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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. Did you try direct burn or orbital when not getting the ship back to Kerbin because or fuel?
  2. The rocks furthest away from the rocket look about the same size as the ones closest. That presumably means that the crater is small.
  3. Its so cool that I\'m designing a cannon specifically to fire fridges at it. The Irony Gun - AMLPR\'s newest defence.
  4. The Delta Spear is VA\'s most recent all-purpose medium range aircraft. And we really do mean all-purpose. This vehicle has twin C7 A12 gimballing engines, providing the power and the maneuvreability. It has reasonable turnaround time for a craft of its size. It can crash land in water, although this will seriously damage it. Its undercarriage features C7 retractable wheels fitted to C7 skids, for maximum ground clearence but minimum drag. It is advised to fit drogue parachutes, as C7 landing gear is a pain to stop with. We suggest pulling the gear up when the vehicle is moving under 5 m/s. The aircraft should then come to a complete stop. The aircraft comes complete with navigation lights - to prevent other aircraft from colliding with it. We suggest not using this function when in a combat scenario. [it should be noted that this aircraft has difficulty in pitching up when engines are off. Attempt a landing before running out of fuel if at all possible.] As stated, the Delta Spear is an all purpose aircraft. It can be fitted with weapons, bombs, carry passengers and cargo, or act as a mobile research station. Below are some images taken of VA\'s own Delta Spear Polar Refit. Note the communications array and scientific equiment mounted on the forward landing gear pods. Flight over the pole Sunrise in the North After landing - The pilots enjoy their view ============================================== MODS -C7 -C7 Experimental [up to date if possible] -C7 Landing Gear Plugin -NovaSilisko Horizontal Stack Decoupler 808 -NovaSilisko ML-22 Landing Leg Alternate -RPGprayer\'s Navigation Lights Plugin POLAR REFIT -NovaSilisko\'s Probodobodyne kit -NovaSilisko\'s CMM-96 Surplus Booster -NovaSilisko\'s AA-BB Linear Decoupling Strut ============================================== DELTA SPEAR DOWNLOAD LINK http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/327612/Delta_Spear.craft DELTA SPEAR POLAR REFIT DOWNLOAD LINK http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/327613/Delta_Spear_Polar_Refit.craft ============================================== (Also, anyone know why my edit page doesn\'t have any tools or the attachments function?)
  5. In the book [and the movie] they had to dig down to get to the Monolith. Also, in the book it said that the first set of Monoliths [that the homonids saw] were crystal, not solid black like in the film.
  6. Funny. I\'m a Master Rocket Scientist on the forum, but in real life I\'m a bottle rocketeer. My rocket, Kraken II, can go pretty high. I had a secondary nosecone for it at one time but I\'m not sure where that went.
  7. The largest thing I have ever put into orbit. Nose-on view of the StarHab. Side-on view The StarHab carries approximately 45 people under moderately nice conditions. Its habitation modules are arranged as collumns of three under tri-couplers arranged in a triangle around the engineering section. The fuel tanks and their adaptors have been converted into wet workshop habitation areas. Power is provided by a nuclear reactor built from a NERVA engine, which is mounted underneath the engineering section. Emergency power is provided by three converted communications satellites. The engineering section is comprised of three SCIENCE modules. There is a crew of three, though the station is fully automated. The command pod can be jettisoned to reveal a docking port for rescue vessels in case of extreme failure.
  8. Wasn\'t there a suggestions forum?
  9. Cat. To be precise, a Feline Genetically Engineered Life Form. Date Of Birth October 19th 2633, developed on Terran colony Orca-5. The TTK series of GELF [that\'s domestic Felines, of which Felix is a member] comes with no Safeguards. Caution is advised when approaching one.
  10. Vertically. Though I did try jettisoning the SMA and landing with RCS. However, the lander wasn\'t level, and rolled over.
  11. I think this is the most intact that I\'ve managed to crash it. Though it has ruled out all possibility of landing the SMA. I took it down at 2 m/s. It bounced slightly, before toppling over.
  13. Maybe you can\'t use Imgur. Just imagine an APC in orbit.
  14. Its getting better. Next time I jettison the SMA about thirty seconds before landing, and use the RCS to land.
  15. Seriously, I think with some extra RCS ports, it could make it.
  16. I was so close to landing it. But its such a heavy ship - there\'s no fine control.
  17. Swapped out the lower stages for the same setup as the Spinoff, and this works much better. Now in orbit with the majority of Space Maneuvering Assembley fuel remaining. ITS AN APC IN SPACE.
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