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Everything posted by ioresult

  1. Payed a little visit to a beach far far away. https://imgur.com/gallery/2IrfjWv
  2. Went through Dres's surface and almost got spaghettified by the singularity in the center. My rover survived whipping around the singularity at a distance of 3km.
  3. Since Dres has rings and a cool equator mountain range like Iapetus, my very first rocket I launched was transporting a rover there. -The mission planner was very good for telling me the amount of delta-v needed to land on Dres, thanks. -Couldn't figure out how to push a manoeuvre node further than the current orbit. Not too bad, it just took me 7 years to get an encounter. -Lost contact with my probe on route, couldn't figure out the range of antennaes. (deactivated that option, had to reload a quicksave for it to take effect) -The rings are simple lines with no depth and no collisions like we see in the latest trailer. -The rings are at zero degrees tilt, so they appear very dark up close. -Dres's surface doesn't have collisions. My lander went through the surface at 2m/s and then I decided to let the singularity whip me around a few minutes later. I'll be watching the updates to see when Dres's surface gets solid.
  4. Hello, I have a bug with Tac-ls and SSPX greenhouses running in background. When I turn on the greenhouse and go back to the KSC, the food depletes 60x the normal speed. One minute of food disappears each second. If the greenhouse is turned off, then the food goes down at the right pace. When I have the greenhouse loaded, then the food doesn't even deplete. Just the water and minerals very slowly. I have three kerbonauts inside a greenhouse capable of sustaining about 3.2 kerbals so everything is balanced nicely. Except when the greenhouse is unloaded. Then food depletes 60x the speed when greenhouse is turned off even though it's on. To reproduce: started a normal difficulty sandbox game with SSPX, TAC-LS (with dependencies) and Module Manager and nothing else. Slapped a 3 people capsule to the PXL-R4NCH-3R greenhouse with batteries, gigantors and a couple hex cans of supplies, teleported the thing to a 1000km orbit and let run. That's all. Very easy to reproduce. To stop the food madness, I need to cut off background processing completely. Both in the BackgroundResources and TAC-LS mods. Can you look into it @JPLRepo? Thanks. PS: I don't see the need for logs, it's very easy to reproduce.
  5. URL http://ksp.spacetux.net/avc/X-Science says current version is but on github, it stops at What's going on?
  6. Hello Maja, I'm using the optional Decaying RTG in Near Future Electrical. It replaces the "ModuleGenerator" module for RTGs with its own module named "ModuleRadioisotopeGenerator". Could you possibly also support this module? It would make it more realistic. For now, I'll disable the decaying RTG. The file responsible can be found in the Near Future Electrical zip download under "Extras\DecayingRTGs". For RO users, I don't know the patch in RO but just do a text search in all .cfg files for someting like this: !MODULE[ModuleGenerator] {} I beleive that's the patch that disables the default electical generator that Bon Voyage looks for to determine the amount of power available for a rover/ship.
  7. [Off topic] Hey congrats, man! I've been playing KSP since my kids were babies still (2014)! I love your mods, get some sleep when you can!
  8. On 1.9.1 here with RSS, KIS, KAS. I have a base on Mars with KIS parts connecting the modules together. On scene load, my base jumped in he air and landed on the side and destroyed my Near Future nuke reactor. This mod saved my base, thanks!
  9. Woohoo! That was the last mod I needed to move my game from 1.8 to 1.9!
  10. I'm not sure that this contract pack is compatible with 1.9, since Contract Configurator doesn't work in 1.9. @nightingale seems to confirm this here: No word since.
  11. Kerbals are little green Von Neumann probes in and of themselves.
  12. I need to make a correction here: Wrong. The exhaust plume, if a result of hydrocarbon or hydrogen combustion, already contains a lot of moisture. We see cloud-like trails when the exhaust gas cools down and the moisture condenses. If the atmosphere is very dry, then the moisture won't be able to condense because the dry air will dissolve the moisture and the trail will disappear. If the atmosphere is already humid, then the exhaust moisture will saturate the air and that is when condensation happens and we see a trail. Attaching the picture of a plane contrail passing through a patch of drier air (I seem to recall rockets plumes doing the same but can't find pictures for now). Wow look at this: Source: https://contrailscience.com/why-do-some-planes-leave-long-trails-but-others-dont/
