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Everything posted by Tellion

  1. Lol, faster than me My RSS is still making its .obj files. Mine is for 12h though, so we complement each other I guess. The rings are configured in the KittopiaSpace/SaveLoad/Sarnus and Urlum.cfg files, just multiply the inner and outer radii by 6.4. Btw, CaptRobau, how are the resources coming along? Now that we have biomes, doing some more specific regolith configs becomes possible. Should you need more volunteers, I would be happy to lend a hand!
  2. I made a config for the outer planets mod with its new moons along with some other proposed changes and tweaks to "vanilla" 64k from this thread that I am not quite content with yet... While adjusting the orbital parameters and densities/masses wasn't too difficult, I struggle with the terrain. Is there any way to resize a planet while keeping its terrain in a similar shape? This should work nicely, with asteroid-like bodies at least. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how the 10x rescale did it until finally realizing that the bodies only looked proper in scaledspace. I have tried this suggestion here, dividing frequencies of PQSModVertexSimplexHeightAbsolute and PQSModVertexHeightNoise by 6.4 and multiplying the deformities by the same amount, both with the resized and the unresized version of Hale (gilly based) to no avail. Am I misunderstanding or missing anything? One more thing that seems to be occurring with rescaled versions of the kerbol system is that kerbol itself is visible through *some* planetary bodies from further distances or everywhere, has anyone else noticed this or knows what the causes behind it are? It really is weird when you are orbiting a gas giant and see kerbol merrily shining through it at its night side... Any ideas, as always, greatly appreciated.
  3. Still fiddling with it, I had some... misconceptions about regolith, but roverdude pointed me in the right direction so I should have something soon.
  4. Posting this as your 64th post, nice Personally I am a big fan of the stockalike configs with RF and the variety those two mods add. I like it to be somewhat harder than stock without getting into RSS territory, I mean just try to build a SSTO with some decent payload fraction in 64k* That is what makes this playstyle fun for me, that you do have to push yourself more than in stock, without outright smashing you in the face, confronting you with the difficulty and limits of a real solar system and its space programs. Maybe one day that will be the next step though, who knows *with AJE
  5. Well, air also consists of *particles* if particle encases molecules. And the thing with gasses is, planetary atmospheres do not end in reality like they do in ksp, they fade out. Thats why the ISS needs propellant and occasional burns, same goes for satellites. Over a long time, their orbits would decay (not only, but also) due to very low, but noticeable drag. That gives us the concept of scoops, and one big problem, that is: can I actually get more propellant with my scooping array than I need to stop myself from falling on the planet? For that you generally require engines with a very high specific impulse, like electrical ones. So much to what I know about the theory. Oh, and Xenon and Argon probably not in sufficient concentrations (I think) but one other element in vast abundance, Hydrogen! With a little imagination the "rule of cool" on your side, Jool turns into one large fuel depot!
  6. This must be a new record in speed or something, and I should have seen the numerical relation ._. Thanks a lot though, it was as helpful as it was quick
  7. I have a question regarding the definition of interplanetary resources. MinAltitude and MaxAltitude define the range where the resource can appear and MinRange/MaxRange define the "width" of the resource band, eg. it is somewhere between min/max altitude and has a thickness of some value between min/max range. The min and max values are put into the config as multipliers to the planetary radius, which yields the final values. Is that correct so far, or have I misunderstood something? I am trying to add a band of resources to LKO, and while they do appear, i cannot seem to get them to appear in the right height. Here is an example from the config: REGOLITH_PLANETARY_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ArgonGas ResourceType = 3 PlanetName = Kerbin Distribution { PresenceChance = 100 MinAbundance = .001 MaxAbundance = .005 MinAltitude = 1.0247 MaxAltitude = 1.03385 MinRange = .01 MaxRange = .01 } } The planetary radius is 3840000m (6.4x Kerbin), so by my understanding, the resource band should appear somewhere between ~3935km and ~3970km. Instead, it appears 1985km above sea level, so it is not quite where I want it to be. The alternative, that the value r*min/maxaltitude is instead supposed to denote the height of the resource band above sea level also does not fit the actual height of the resource band, so I am somewhat lost here. Any clues to where I am at fault are greatly appreciated
  8. Wait, it does not? Time to cook up some MM configs then... I dont understand how it would make sense though ._.
  9. I got them by letting RSS load up with the modified configs. Not knowing anything about the inner workings of the RSS, I noticed that changes made to the config files (say, some changed PQS values) dont seem to be applied when there is an .obj file from before that config change present. I actually had to delete old ones before changes would take effect. I think they have a bigger role than scaledspace if they are responsible for that at all. Need to do more digging in the RSS thread to even being grasping all of it...
