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Everything posted by MinimumSky5

  1. Yes, I do have Module Manager, the only thing that could be different is that I am using the Mac version of KSP.
  2. The Kemini experiments don't seem to work, they aren't appearing in the tech tree and i can't add them into the Mk1 pod.
  3. I've seen an odd thing with the "Bonny" cockpit with the 1.1 release. The cockpit has a hatch and kerbals can EVA, but they cannot get back in! I'm not really sure why, but its causing an issue with my science surveys.
  4. I've been messing around with the Kn-225, and I've noticed two issues. The first is that plane will break up to a collider issue with the main landing gear when the gear is raised, and the second is the FAT-500 wings seem really unbalanced, the amount of manoeuvrability that the plane can get is far too high (its pulling 6g turns at 250m/s!)
  5. Sorry, I assumed that by taken down, you meant that I would only receive an address error if I tried to get to the site.
  6. Do we know why? I'm just curious as to why it was taken off, and if it can return.
  7. I'm having a strange issue with my program for a simple sounding rocket. The program is: CLEARSCREEN. PRINT "Counting down:". FROM {local countdown is 10.} UNTIL countdown = 0 STEP {SET countdown to countdown - 1.} DO { PRINT "..." + countdown. WAIT 1. } UNTIL SHIP:MAXTHRUST > 0 { WAIT 0.5. PRINT "Stage activated.". STAGE. } WHEN VERTICALSPEED < 5 { WAIT 2. STAGE. } The error message i get is that apparently, the curly brackets after < 5 are actually the Euro sign, which is impossible as that isn't even an option on my keyboard.
  8. I also like the design, but the resolution is too low to make out the names! Maybe a download link to a higher resolution version would be a good idea.
  9. Also, Astid, Tidus and Dres seem to be missing. I like the idea, but starting from Kerbin would be more intuitive for most people, or starting from Sol. This map is a little easier to make sense of.
  10. I'd much rather have a small rise in VAT to pay for my university education over my career, rather than start with £45,000 debt before my career properly starts.
  11. How big is the adaptor at the top of that thing? I'm tempted to try and get that working as a tiny sample return craft!
  12. Classical physics breaks down at singularities, so no-one can really say what happens, but he way I understand it, as the black hole already has infinite density, it will always have infinite gravity, keeping it compressed.
  13. I get the horrible feeling that this wasn't the final draft, unless these facts are -REDACTED-
  14. SO2 isn't as smelly as SH2, but it does have a very distinctive odour (Its the smell of a freshly lit match) Boranes are my favourite, as they are some very powerful acids, as well as being delightfully unstable!
  15. I grew up in the north of England, and now live in the south, and I have never heard that phrase in my life!
  16. I had to re-read the chapter twice to get that. Apparently, I'm more sleep deprived than I thought, but in my defence, I use latex more to make fossil moulds, so I forgot its other connotations!
  17. Patents aren't evil, but some of the people using the patent system are evil. Still, props to NASA for giving them away.
  18. Molecular paeleontilogists have trouble studying DNA, as DNA is a quite unstable molecule that decays after a few thousand years (in very good conditions conditions). This nucleus creating event likely happened about 1.5 to 2 billion years ago, so how can you study DNA locked inside rocks of that age? If you meant to refer to recent organisms, a better term would be molecular biologist, or molecular paeleobiologist at a push. Also, it's generally accepted that sexual reproduction evolved about 800 - 700 million years ago, so the X and Y chromosomes aren't really important in this discussion.
  19. Hence why it isn't working, that's his point. The core functionality does work for me, but I don't dare us some of the more advanced features as they are now stock features.
  20. My fairings have a significant negative cost in career mode, almost offsetting the cost of the rockets! The right click context menu displays the correct price, but the total cost is wrong. Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/girk8aishoe7y41/output_log.txt?dl=0
  21. Both of those are really the only thing that it could have been, but a flash from a satellite or debris is the most likely.
  22. Spacex are building a launchsite in Texas for that very reason.
  23. Speaking as someone who as had to study dunes last year in university, that certainly looks like a windblown feature! Pluto's atmosphere is thick enough to have haze layers, so maybe it has winds too, at perihelion.
  24. Completely up to you, some stories need them, some don't. Generally, AAR's include pictures, while other forms of writing don't from what I can tell.
  25. Darnok, planets move. Even if "Nemesis" was hidden behind another planet, in a matter of days, a combination of that planets orbital motion and parallax from the earth would reveal it. Besides, as has already been mentioned, gravitational effects are enough to disprove the hypothesis.
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