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Everything posted by purpleivan

  1. I docked a pair of nuke tugs to my Mining base and took it to Laythe. Unfortunately I picked the landing side based on how Jool on the horizon would look in screenshots instead of practical things like availability of ore, of which there is none where I landed. Hmmm... sounds like an excuse for a rescue mission methinks. Hopefully I'll get around to giving one or two of these the wallpaper treatment.
  2. The "One of Everything" challenge was to use a vehicle in which only one of any part could be used. So Inevitably my entry ended up looking a little more Kerbal then usual
  3. Put my Laythe mining base into Kerbin orbit. Just need to send up a couple of my standard nuke tugs to haul it there now.
  4. Put my Laythe mining base into Kerbin orbit. Just need to send up a couple of my standard nuke tugs to haul it there now. Also I made a new wallpaper image for my More Wallpapers thread. It was based on an screenshot I took of my One with Everything challenge entry back in April.
  5. I've only made wallpaper images based on my own screenshots as it allowed me to pick ones that we the most suitable in terms of their content... also no pressure
  6. It's not totally relevant, but I made a wallpaper image of one of the screenshots of my "One with Everything" challenge entry that I posted here. I might brush the Dunation dust of that ship and have a crack at this challenge.
  7. I was sorting through some of my old images (mainly from various challenge entries I've made) and came across one from my One With Everything entry that I thought I'd give the wallpaper treatment.
  8. It's been a while but I finally got around to making another wallpaper image, based on a screenshot of my One With Everything challenge entry. Now just the other dozen or so projects to get around to doing.
  9. Accidentally necro'd this old thread.
  10. There was a challenge a while a go called One With Everything that had the same "one part" rule as this, although had a more limited set of target planets Here's some pics of my entry to that challenge that went to Mun, Duna and Minmus before finally returning to Kerbin.
  11. Stuck in solar orbit you say... I smell an excuse for a rescue mission.
  12. Yup... this pic shows Rolley's happy return. I actually had a run in with the anomaly again a few months ago when I sent a vehicle to the airfield island. I EVA'd the two crew and started to wander around with them, then a short time later I noticed that their vehicle had started to slowly (perhaps a metre or so per second) drift up into the air. Once it was about a hundred metres or so up, I decided to revert to the save I'd made just after landing and got the two crew the hell out of there. It was probably the most unsettling thing I've ever seen in a game. Freaky place.
  13. Digging through some of my old images looking for something for another thread I came across a few more that I thought worth posting here. Launch with some kind of ion drive vehicle (can't remember what) on the top. Launching my final Mun Landing Endeavour entry Mun Landing Endeavour vehicle on Mun in all its spikiness Mun Landing Endeavour coming home. Mmmmm,.. tasty kerbalmallows Rolley Kerman paying a visit to a station in Kerbin orbit after his return to the roster following his disappearance at the hands of the abandoned airfield anomaly.
  14. On my first manned attempt (after some some unmanned tests) at an Eve return mission, back in the days of v0.24, I found that after flying the vehicle to Eve, getting into orbit, landing and taking it's pilot for a jog around the landing site, it had one fatal flaw One of the many fuel lines on the vehicle had all that time been blocked partway to its intended recipient of delicious fuel, meaning that the draining of fuel was off balance, dooming its return to orbit. Here's a pic of the fixed version that finally made it back to Kerbin. Actually it's a pair of failures really, as the original replacement for this vehicle had another design flaw, which thankfully was discovered in Kerbin orbit. So I had to send up another (almost) identical vehicle to meet with it and swap the crew over (can't remember the reason for doing that, other than the ship being named Malzor's Folly after the pilot).