  10. I can share an updated 6.4x config, but I am not quite happy with it yet (opm planets suffer from the usual resizing sickness, that is totally boring terrain) and I incorporated several other changes from other people and myself in there. Since I just started looking at config files three days ago, a lot of this is copypasta. // Includes Kerbin PQS adjustments and tweaks to KSC's position by NonWonderDog as well as modifications to // the terrain of the mun and terrain, radius and densities of Minmus, Gilly and Bop by Eudae55. // Minmus changed to 3.2x stock size, Gilly and Bop reverted to stock size, densities kept to the values from // after the rescale. // The celestial Bodies added by the Outer Planets Mod by CaptRobau and Eudea55 had their radii and semi major axes // increased by 6.4, with the gas giants Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon having their densities modeled after those of // Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. The density of Ovok was changed to resemble that of ice; all remaining bodies have // densities in line with unchanged surface gravitation and upscaled radius/mass. It is mostly working, but still has several smaller issues that bug me. Apart from the terrain, Kerbol seems to be visible through resized gas giants, Sarnus has a sort of "halo" around it that looks quite bad from certain perspectives and cuts the rings off before the planet begins, and at last, it turned out quite heavy having its density based on Jupiter (sounded like a good idea while doing the maths ). Not sure what you think about 30km/s dV escape velocity out of the sarnus system... With that, you might be going in, but unless you brought a Factory and some ISRU equipment with you, you stay there What does work, and what does not: Now, I do not have alot of experience with digging around in configs yet, so I am bound to have made mistakes somewhere - keep that in mind, because things might break. Also, if anyone knows what PQSmods and parameters are needed to resize planets while keeping their terrain and shape the same, please be so kind to enlighten me There are 4 configs in total, one for RSS, one for Kopernicus and two for Kittopia, along with the .obj files RSS creates in its initial run. I included those so you wont have to wait for 20 minutes at first load, and because old .obj files might cause RSS to not implement new changes. Copy into contents of GameData into your GameData folder (duh!) and overwrite when asked. If you find anything I screwed up or have any other suggestions, tell me! Download
  11. @rkman If you really want, there is this, but I recommend instead to keep trying with this mod, you will not regret it. With RF and stockalike configs you will still have plenty of challenge, but it will get a little easier and much more varied. It is not RSS or 10x stock size (I think it neither wants nor needs to be that), but its highly enjoyable. Apart from installing mods that make rockets more efficient or installing FAR/NEAR (you got that one already), you can take a look at the RSS spacecraft thread if you want inspiration for your craft designs. As Shania_L pointed already out, bigger is not always better, and the ridiculous designs seen in stock ksp will not necessarily help you as much here
  12. Stock parts are much weaker than their real life counterparts in terms of performance which is fine for the stock sized system but not for 64k. Check out Stockalike RF Engine Configs with RealFuels, that should help
  13. What happens when some values are not specified, for example mass, while specifying corresponding ones like geeASL and radius? Also what happens when I specify a mass that is incompatible with the other two? Do some values get calculated from other ones, and if yes, which ones take precedence in case of conflicting ones? I am trying myself at a modified config for 64k and Outer Planets Mod and would love to know what happens when I screw up Any help is greatly appreciated!
  14. Cool thing about Regolith is, you can easily define resources yourself, just read through the configs that are already in the mod to get a grip on it. As someone using NFP as well, adding for example Hydrogen to the atmospheres of gas giants is a great thing to do I think the air scoop only works within atmospheres, for collecting smaller amounts of resources from orbit, look into the particle collector.
