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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. I've been working my way slowly on a playthrough using JNSQ and all the Simplex and AngleCan mods. Having progressed further than ever, I'm finding the need to tweak a few things here and therem hence a few smallish updates recently. I do have another balance update in the works for this mod. It is to increase the cost of the Ores by doubling it. The reason is that with JNSQ, getting RareOre back for Profit! From Minmus is rather tricky in a cost benefit with Progression Plus and the cost of Fuel to get them there. So, doubling the cost back seemed to be the right move. For more stockish setups it means not having to grind as much to get the funds to upgrade the expensive parts of the KSC! Also, I hadn't really appreciated how amazing heavy RareOre is. This ain't a big problem, except trying to get a full RareOre Container back. After a number of configurations I've decided to up the crash tolerance to 21 by multiplying by 3. That should mean that you don't need to spam parachutes.
  2. Hi everyone, Updated this mod. Found a unique scenario when, if in Kerbalism a drill is able to be configured, AND has the ability to store different resources within in it, then the part could end up with negative Funds at launch, so paying you to launch. Peace.
  3. Hi everyone, Updated this to 3.16. Some issues addressed. Sorry I wasn't able to fix the CommNet issue, or the Habitat issue. I've no idea what causing that Habitat issues with the disable Habitat button disappearing. However have fixed: Fixed extra converter reliability with ISRU 125 Fixed NFSpacecraft running a KerbalismDefault thanks @Rodger Fixed RITE, NITE and FITE default assignments for Stock and CTT tech trees thanks @Vaskritaya Also Increased VISTA results by 4 times Peace.
  4. Thanks @JonnyOThan, @Aelfhe1m and @Shadow Wolf TJC, Haven't had time to kerbal this year really so I'm hopefully able to offer a patch soon to include this fix. Thank you @Bimo1D for the translation!
  5. I should have qualified... what you do is change the named profile in the settings.cfg for Kerbalism. It requires a manual change by user. The kerbalism simplex download already has it changed from default. Changing the profile in the settings.cfg has unintended consequences as so many of the part patches rely on default profile. From above you can't have two default profiles is what i really meant. I think the first one loaded through the MM magic (which kerbalism may mess with via Harmony? I can't remember) is the one that sticks You can add in extras to what ever Profile though. I think it adds some for SSPX farms or something.
  6. There can be only one kerbalism profile - which is initially why I released Simplex. But I would have thought you should be able to patch in changes to resources in crewed parts - it is done for the hitchhiker as an example. Perhaps patch in before kerbalism a temp module or a tag, then after kerbalism has finished patching then edit resources at that point. If these are command modules, perhaps remove the command modules and add them back after kerbalism. Peace.
  7. Great! I'm away from 'the office' but i look forward to looking at this soon. Thanks!
  8. Was it included as part of the bdb? I'm happy to implement it, however there is a time issue. If someone was happy to create a cfg file then I'll include it.
  9. Hello! I've been looking at it today - I don't have too much time to look into things. The Habitat disable enable button is interesting - I wonder if it is related to not using nitrogen. The GravityRing may be the same issue. Ill keep looking into it today if I can.
  10. It is 5.55am in NZ ... not unusual and I expected it on the 20th... Mat Lowne has a stream starting in an hour 7am NZ time, so by then?
  11. Probably not. It may not be configured properly. Ill have a check in this evening hopefully.
  12. Possibly. Stick one on the back of a grapple and see what happens!
  13. I can see tech tree modding happening quickly, perhaps not in a massively extensive way straight off, like with Simplex et el. but certainly in a Probes before Crew way, and I think sounding rockets/ fireworks before crewed rocket flight. My thoughts on planes before crewed rocketry are that it should be at least parallel. So I'm already wondering how that first 'tier/ tab page' (I really can't think this early in the morning today which one it is) can be manipulated to my head canon. Peace
  14. I agree, but the limitations of the game allow you to pretty much take a mk1 cockpit and fly it jool with enough boosters. SSTO aircraft are quite straight forward as well. I think I understand what you are looking for though, as science around kerbin for planes to collect is limited, a large wing subsonic aircraft should be earlier if not fairly early in the tech tree so that we can replicate a X1 rocket to send a kerbal into orbit? This is what I intended with Tetrix, the Mk3 stuff coming before the Mk2. Not perfect though according to this logic that we are discussing. I'll have a think about it. Any suggestions?
  15. @symphons, you make great points and I learnt a lot when i made the newer Quartix tree in regards to balancing and how the early tiny and small size tanks might work. It some repsects it was a replication of the stock tree, but yes i agree now it seems a bit odd. It looks like i may need to revisit perhaps when I'm on vacation in a couple of weeks.
  16. I had seen this - but I haven't had the chance to really give it a go KSP Early Access is all about finding work arounds (and reporting bugs). I'm looking forward to giving it a go.
  17. Yup. But given i purchased the gaming laptop in 2014 (Asus ROG) it is possibly also a user issue!
  18. Whist I am sooo pleased at the visuals updates and the amazing performance enhancing in 0.1.5, playing now I get performance stutter when the camera is facing the oceans, clouds whether in atmosphere or in low orbit, FPS drops markedly. I used to get this if I installed Scatterer or whatever KSP1 mod made oceans look much nicer. If the camera is pointing to the stars then FPS is so good! So I wonder if there we can have an option to remove clouds, or ocean prettiness or both please?
  19. The mass drivers may have some issues around textures from when the stock part refresh occurred (these used the old mainsail texture) refresh but the parts themselves work fine!
  20. @Mitokandria, Snacks is added to QUARTIX in 3.7 updated now! @SpudNutimus, TETRIX update to 2.23 and I've used some for SIMPLEX as well in 1.33 Thank you!
  21. Except on Minmus... eating that minty icecream :! Oh wait - Minmus is now a glassy body, not a sweet sickly dessert. My bad.
  22. Sweet! Thank you. I'll update over night nz time and add in the Snacks support as well.
  23. I'd love to add them if you want to share the config. Thanks!
  24. When I get some time I need to start looking into the whole modding thing as it seems a little more complicated than the MM patches I am used to manipulating (damn it Jim, I'm a priest not a coder!). Thanks for looking at modularity .
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