  15. Number 1. I don't know if it counts as "bad ass" but when I was in the process of flying a lander from Kerbin to the Mun in the shortest time possible (I made it in 37m 24s) for the Shortest Step challenge, I found myself deliberately burning straight down at the surface of the Mun that I was rapidly approaching, in order to increase my rate of descent, after it became clear my suicide burn had been a bit on the cautious side. Jeb smiling away in the hot seat of course. Number 2. I can't remember which challenge it was an entry for, but I had sent a lander to the Mun (seems to be a theme here) with one Kerbal in a command seat attached to a rover and another safely inside a MK1 Lander Can. When it came time to leave for Kerbin I realised my error of having two Kerbals and only one seat in the vehicle to sit in. I had a command module in orbit with two seats to get my guys home, but only the one to get the pair of them back into orbit. My solution was to have one of them EVA and hang on to the ladder, which at first seemed a simple way to get the job done, until I realised that the guy on the outside was slipping down the ladder whenever I applied thrust. This resulted in my having to constantly switch focus between the lander can to give the vehicle some motion and the EVA'd kerbal to have him climb to the top of the ladder. At last I got the thing up into orbit, at which point I had the kerbal on the outside let go of the ladder, so that the one in the lander can could rendezvous with the command module, then collect his fellow crewman before making their way home. At least the guy on the outside got to do a kind of reverse Major Kong.
  16. Yep VTOL (well on chutes to descend then burning the engines to make the landing) was the way to go for roof access.
  17. Same here, in that I've started out on non stock planetary systems (RSS and New Horizons) but after a few days didn't get into playing them too much before deleting those game folders. So I guess I have a couple of incarnations of Jeb et al stuck in some kind of Kerbal limbo.
  18. My Jeb is currently in orbit around Kerbin... but not in a spacecraft. I've not played the game much for about the past month, except for a couple of challenge entries and on loading the game up today I realised that he was floating around on his own in an 80km orbit and I've no idea why I left him there. I guess I should send something to pick him up.
  19. I've actually done the Duna run (surface to surface) in 16 days in KSP for a challenge. Here's a shot showing my trajectory once up to 20km/s This was back in the 0.90 days, so I was able to do some serious aerobraking/capture into the Duna atmosphere before making a landing. For a similar challenge but this time to Eve, the trip took just 9 days, due to its orbit being that much closer to Kerbin.
  20. I had a challenge entry a long time ago for the shortest time to Eeloo and as a result had a probe speeding past the surface at 31km/s at an altitude of less that 4km, although it was ASL as I didn't have KER installed back then, so expect it was a km or two either side of that.
  21. I've managed to get a successful re-entry and landing at 6734m/s Higher speeds could probably be achieved by stacking heat shields in order for them to fail in sequence, as I was able to enter at 8000m/s and survive down to 35km before my one shield failed. Here's the video.
  22. My attempt was in 1.1.3 (don't have 1.0.5 anymore). I assumed that 1.0.5 was the latest version when the challenge was set. I just completed a 2nd attempt at the challenge in an attempt to push this particular envelope. Unfortunately it was a spectacularly fiery and instantaneous failure. This was the state of things a fraction of a second after entering the atmosphere at 12,300m/s, unfortunately another split second later both the detached rocket section and the main vehicle exploded. I recorded a video of the latter part of the burn into Kerbin, that I'd hoped would document a triumphant return... at least Jeb wasn't on the business end of it. I have a save of the vehicle before I made my acceleration burn so I'll make some more attempts, applying less delta-v to see what the limit is.
  23. I had a crack at the challenge this morning and I have an entry with a max speed in atmosphere of 5831m/s Like HoloYolo said, a quick and fun challenge Pics of the flight are here https://imgur.com/a/PuZmE There a lot more speed to be had too (and ablator... only used about 20% of it) as my trajectory was not optimal and I didn't start to burn early enough, so still had about 30% of the fuel in my final stage remaining. I'll probably have another crack at this sometime over the weekend and see how fast I can get.
  24. My first pic was taken two days after buying the game and was of the first satellite I put into orbit around the Mun. It was another week before I dared to send a Kerbal to the surface of it.
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