  15. @NonWonderDog Great work! I did not do any long flights on kerbin so far, but for the first time in quite a while I actually said "wow, thats pretty" on kerbin
  16. I have had my own go at the gorgeous nuclear engines from porkjet and came out with this: @PART[nuclearEngineLANTR]:NEEDS[AtomicAge]:FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] { @title = LANTERN Enigne @description = A new, more compact Nuclear Thermal Rocket design that comes with a small penalty in efficiency and a not-so-small penalty in weight. Hot Feature: LOX-Augmented mode - Oxidizer is injected directly into the nozzle where it violently reacts with the superheated plasma exhaust and causes a massive increase in thrust, at the cost of a lower ISP. Now features inbuilt generator, allowing to market it as "trimodal" to undiscerning Space Programs. @mass = 6.1 @MODULE[MultiModeEngine] { @primaryEngineID = LqdHydrogen @secondaryEngineID = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX*]:HAS[#engineID[Regular]] { @engineID = LqdHydrogen @minThrust = 0 @maxThrust = 900 !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {} !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {} !PROPELLANT[Kerosene] {} PROPELLANT { name = LqdHydrogen ratio = 1 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = U235Rods ratio = 0.00000000001 } !atmosphereCurve{} atmosphereCurve { key,0 = 0 1025 key,1 = 1 460 } } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX*]:HAS[#engineID[Afterburner]] { @engineID = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen @minThrust = 0 @maxThrust = 300 !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {} !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {} PROPELLANT { name = LqdHydrogen ratio = 16.10444601270289 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = LqdOxygen ratio = 3.0 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = U235Rods ratio = 0.00000000001 } !atmosphereCurve {} atmosphereCurve { key = 0 700 key = 1 322 } } RESOURCE { name = U235Rods amount = 5 maxAmount = 5 } RESOURCE { name = DepU235Rods amount = 0 maxAmount = 5 } !MODULE[ModuleAlternator] MODULE { name = ModuleAlternator OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = U235Rods rate = -0.0000000005 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = DepU235Rods rate = 0.0000000005 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 3.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator //resourceThreshold = 0 isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.5 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = DepU235Rods rate = 0.0000000005 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = U235Rods rate = 0.0000000005 } } } @PART[nuclearEngineLightbulb] { @mass = 30 @cost = 450000 @heatProduction = 500 @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { @maxThrust = 900 !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {} !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {} PROPELLANT { name = LqdHydrogen ratio = 1 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = U235Rods ratio = 0.00000000001 } @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 1500 @key,1 = 1 800 } } RESOURCE { name = U235Rods amount = 25 maxAmount = 25 } RESOURCE { name = DepU235Rods amount = 0 maxAmount = 25 } !MODULE[ModuleAlternator] MODULE { name = ModuleAlternator OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = U235Rods rate = -0.0000000005 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = DepU235Rods rate = 0.0000000005 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 25 } } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator //resourceThreshold = 0 isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 3 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = DepU235Rods rate = 0.0000000005 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = U235Rods rate = 0.0000000005 } } @MODULE[ModuleGimbal] { @gimbalRange = 0.5 } } The LANTERN config is pretty much a copy of the trimodal ntr config already included in this pack, with both being pretty much the same (compared against techlevel 8) in actual performance. I did not want to loose the effects porkjet had made, so I merely modified the modules already in the part config. Not the usual GUI, but it can be used nicely with RealFuels, with both LqdHydrogen and LqdHydrogen/LqdOxygen. Btw, I noticed that the performance of the trimodal NTR is massive, coming out with about 900kN of thrust, an Isp of 700s and a weight of ~6t at techlevel 8... There is a threefold increase in thrust between levels 5 and 8, I am not sure if this is intended like that... I also tweaked the Lightbulb (can you imagine a cooler name for an engine than "nuclear lightbulb"? I cant ) engine to use liquid hydrogen and made quite a few other changes to it since it would have performed significantly worse than the trimodal ntr, which is unreasonable since it is much more advanced/powerful technology. Specifically, it now has a thrust of 900kN, kept the Isp of 1500 in vacuum and a has weight of 30 tons, costing as little as 450k. The U235Rods resource was added (I did not want to create a U235 "gas" resource^^) along with a small power generator and, at last, gimbal range tweaked to 0.5 from 7 since 7 looked really violent and a reactor of this type would in all likelihood never survive that, along with the unfortunately attached crew. I have done this mostly by feeling, so if anyone has any suggestions or wants to change it in any way, feel absolutely free to do so. Also, I noticed that a nifty RCS/OMS combo engine