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  1. Resurfaced isn't a binary switch for a mod, Beale has just released some new parts for Tantares that use Resurfaced but the existing parts don't and everything still works as intended. Nertea would need to delete the existing textures for that to happen.
  2. I agree that we should all respect each other no matter background or nationality, but politics permeates every aspect of life, as almost every action possible has, at one point or another, become a political debate. If a modder is uncomfortable with creating a part due to RL stuff, of any type, we have no right to force them to continue to support the mod as it exists, or take the development one way or another. All we can, and should, do is vote with our downloads.
  3. That could be a Parallax error, I had the same issue with OPM and the OPX mods. Make sure you have 1.1.1 from the GitHub, I believe that CKAN hasn't updated.
  4. A few issues here that I can see: You complain about electric vehicle batteries bursting into flames, and while that certain is a sub optimal outcome, we don't actually have an epidemic of this happening. All vehicles will need some sort of high density energy storage solution, which by it's nature will be volatile. Your suggested solution of tanks of hydrogen and oxygen hardly strikes me as non-volatile. Nuclear waste is a problem, but a solved problem. We currently deal with pollution from energy by pumping it into the air we breathe, by comparison a solid form of pollution we can safely store in an underground vault seems like a far better solution. Hydrogen from oil is not environmentally sound, sure, but at least here in the UK, green hydrogen specifically refers to hydrogen generated by fully renewable sources. Hydrogen from oil is normally called either blue, grey, or black, depending on how much emphasis one wants to put on the source unsustainability. As a car fuel, there are also several issues. First, I'm not aware of an issue with nitrogen oxide production in a fuel cell, but I would like other commenters to chime in here for that one? Even without that: Batteries are twice as efficient as hydrogen fuel cells Batteries do not require an entirely new type of fuel distribution system to be built out The range and power advantages of fuel cells have rapidly eroded as batteries have improved requiring average members of the public to pump highly pressurized flammable gases to refuel their vehicles is terrifying. Hydrogen itself is a greenhouse gas, not as potent as CO2, but at this scale enough to be a major concern from incidental leaks Electric drivetrains are *more* efficient than ICE drivetrains, but not 100%. Nothing is 100% efficient. No from of power is free. There may be no fuelling cost, but you do need to pay people to build and maintain the infrastructure. The efficiency gains of a nuclear grid with some renewables powering battery electric vehicles will mean far less cost due to far lower infrastructure needs.
  5. We don't know what is meant by "discourage their use", it could also simply be something like settjng their cost stupidly high. Until Nertea themselves confirms what is meant by that, let's maybe think a bit before catastrophising.
  6. Just as a follow up to the Parallax discussion, if a have a different Parallax config that only uses the stock scatters contained within Parallax, with this systems Parallax configs play nice, or can I only have one installed at a time? I'm only just getting into Parallax now and I'm not very familiar with it yet!
  7. It's a politics issue, which due to forum rules I can't discuss. Look at the real life inspiration of those rockets, the owner of the company that made them, and bear in mind that Nertea is Canadian.
  8. We have SpaceX capsules coming out of our ears by this point, I've always loved the more fantasy-style capsules that this mod offers. The Tethys and Nereid are great, but more distinct, original designs would be awesome!
  9. The new owners could simply use AWS for their own existing services, and so want to avoid maintaining Cloudflare and AWS, or they might have just shopped around and found a better deal with AWS. There is nothing suspect about this move.
  10. I'm taking the fact that their putting more and more tiles on the Starships as a sign that they're not seeing significant shedding during flight, so they're getting more and more confident with the design. I do still want to see their solution to tiling the cone, though.
  11. The SpaceX official livestream, this is the best view that I can make out of it.
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