  13. Oh wow, I haven't thought of that! I agree!
  14. Just saw it. Brad Pitt in the role of Jeb Kerman. Steely eyed missile man. Some spoilers. -Jumping over crater edge in rover going super fast on the moon and somewhat landing on all four wheels and regaining control. The huge number of quickloads it took me to make it happen is not even funny. -Taking manual control of a rocket landing on Mars at interplanetary speeds after magic gamma ray burst EMP shuts down auto-landing sequence. Landing precisely on the pad. -Climbing on a launching rocket, entering the airlock while said rocket is staging, all crew accidently killed trying to fight him. He taking control of the rocket as if nothing happened and getting the rocket to the exact trajectory to aim for Neptune. Nice. -Using radar bar circular motion to launch himself to another ship through Neptune's rings using a piece of the radar as shield from ring particles. Using his own sense of "situational awareness" to gauge delta-v change to accurately intercept his ship which he couldn't even see before launching himself. Using his suit's cold gas jets to correct his trajectory as needed. Catching ladder rungs at high relative velocity. -Using antimatter anihilation reaction to get enough delta-v to go back to Earth from Neptune. And surviving Earth atmosphere reentry at full interplanetary velocity and not even wincing from high G load. If that's not a "badS = True" character, then who is.
  15. I had to look at my calendar to make sure it wasn't April first. I couldn't believe it. Please make it be real. I'm dreaming here: I would like stock: no clear atmosphere limits, background station keeping, orbit decay and lagrange points! Difficulty levels: life support optional. Fuel settling with ullage motors an option. Realistic engines optional (difficulty settings for minimum throttling, number of restarts). Realistic fuels in option. Parametric engine design and type (gas generator, pressure fed, staged combustion, etc). Closed loop maintenance system for colonies à la Umbra Space Industries with complexity levels in option.
  16. I made my own one-third size RSS starting from full size RSS and down-scaling by one third using Rescale! It works fine in 1.7.0. I'm just waiting for Kopernicus to catch up to 1.7.2.
  17. I've had the same problems, but: 1-Connected living space has an option that disables it on the fly so you can move your kerbals anywhere in the station without regards to parts connected or not. 2-In the CLS config, you can activate optional VAB PAW buttons with which you can activate "surface passable" or something. Haven't tested that option yet. Will do soon. 3-No need for Hyper Edit when you have the built-in alt-f12 cheat that lets you put anything in orbit from the launch pad.
  18. NEVER MIND! I was confused about the 30 degrees part. No I haven't even unlocked this part yet. So it was probably a random kraken glitch that exploded my station and after editing that part it didn't happen. I mismatched the name. I thought the hub was the PTD-6 Star module. Sorry about the confusion. Never mind. Move along, nothing to see here.
  19. Still, I reverted the following line from sspx-hub-125-1.cfg: node_stack_top03 = -0.214, -0.1448, 0, -0.5, 0.86602540378, 0, 1 to its previous state: node_stack_top03 = -0.1448, -0.2106, 0, -0.5, 0.86602540378, 0, 1 And lo and behold, my station doesn't explode on loading anymore.
  20. Unzip under GameData\UnTiersRSS (means one third RSS in French) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_j9EVxAqiGugb_Stvr8lUkR8FOCHUJe_/view?usp=sharing I have to warn you, a lot of it has been taken directly from SSRSS configurations. I'm still tangled with some visual data from SSRSS. So you better download that mod and copy the visuals directory inside UnTiersRSS so you won't miss some clouds and textures. I've stopped tweaking my config when I decided it was "good enough". I want to spend my nights playing, not tweaking configs dammit! You also need Rescale! and its dependencies. Scatterer, RSS, RSSVE, EVE. It works with RSSExpansion too. I'm also using SMURFF with the following SMURFFCONFIG (I should use a patch...) : tanklever = 0.5 enginelever = 0.5 podlever = 0.5 I think I went and got some SMURFF configs directly from the dev directory in github, because there has been some good tweaks that haven't been released yet. Anyway, it took me about a month to get it to work for me. Good luck. Ah as for parts, I use Restock, Restock+, most of Nertea's NearFuture stuff and his FarFuture parts, SSPXr, Snark's Missing History, JX2Antenna, USI Konstruction and LS, Scansat, SmartParts, ResearchBodies, Tarsier Space Telescope, Strategia and more. I have 95 folders in my GameData directory. It's a mess but it works!
  21. Hey @Nertea, could this explain why my little space station explodes on loading? I have this part and since I updated the mod, I can't load my station. F3 only gives me a couple items colliding together (like a docking port and an adapter, not the Utility module) and there are only a couple of floating debris left (a probe core and a Spark engine last time I tried). And 4 MIA Kerbals. I think I stuck airlocks, radial access tubes and a KIS crate to this particular module (from memory, I'm currently at work, hardly working). Also a 1.25 Station Core and a 1.25 Hab on each node. I'll try reverting this part in my game tonight see if it works.
  22. Good to know. I'm playing with my own RSS Rescale to one third (or 3.33 times original Kerbin) and discovered by trial and error that to reach orbit the dV requirement is a bit less than twice. SQRT(3.33) is 1.82. Not too bad. I love RSS One Third! Next on my roadmap: Galileo 6.4!
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