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Everything posted by purpleivan

  1. When I checked out the forum this morning I noticed that it seem harder to read than I remember it being previously. Has there been a change to the font that's used? I get the same issue viewing it in other browsers and don't get it with other sites, although this is just a subjective thing, so it could all be in my head.
  2. I'll give the "thrust up a bit, then drop on the chair" idea a go a couple of times, but if that doesn't work I'll take the 2nd option you suggested. When I first landed on the scene I was pretty puzzled as I could see the kerbal standing on the surface, but no debris that I could see. It was only when I switched to other "vessels" in the scene to get the kerbal in my vehicle that I came across the command seat, half buried in the surface, it was only after a quickload that it was fully above ground.
  3. I accepted a contract to rescue a kerbal from the Mun and to recover a piece of debris to Kerbin allow with her. However on arrival at the location on the Mun of the pair, I found I had a slight issue, in that the debris part to be recovered was a command seat. As far as I knew this was an un-grab-able part, but I gave it a go, maneuvering my vehicle over the top of it, then activating the grabber and raising the landing gear to drop on top of it, but as expected the grabber unit do not latch on to the command seat. Other than sending another vehicle up with a cargo bay that opens at ground level, then using a kerbal to nudge it slowly into it (not really a dependable solution for a contract) I can't see any way of satisfying the contract requirement of bringing the part back to Kerbin. So my questions would be 1. Am I correct in thinking that command seats are not grab-able and 2. If so, has anyone had contracts that required the recovery of other seemingly impossible to recover items. Actually a 3rd question would be if I'm just being an idiot and forgetting something obvious as a solution. BTW... I'm looking for a stock game solution to this. Thanks.
  4. This is a wallpaper image I made for Stickman939, based on one of his screenshots. This will be the last image I'll be making for my wallpapers thread for a while, what with Christmas, work and the other KSP things I want to do (hoping to get the first chapter of the "2010 the Year we Make Kontakt" out soon).
  5. Ok... the last of the wallpaper images based on other people's screenshots for a while. This one is for Stickman939.
  6. I remember when I first too a look at the stats on Steam for my playtime of the game, a few months after buying it and realising that I'd taken on a 2nd job, as I'd averaged about 40 hours a week. My playing of the game dipped a bit once I got to about 2000 hours (probably a year or so ago) and to be honest I spend as much, if not more time now, making fan art related stuff than playing, probably only firing it up for about 10 hours per week.
  7. Yet more pics from my latest career game. A reusable tourist bus for trips to Mun and Minmus parked in Kerbin orbit while waiting for the cheque to clear. More pennies being earned, this time testing some wheels after a dunking in the sea. Instead of pennies it's scraps of science that we're after this time, with Jeb taking a quick jump over to the mountains to the west of the KSC. Jeb riding Major Kong style in the Private Mun Landing challenge.
  8. Made another wallpaper images for TheEpicSquared this morning.
  9. As I'm pretty busy at the moment (work and Christmas stuff) and there's some writing that I want to do that I've been putting off for ages, I won't be able to take on any more wallpaper images from other people for a while. Once I've done the image for Stickman939 I'll be hanging up my "doing images for other people" boots for a while.
  10. Hi @TheEpicSquared I finally got around to making my version of your Crazy Contraptions image.
  11. Ok Cy4n, here's what I came up with based around your image. This was more of a rebuild than a tune up, as for something like this it's easier to grab new imagery and go from there. Hope you like it. BTW... as I'd done an image earlier for TheEpicSquared, I decided to have a crack at yours first, so his Crazy Contraptions image will be next I do that's not my own. Talking of which... fresh from The Truth Can Now Be Told is another wallpaper I made based on an image from that series. Jeb's about to engage in a little Grand Theft Retro. 1080p version here.
  12. In yet more revelations of the presence of alien beings and their craft in the 1960's and 70's, it was revealed that they had been observed even before a landing on the moon had been made. This photo from the CSM of Apollo 7 in earth orbit shows one of these mysterious alien craft approaching the NASA vehicle. In a statement one of the astronauts said "they maneuvered up to the S-IVB stage that we were using for docking approach tests, then the pod at the front of their vehicle suddenly sprouted a large claw type mechanism... scared the hell outta me when I saw that. Then they seemed to try to grab hold of the the S-IVB, but they just kept bouncing off of it... that claw wouldn't take hold of it I guess".
  13. That's Gene Cernan in a short lived lead in the rover race. The real reason we didn't go back was reportedly that we lost a bet with Jeb on who could drive the fastest standing quarter time in 1/6th G
  14. I always thought of Vall being pronounced as if spelt "Varl". As for the others, Laythe as in the tool and Pol as in pollen.
  15. I've been an artist in the games business for a long time. Currently head of art at a studio in Norway. I'll take a shot at one of your images, probably the 2nd one.
  16. Ok... might be a little while, as I got sidetracked with some other stuff and I have to do EpicSquared's image first.
  17. When testing one of my early attempts of an Eve return design on Kerbin, I found out the importance of the parachutes being attached above the center of mass.
  18. A wallpaper version of one of the images in my The Truth Can Now Be Told thread. I found a better quality, higher resolution version of the Apollo image than I used in the other thread and adjusted the added kerbal components to match. I guess Gene Cernan never new what he was missing, not looking over his shoulder 1200p version here
  19. More evidence of human kerbal interaction during the Apollo program can be seen here.
  20. Further pictures have been released of the revelation of Man meeting alien life forms on the Moon. Here an astronaut is seen face to face with one of these creatures. This image was captured during the deployment of a scientific package. What appears to be an alien spacecraft, quite unlike our own, and possibly its pilot are seen drifting across the sky On another mission, what was described as a crash site of one of their craft was investigated and samples of their technology returned to earth for detailed study. Under guarantees of strict anonymity, one of the Apollo astronauts described the experience of their encounter with these alien lifeforms. "They appeared to have technology similar to that of our vehicles, but they must have had better methods of propulsion, as the parts that we brought home to be examined were fashioned out of low grade steel rather than lighter materials, such as aluminium or titanium. We even found some pig iron mixed in with the steel... I think my old Corvette must have been built lighter than their vehicles. As for their behaviour towards us, mostly they just ignored us. Occasionally they'd come over to us, take a look at our gear, but they never hung around long. Generally their activity there appeared to be a lot less disciplined than ours... we would be working on our strict sequence of tasks to a tight schedule, while they just seemed to goof around."
  21. In a shock news release by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), it was revealed that rumours of man's exploration of the moon in the Apollo program, having been observed by alien beings, were in fact true. Pictures released today, show these alien creatures in close proximity to the astronauts of the Apollo missions, appearing to observe and even interact with them. More information on this late breaking story and additional pictures, as we get it.
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