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Everything posted by MaverickSawyer

  1. Finally, after many launches, rendezvous, dockings, EVAs, and fuel transfers... Terminal High Acceleration Asteroid Deflection, mission #1, is ready for departure. The target asteroid will arrive in Kerbin's SoI in a few more days, so I have plenty of time for last minute "Ooops, forgot X!" launches.
  2. You... do realize Kerbals have personal parachutes now, right? No need to futz about with the Mk. 16 'chute on ultralight builds anymore.. just bail out of the seat and hit "P", and BAM, steerable parachute.
  3. Launched the first interplanetary mission of this save: 316 days until arrival at Duna. (Yes, I launched very early. Deal with it. )
  4. Okay, the new Delta-K engine plumes.... @JadeOfMaar, you're a GOD. And, miracle of miracles, my computer actually was running real time during the burn, which is saying something!
  5. Having handled that exact LR-91 engine, I can say with absolute certainty that they're both -11s that were built for Titan IVs, but never got assigned to a flight vehicle. They're from the collection at the Aerospace Museum of California.
  6. I'm going to have to agree with Genovast here... I've almost always used a pusher configuration when going asteroid wrangling... Figure 1: Solar electric asteroid tug performing a burn Figure 2.1: Nuclear electric asteroid tug orienting for burn Figure 2.2: Nuclear electric asteroid tug performing a burn The other option, which I've personally never attempted, is to use either a long standoff truss or KAS winches and "tow" the asteroid behind your ship. I'm sure, however, that it'd be a truly epic sight to behold.
  7. Given the lack of updates from the OP, not likely. Still holding out hope, but... *shrugs*
  8. Yeah, the -5 and later LR-91s had that odd external shape due to the ablative skirt needing extra material thickness. I'm going through my copy of Chuck Penson's "The Titan II Handbook" (ISBN 978-0-615-21241-8, if anyone is interested in tracking down their own copy), and it shows a slightly different view than your first pic, but it's largely the same. There's also an accompanying photo in the Handbook which backs up the drawings and does show that "goblet" shape.
  9. I'm not worried about altitude starts... that's easy enough and well understood. I'm talking about running an engine semi-efficiently at atmospheric pressures greater than sea level, such as on Venus IRL, or on Eve in KSP.
  10. But, if as in my example, you have a higher ambient pressure and you raise the chamber pressure to achieve the same pressure differential as you would on Earth, would that resolve the nozzle issues? And it'd be easy enough to handle the lower ambient pressure as you climb... You monitor ambient pressure and regulate chamber pressure to maintain a given pressure differential until a set point. It's kinda the reverse of an airliner cabin pressurization system.
  11. Had an interesting thought in the shower the other day... Are turbopumps designed for a particular absolute outlet pressure, or a particular gauge pressure? I.E. If you raise the inlet pressure from 1.2 atmospheres to, say, 5.2 atmospheres (for an engine on Eve, for example), would the turbopump output the same pressure as it would at 1.2 atmospheres, or would it output normal pressure plus 4 atmospheres? I hope that makes sense to everyone else... I'm kinda tired and I JUST remembered this and wanted to ask.
  12. It does eliminate the alternate launch site options, though, which, even though I seldom use that function, is nice to have.
  13. Wait... I thought it was already running both stations? This changes everything. *dashes off to the launchpad* EDIT: Okay, that is officially amazing. Please rescind my previous complaints.
  14. Took the resource transfer hoses out for a spin recently... Gotta admit, the functionality is MUCH needed, and I love it to bits. However. The restriction of 20 units of resource/second is reasonable for a single spool... but could it be a stackable flow rate? I.E., using two hoses raises the rate to 40u/second, or allows the flow of two resources at once?
  15. Nice! Love the return of the little RTG NTR... Onne question, though... are you responsible for any MM patches to add additional functions to parts (i.e. switching the NTRs to run on LH2 from Cryo Engines instead of LF), or is that something I should take up with the maker of the mod whose functionality I wish to add (i.e., Nertea for my example above)?
  16. Okay, got a great one for y'all, in celebration of this being picked as Thread of the Year for 2018... I've always loved Tweakable Everything, as it allows me to do things like throttle back the EVA pack thrusters on the fly for precise handling while in space, set my docking ports to have almost no "magnetic" pull and no ejection force, fine tune the reaction wheel strength, stuff like that. Absolute godsend. Well, 1.6.0 rolls around, and I decided to thin out the more memory and storage space intensive mods in favor of a simpler, more streamlined install. Clean everything except for the Squad and SquadExpansion folders out of GameData, update the game, start installing stuff, and, well, Tweakable Everything... wasn't. Matter of fact, It was causing all sorts of grief. I found this odd, due to the fact that pretty much every other plugin wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. I finally dug into the log files to find out what the heck was happening... I'd completely forgotten to put in the dependency. God I hate moments like that.
  17. Okay, I am officially an idiot. Yes, having the required dependency fixes every. damn. issue. I was having. You may mercilessly mock me now.
  18. Hokay, finally got home, loaded back in the subject .dll's, and have run a load and followed the steps I found triggered the issue last time. A detailed review of the log reveals a missing dependency (ToadicusToolsContinued), so I'm going to try it again with the dependency installed and see if that clears things up. It still doesn't explain why it's only NOW throwing a fit and breaking the game, so.... Hopefully things get improved? Duno. we'll see in a bit once I get the game loaded properly again.
  19. Ahhh, rescue contracts. Word of advice for the RCS... RCSBuildAid is a LIFESAVER. EVA manuevering is... an acquired skill. It'll get easier with time. Though I still think that there should be a stock thrust limiter available, so you can really throttle back the RCS when on orbit for precision, but still open it up all the way for the Mun or those awkward moments when you forget a ladder on your Duna lander.
  20. Okay, having given this some thought, I recall having nearly, or even exactly, identical issues with the transition from 1.4.5 to 1.5.0... Was that just a recompile against the new version of KSP? If it was, dollars to donuts that's our fix.
  21. I reinstalled the game numerous times trying to get MH 1.6.0 to install properly, and the NRE spam ended after I removed the offending .dll's. Like I said last night, I'll be grabbing a log file later, after I get home from work. Hopefully that'll shed some light on the source of the issues. @linuxgurugamer, do you want the entire log, or just excerpts of the NREs I get?
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