V1.8 I moved the mod folder and the instructions clearly state to manually delete your old folder. So I went back to your log earlier... and you have V1.8 installed and only one copy. But it's installed in the wrong folder? How did you install V1.8?
  13. Have you got all the transforms required for a docking node in your new model?
  14. Why is your ladder using a mesh? Just use a box collider. Also you say KSP is complaining. So you wrote your mu file did that have any errors in Unity when you created it? What does your cfg file look like? And what error are you getting in your KSP log? These things will help to discover what is going wrong.
  15. Sorry I just went back and read your post again. What contract is this? " not yet received a contract to launch the the researched TB-76M scope into orbit "?? RB does not have contracts yet... I am working on that.. TST has contracts but not to launch anything. The issue with CC that is known is CC offers contracts for celestial bodies that have yet been found/researched by RB. That being said, RB is meant to be removing them. Which 'should' be working. in theory. having said that @nightingale as going to look at just not generating contracts at all if RB is installed and the body is not found/researched. But I don't believe that made it into his last release. I can see that it is doing this in your log (eg:) 7/27/2016 12:04:47 PM,ResearchBodies,WithDrew contract "Altimetry Scan of Eve" So really it comes down to:- how that contract got offered for Duna? which I assume is not discovered? and why RB didn't remove it. Why you think you should get a contract to launch the RB-76M - which isn't generated by RB or TST, and probably never will be generated? Can you send me your save file? I'd like to take a look at that Duna contract. Also for everyone's benefit. RB also creates it's own log file (in \GameData\REPOSoftTech\ResearchBodies\Plugins\PluginData\ResearchBodies.log) which is very handy when you have a log full of NRE spam like yours. I'll update the OP to ask if people would be so kind as to supply BOTH logs in the future that would be terrific. (I'm also going to incorporate this extra logging file into all my mods I think).
  16. Yep know issue with contract configurator. See this post just a few posts up.
  17. That's not a log. It's a crash report. Although it says you only have 30% memory use. Have you tried running in 64 bit mode? And if so, Try providing the actual log file might help someone to help you.
  18. without a log file no one is going to be able to provide you much assistance.
  19. You're running out of memory. Try running the 64 bit version of KSP. IE: KSP_x64.exe
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