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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. I couldn't reproduce this. Contract Configurator doesn't do anything special with the completion messages - that's all stock KSP.
  2. 53. Calling "the Sun" Kerbol.
  3. Heh, golf is the reason I called the mod Kerbal Sports and not Kerbal Fishing. No real ETA on that though... maybe April 1, 2017?
  4. 27. Attempting to reply to big threads on mobile.
  5. Hi, I'm nightingale. Some of you may know me (I make a couple of mods...). If you don't, then there's a good chance that means you don't play career in KSP - which is what most of my mods deal with. I started modding back in 0.24 because career mode just wasn't quite what I wanted it to be and creating contracts was way more difficult that I thought it should be (hence the creation of Contract Configurator). I've always had lots and lots of plans for what I want to do mod into KSP, most of which just bounce around in my head. I wanted a place to document and share some of those plans with you (and in some cases, give you guys the chance to influence the direction of stuff). Sort of along the same lines as what I was doing while Strategia was in development, but on a bigger scale. First, a Word From Our Sponsors Before I get into the fun stuff, I need to talk a little bit about Patreon. I'm on Patron! Really, there isn't much to say about that isn't already said on my Patreon page, so go visit there, and have a read through it (even if you're not interested in contributing): Planned Modding Work So here's my current high level plan for what I'm going to build in order of priority. Of course, these priorities will change at a whim. Contract Configurator: Contract Generation & Mission Control overhaul Currently Secret Contract Pack Science System Overhaul Mod Story Based Contract Pack Kerbal Golf That's all for now! Make sure to follow this thread, as I'll be providing updates to the items above as I'm working on them.
  6. Good catch, fixed that for the next release.
  7. Yeah, best bet in that situation is KSP-AVC, as it'll tell you on the main menu what's out of date (so you don't need to load up the save). Of course CKAN can tell you before you load up the game, but it can take a bit longer to get updated.
  8. If I had to take guess, I'd say you loaded up 1.12.x in KSP 1.1.3 - I could see that causing the type of issue you described.
  9. Sometimes it can be a bit sketchy - have you tried cycling through the 4 commsats (switching between them while in flight)?
  10. I think I know what it is - it's because of the way @inigma set up the contracts with the vessel tracking. I'm willing to bet that it's tracking some old vessel (maybe one that doesn't exist any more). I'd suggest cancelling and re-accepting the contract. Let me know if that fixes it.
  11. @Filigan - The contracts from @inigma tend to have lots and lots of components to it - so you'll need to read over it carefully that your vessel is meeting all the other parameters before the altitude stuff gets checked off. At a high level, it'll only fire off for a sounding rocket, which needs the launch stick, sounding rocket core and a specific sounding rocket motor. EDIT - As for the historic mission contracts... I'd have to know which contract that is causing the issue (and possibly a screenshot of the contracts app). As far as I can tell there's no issues related to Contract Configurator in the log.
  12. Some code here from Contract Configurator: int level = (int)Math.Round(ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevel(facility) * ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevelCount(facility)) + 1; return level == 0 && contract != null && contract.ContractState == Contracts.Contract.State.Active || level >= minLevel && level <= maxLevel; Note that level is between 1 and 3 inclusive. I forget why it checks for level == 0 - it might be in some scenes the ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities isn't loaded and so it always returns zero, so make sure to test it in all scenes you need it in.
  13. Contract Configurator should be fairly low impact if you have no contract packs - so you can install it to get Wider Contracts App. Then maybe just one little contract pack? Or twelve?
  14. Nothing that I am aware of. Can you post a log from when you expected to get the bonus, and a save file from before and after?
  15. You can erase the Module Manager file that disable the stock strategies (GameData/Strategia/StockStrategyDisabler.cfg). You might be able to write a Module Manager config to stop them from working, but that's just too much Module Manager for me. To Boldly Go and the program strategies are the main money-makers. I didn't want the instant strategies as being able to to just change one currency to another isn't the gameplay I was looking for. However, Strategia doesn't really give a better option here, other than failing. But hey, like they say over in Dwarf Fortress, failing is fun, right?
  16. Still need a log to help here - start game, get errors, close game, send log - those are the only steps needed. If you need more, please check out this thread: I have no idea - this shouldn't happen. What version were you upgrading from/to?
  17. I'm working on something for Contract Configurator that will hopefully make this a thing of the past (ie, you'll be able to get the contract you're looking for). In the meantime, the only suggestion I have is to spam the decline button.
  18. Don't think it's possible without me implementing some new special methods. Raise an enhancement if this is something you'd like to see, although the implementation of the Where() method is a bit ugly, so I'm not too keen on making other similar methods like Select() or Max() (although I can definitely see some cases where it would be nice). I'd need to see a log. Sounds like some stuff in the save got messed up somehow. Actually, seeing the save would probably be good here too.
  19. MM does have a cache, but it's pretty good about detecting changes. I'd need to see the full log to be able to say much else on this one.
  20. More than likely module manager think that StationScience is installed, but it really isn't. I've heard of CKAN leaving directories behind - perhaps you installed/uninstalled via CKAN and the directory is still there? You can't use invertRequirement, because it's for parameters. You could do it like this though: PARAMETER { type = Not title = Be far away hideChildren = true PARAMETER { type = Rendezvous ... } }
  21. Well nothing useful relating to the strategy in that log. Although you should upgrade to the 1.1.3 compatible Waypoint Manager - the old version you're on is log-spamming like crazy.
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