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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. And i thought i fixed it. So maybe not. Thsnks for letting me know. I'll sort it over the weekend.
  2. Nice! I have to say, I 'm not sure that I noticed this issue, but I'll be looking next time I boot my game up and, if so, this will be a win! Thank you
  3. I expect that your original crafts either saved or in flight will be fine as the parts will still contain the full code in the craft save file or the persistence file of the actual save.
  4. MMM. Okay - thanks! I think then that maybe I'll treat Venus like a gas planet - flyby, orbit, crewed orbit and flying high as being the four different contracts/icons. Maybe flying low for Venus.
  5. Further to this? Is a flag planting mission to Venus also acceptable for a flag and footprints to everywhere?
  6. Hi everyone! Whilst I am working on putting together a set of icons and contracts for AngleCan Achievement Tree, i wonder how practical it is for a flag planting on the two comets. Could someone please give me some advice on whether crewed missions to Halleys and 67P work orbcould be expected?
  7. This is great Nertea. Thank you for another excellent mod!
  8. I got some time to try out my four quarters square node... and i didnt like it. Looked, too minimalist. It was useful in remebering how I'd put this together though! So now instead of two hanging icons there will be a third for the flyby. The main icon for each body is still orbit though. Flyby contracts for main bodies and Mun and Minmus need you to reach kerbin orbit first. Flyby contracts for other moons require you to unlock the parent body flyby first. So you can unlock Laythe et al flybys when you enter Jool SOI but dont have to enter orbit around Jool. The logic of having to unlock before being able to see contracts is to allow you not to have dozens and dozens of active contracts all the time.
  9. It may be the space weather stuff. My hunch is that when kerbalism on one machinebin multiplayer triggers a random event like a solar flare then it all goes wrong. Background processing like for EC maybe play until it triggers an event like you run out of EC and it tries to tell you with a HUD message. Try turning off all messages on all craft, perhaps each one individually. Actually, with multiplayer can you see all craft in the kerbalism window in flight or in the space center?
  10. I'm getting so many 502 errors so couldn't check back on thr errors today. If it is Luna Multiplayer, try turning OFF the space weather in settings.cfg. this will impact some of the radiation science you can access but nothing wlse should be affected. Still looking into the NF Spacecraft one tomorrow.
  11. Had a very quick trial today. No go. It is a stretch of smaller icons to the square shape.
  12. I think that may be a setting that can be switched off somewhere, maybe in the settings.cfg. testing would be great then i can correct for a release. Are you able to givr feedback as I don’t use MKS and I'll miss something if I try.
  13. This is great thank you @linuxgurugamer. I have a question, would this work across models? As an example, if I was to use Ubioweld to put two or more models together in a single part.cfg, like a light and a deployable solar panel, could I use this to animate them together? Peace.
  14. Hi anyone, I just had a thought, but not being near my computer for another 23 hours, could anyone please tell me what the answer might be? Could tech tree icons be changed to be rectangles? Possibly by changing the shape of the png file? Currently the tech tree icons can be 64x64 pixel png files. What happens when you simply make it 64 x 32? Is it stretched, failed to load and replaced by a generic icon? Thanks for any heads up!
  15. Thanks. I'll look at that today hopefully.
  16. I have no idea. Possibly. The science is exacy the same, with additions for data and samples. Crewed parts may have issues possibly.