from the Space Y pack didn't make it in here, so I tried to make my own config for them. Based mostly on the modifications done to the stock monoprop thruster and stock rcs, does anyone have any idea whether you can tie Fuel types for RCS and Engine together (so that one selection covers both)? Additionally, I must have overlooked something with the RCS setup, since barely any emission effects are visible for the rcs thrusters... Config here: @PART[sYoms1]:FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] //SpaceY OMS/RCS Hybrid Engine { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 60 @heatProduction = 95 @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 300 @key,1 = 1 200 } !PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {} PROPELLANT { name = Hydrazine ratio = 100 DrawGauge = True } } MODULE { name = ModuleEngineConfigs type = ModuleEngines techLevel = 5 origTechlevel = 5 engineType = O origMass = 0.25 configuration = Hydrazine modded = false CONFIG { name = Aerozine50+NTO maxThrust = 65 heatProduction = 95 PROPELLANT { name = Aerozine50 ratio = 0.5017301 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = NTO ratio = 0.4982699 DrawGauge = True } IspSL = 0.96 IspV = 0.95 throttle = 0 } CONFIG { name = MMH+NTO maxThrust = 65 heatProduction = 95 PROPELLANT { name = MMH ratio = 49.620149 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = NTO ratio = 50.379851 DrawGauge = True } IspSL = 0.96 IspV = 0.95 throttle = 0 } CONFIG { name = Hydrazine maxThrust = 65 heatProduction = 95 PROPELLANT { name = Hydrazine ratio = 1 DrawGauge = True } IspSL = 0.274 IspV = 0.72 throttle = 0 } } @MODULE[ModuleRCS*] { @name = ModuleRCSFX @thrusterPower = 5 !resourceName = DELETE @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 280 @key,1 = 1 200 } !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {} !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {} !PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {} PROPELLANT { name = Hydrazine ratio = 1 } } MODULE { name = ModuleEngineConfigs type = ModuleRCSFX techLevel = 5 origTechLevel = 5 engineType = L configuration = Hydrazine modded = false CONFIG { name = Aerozine50+NTO thrusterPower = 5 PROPELLANT { name = Aerozine50 ratio = 0.48657718 } PROPELLANT { name = NTO ratio = 0.51342282 } IspSL = 0.403 IspV = 0.955 } CONFIG { name = MMH+NTO thrusterPower = 5 PROPELLANT { name = MMH ratio = 0.51135562 } PROPELLANT { name = NTO ratio = 0.48864438 } IspSL = 0.4 IspV = 0.952 } CONFIG { name = Hydrazine thrusterPower = 4 PROPELLANT { name = Hydrazine ratio = 1 } IspSL = 0.23 IspV = 0.72 } } } Whew, that was a lot, thanks for reading
  17. Well, the B9_sabre.cfg in GameData/AJE does have an entry for RSS, modifying closed cycle thrust to 1350kN from 740 in the original part.cfg, so I am not sure whether thrust in air breathing mode is now deserving of a buff or not... I have no idea.
  18. Thanks for the replies, they were very helpful! As for why I am curious about buffing them, their initial TWR in air breathing mode is around 4 per engine with a thrust of ~425kN and an Isp of 4000s, coming down from 20000 at engine start (the engine+precooler+intake assembly weighs about 10 tons without any propellant). Playing a 6.4x rescale install, anything that can even remotely dream of having the label "SSTO" on it will not make it off the runway by far, which is also due to the runway being a bit to short for the task at hand, but I digress... I also found a document by R.E.L stating that the thrust of a sabre in air breathing mode is estimated to be between 0.8 and 2 mN, which did at first give me confidence in the idea... After some more reading i am slowly arriving at the conclusion that I may have been a little shortsighted and need to do even more reading.
  19. I cannot seem to find an "acore" value in B9_Sabre.cfg. This @PART[b9_Engine_SABRE_*]:FOR[AJE]:NEEDS[RealFuels]{ @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],* { @heatProduction = 225 } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],0 { @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name = LqdHydrogen @ratio = 1 @DrawGauge = True } !PROPELLANT[intakeAir]{} } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],1 { @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name = LqdHydrogen @ratio = 0.73 @DrawGauge = True } @PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] { @name = LqdOxygen @ratio = 0.27 %DrawGauge = True } } } @PART[b9_Engine_SABRE_S]:FOR[AJE] { @title = SABRE S MODULE { name = AJEModule Area = 0.6 BPR = 0 CPR = 12 FPR = 0 Mdes = 1 Tdes = 280 eta_c = 0.95 eta_t = 0.98 eta_n = 0.9 FHV =92000000 TIT = 900 TAB = 3800 exhaustMixer = True maxThrust = 400 maxT3 = 2000 } } @PART[b9_Engine_SABRE_M]:FOR[AJE] { @title = SABRE M MODULE { name = AJEModule Area = 2.4 BPR = 0 CPR = 12 FPR = 0 Mdes = 1 Tdes = 280 eta_c = 0.95 eta_t = 0.98 eta_n = 0.9 FHV = 92000000 TIT = 900 TAB = 3800 exhaustMixer = True maxThrust = 400 maxT3 = 2000 } } @PART[b9_Engine_SABRE_M]:FOR[AJE]:NEEDS[RealSolarSystem] { @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],1 { @maxThrust = 1350 } } is the relevant section.
  20. Suppose I want to buff the thrust of the AJE modified Sabres, would editing it (and it only) in the config file mess with AJE's function or would it be fine?
  21. Now this might possibly be totally off, but you havent all started the game through steam by any chance? Because this happens to me too, but *only* when starting through steam, as soon as I do it from KSP's directory, it is gone.
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