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Everything posted by Sarayakat

  1. I absolutely love this mod (especially with OPM). The new difficulty level feels perfect and the increase in scale on visuals is much more immersive than vanilla. Thank you very much for your work. EDIT: I am playing it in career mode with the changes made to contracts that someone suggested a few pages back. No probs encountered.
  2. There are some areas left blank (perhaps intentionally) in the file which is generating an error, but the log file seems to indicate that the error is some kind of bracket or space issue involving the the small solar panels. I don't know enough about it to spot more than the most obvious errors, hence my question. It was intended to be both helpful to the bug hunt and personally satisfactory as regards my own curiosity.
  3. Digging around in the forums I found this! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/123655-Having-trouble-with-solar-panels#post1983265 sounds like your solar bug.
  4. Could the problem with the Eletrical.cfg error be the blank entry next to deployAnimationname = under the fuel cell entries?
  5. I also get the solar panel bugs. Love the mod though. Can't imagine playing without it.
  6. Bug Report: The Oscar series of fuel tanks all contain 18/22 fuel regardless of size and the repurposed mono radials that are supposed to have LFO report tanks full on the rightclick menu but not inflight or through mechjeb. testing with engines confirms no fuel present. Is this known? BTW, love this mod otherwise. Thank you for it. EDIT: nevermind. stockfuelpatch. my bad...
  7. Agreed. TACLS has had a greenhouse pending since I began playing KSP.
  8. Get TAC life support and the Munseeker mod. In combination with karbonite resource mining (for oxygen and water) these will do the trick. I edited munseeker to produce a bit more food specifically so that I could build self-sustaining bases.
  9. Umm, not to nitpick, but have you ever heard of the Persian Gulf and wondered how it got its name?
  10. Just arrived at Slate via orbital probe. Beautiful view. Much science to be had. Everything working nicely afaik.
  11. Re: Quickcontracts OMG, thank you so much. Less clicking is always better. My LMB and index finger are eternally indebted to you!
  12. I would add Kerbal Alarm Clock to rynaks list. It allows you to do do more than one thing at a time by storing alarms for SOI change, burns, intercepts and more. I couldn't play without it.
  13. The camera centers on COM so that one can be known by zooming in.
  14. That is an excellent idea and I have done the same now. I had just been pondering that prob this morn but hadn't known how to adress it. Thanks for posting!
  15. I am using ATM aggressive 32 bit and having an odd problem. My boulderco/clouds textures directory weighs in at about 36Mb whilst my atm texture cache for that directory is 87MB! For example aurora.png is 1213kb but it's cache file is 10923kb. I have also noted that my skybox (via texture replacer, natch) is 16.4M and its cache is 17.3. All other compression seems to be working fine. Has anyone got any insight into this? EDIT: I tried deleting the cache and letting it rebuild, but the result was the same. EDIT2: tried editing the atm boulderco config and telling it not to compress those textures, when I changed enable to false it still cached the clouds directory. When I changed compress to false instead, ATM created 384 megs worth of files out of the original 36. Aurora.png went from 1meg to 40. I am starting to suspect that I don't know what I'm doing.
  16. Working as advertised for me so far in both auto and manual camera positioning.
  17. Same error. Rolled back for now. Thanks for the effort anyway Chris. Enjoy your vacation.
  18. Ha! That paints a funny picture. Thank You for the great mod (without which I would have been finished with Kerbal a long time ago)! Merry Christmas.
  19. I have been using it for a day or two, but I was using it without problems up till then so.... The only problem I have had with the beta ATM was a load freeze whenever ATM went to cache the coolrockets directory "cryo-2m". It may be a coolrockets issue, but it is one that seems to occur in its interactions with ATM. note: for anyone who cares, none of the coolrockets config entries referenced the #2 cryo or ice directories as far as I could see so I deleted them and the issue went away and ATM seems to cache the other two directories just fine.
  20. EDIT: That was the problem! The zip file has them separated into hullcam and firstperson directories. Thanks very much for your help.
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