  17. Possibly. There is a great mod called the Kerbalism Companion Calculator that would help you i think
  18. Hi everyone! Look here and try this! https://spacedock.info/mod/3691
  19. Kerbalism Modular Science (A Science Only profile) Kerbals working to Science the OrganicSlurry out of Kerbalism. DOWNLOAD: vanilla Science Download from Spacedock Kerbalism Modular Science from Kerbalism SIMPLEX (A Science Only profile) DOWNLOAD: SIMPLEX Science: Download from Spacedock Installation: Install KerbalismCore https://spacedock.info/mod/1774 Install Harmony https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/HarmonyKSP/releases which is required by KerbalismCore. You don't need KerbalismConfig, or Community ResourcePack Put the KerbalismModularScience, or KerbalismModularScienceSIMPLEX folder into GameData Requires: Module Manager (not included). KerbalismCore (not included). Harmony (not included) License is the Unlicense http://unlicense.org/ Source is on Github https://github.com/theJesuit/KerbalismModularScience This is an updated Science Only Config for Kerbalism. Background processing is still in, but you don't need to worry about radiation, life support, kerbal comforts, non stock resources. Looking for feedback on how other mods cope with this. Patching will continue. *** Changed 0.7-S second mod Changed the Science to SIMPLEX Renamed the EVA Samples experiments to fit nicer in the Kerbalism UI window *** Changed 0.7 Nerfed MonoProp Fuel Cells capacity - noted by @Streetwind Removed Habitat volume and Radiation requirements - found in testing by @Streetwind - Thankyou! ** Changed 0.6:** BDB update thanks to @Cheesecake Geiger Counter part fixed CRP no longer checked for (as it isn't needed!) ** Changed:** Profile name Changed NEEDS and FOR to reflect profile name Changed FuelCell resources to stock LFO or MonoProp Settings: Reliabilty to false, everything else to true Removed all CFG instances of: Reliability Life Support, ECLSS Volume and Surface Area Emitters Most Parts (keeping Radiation counter and small antenna) ** Keeping:** EC changes Keeping Background processing for all modules for now - for background science. This might change for ISRU and Harvesting et all as I think I found the CFG code for it somewhere MonoPropellant as the EVA jetpack fuel Science experiments from vanilla Kerbalism including data storage and upgrades Deployment of parts needing EC. This might also change. ** Still to come:** Some Localization updates in support folder Modular Comfort and Radiation addons ModularScienceSIMPLEX
  20. Hi everyone, I've been thinking about updating and adding in the support for OPM and KSRSS, but as I was doing so I was getting annoyed at some of the functionality of the world firsts contracts and the misalignment of the order of things in my recent playthrough., like reach orbit around Mun (I used a probe), rendezvous around Mun and return from Mun, then rendezvous around Mun In the 1.2 update I made the Flag contract and node dependent on the Landed node (makes sense) and Landed dependent on Orbit, but in my last playthrough I felt that having a fourth contract of flyby was a good idea - basically, entering the SOI, but not necessarily orbit. So I'm thinking of a 2.0 release. I haven't started working on it yet apart from napkin sketches, but the following would change: TechNode sets would be four quarters of a square rather than a large square with two additional nodes Kerbin's four nodes to unlock would be: reach space orbit (contract available once reach space is completed) crewed orbit (contract available once reach space is completed) landing (contract available once reach space is completed) Gas Giants (Jool et al.) would have flyby orbit (contract available once flyby is completed) crewed orbit (contract available once flyby is completed) landing (contract available once flyby is completed) Planets and Moons you can land on would have flyby for Mun and Minmus (available once orbit around Kerbin is reached) for planets orbiting a star (available once orbit around Kerbin is reached) for moons of other planets (available once flyby of the parent planet is reached) orbit (available once flyby is completed) landing (available once flyby is completed) flag planting (available once landing is completed) In saying this, I am thinking of also knocking out World First contracts altogether when installed with AngleCan Progression which removes all stock contracts except World Firsts. I'd replace these, with a series of milestone mini ones for Kerbin first launch, with Kerbin, Mun and Minmus also having orbit docking (unlocked by orbit) and EVA (unlocked by reach space or flyby), and the same for Mun and Minmus. All the Achievement Tree contracts would then grant funds and award science bonuses instead of relying on World Firsts to do assign the bonuses to you.
  21. I don't know, but this mod uses a verison of True Volumetric Clouds that is currently only available to Patreon supporters of Blackrack. This may have violated the licence in someway. That's my guess, and anyone can speculate... for whatever reason rbeap has removed it and that is completely up to this modder. They don't need to give reasons why. I also guess that it may return in the future, but for now we should know that an amazing mod is possible for JNSQ and look forward to what the future may hold when someone else might create something similar.
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