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Everything posted by damerell

  1. A 64-bit OS can run 32-bit binaries (and does, in this case). The 64-bitness of the OS makes no difference. There are some special hoops you can jump through to run a 64-bit KSP, but don't do that.
  2. I do wonder who you imagine can possibly be reading that on this forum and not know it already. I wouldn't say it makes no sense. An object could easily be too heavy to move in a controlled fashion. If I can get it moving at a perceptible speed, it already would have too much momentum to stop it crunching disastrously into whatever it is approaching, or killing you if you become stuck between it and anything else. Worse yet would be objects with non-obvious mobile internal structure.
  3. AFAIK you want Instant Resource Scan off and Disable Stock Scanning on, and one of those might imply the other.
  4. Yes, as detailed upthread. I don't even seem to need to do the axis-waggling thing at KSP start time.
  5. As far as possible you want to lean a _very_ little just off the pad (or even on it, as below) and then keep your hands off the controls thereafter until the atmosphere is so thin that dynamic pressure is dropping again. The initial lean will naturally be amplified as you ascend. Crikey, that looks alarming, although I daresay it works. I tend to program in a little lean to MechJeb before lighting the engines, then switch rapidly to surface prograde then controls off (or KILL ROT if you develop a spin). Lately I've been experimenting with ever so slightly reducing the thrust setting on the eastward SRB.
  6. That was certainly quite an ambitious route. No prospect of firing a harpoon further up the cliff?
  7. Bluntly, also, to help with coding you have to be able to find more than one punctuation mark on the keyboard.
  8. And what are the sats at Kerbin pointing the other way?
  9. Kerbal Foundries has some rotating-cone devices for thrust which work in water. They probably want quite a lot of juice now.
  10. Well, let's start with "what is the proposal", if you'll forgive a very MS Paint diagram: The red line is the current behaviour of DRE. The orange line diverges from the red line at the lower of two "ridiculous" temperatures and approaches a higher absolute maximum "ridiculous" temperature; any number of functions might give a suitable curve. The advantage from my point of view, as a user, is that I might like to preserve the intended ordering of maxTemp in a mod (ie, if part A's maxTemp was below part B's without DRE, that will remain the case albeit that the absolute values will change) without giving the modder carte blanche to make everything indestructible.
  11. This seems distinct from the question of the VAB display. Since lift is upwards, the CoL moving up and down would not be meaningful.
  12. It would preserve the ordering of maximum temperatures without specific action for a given mod.
  13. I think you'll find the CoL moves fore and aft of the CoM, not up and down.
  14. If I'm not very much mistaken, those "buildings" are vessels that happen to be on the ground.
  15. I admit the fixed absolute max temperature always struck me as slightly vexing in that it elides the entire difference between parts with a higher maxTemp. (On the other hand, one might reasonably say that titanium melts at 1941K and anything more complicated than a girder getting into that vicinity is absurd). I'd like to suggest (and I appreciate the answer may be "do your own") two values for ridiculous maxTemps which I'll call n and m, and the range n-infinity is mapped onto n-m via some reasonable function. If a mod specifically needs parts to be able to get to a certain temperature the value of m could then be adjusted.
  16. Mangled links - suspect you have reversed the URL and the explanatory text.
  17. Crikey, as if the regular trip around Kerbin wasn't enough. Good luck.
  18. To be fair I think the adversity was largely of my own making. :-)
  19. I am finished! It took a while, but that happens if you break a bone mid-journey. So, what next? I do intend to go and play some "standard" career before revisiting circumnavigations, but I'm wondering what to do next.
  20. I am finally finished. The toe has been rather troublesome, in a sort of "I'm mostly OK but I'm still going to hurt a bit just to annoy you" way, but I gave up eventually and plugged through it. I did start by driving down the canyon visible at centre-right last time, which proved to be an excellent idea - a long stretch of driving where the slope and good visibility allowed high speeds. However, near the end it started to squeeze down to a rather awkward shape with a right-angled corner at the bottom, which I found myself doing my best not to fall into and scrape the side of the rover along (although essentially everything outboard of the structural panels had been scraped off anyway). But I got out of it OK. Then I went over a curious series of ridges which seemed very prone to flinging the rover up in the air and/or causing it to yaw or roll wildly. I don't have any screenshots of that, unfortunately, because when it happened I was too busy being alarmed. I did once end up basically nose-down to the ground moving sideways across it, shoving the throttle for the nose engine forward in a desperate attempt not to get it scraped off - successfully, for once. Eventually it started to get dark. Curiously, after that, the terrain eased up a great deal - I don't know if this was sheer luck or if the way I drive over ridges is actively useless so I do better when I can't see them. And finally, the flag appeared in the distance (well, the small teal circle below the horizon appeared, anyway)! Then the engine module showed up. Odd, since I thought it had rolled further away after being detached, but it's not like I really was concerned with it. Only 30km to go! And here we are. Apparently the engine module rolled away about half a metre on detachment. Handy if I needed to reattach to it, if I hadn't broken the docking ports off the rover, and I had any way to get the craft vertical. (I guess with the large Mun-gravity TWR I could have dragged it to the crest of a hill with the rover then slapped the throttle and hoped...) And a final shot showing (if it wasn't dark, sigh, but I think I'm sticking to the idea that you see what I see) the rover next to the original flag and the discarded engine module. I awarded Jeb a Certified BadAss ribbon for driving halfway around the Mun on the outside of the rover.
  21. As mentioned above, ATM does little in the 1.0 world. You're better off trimming unwanted parts: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101309-Script-AutoPruner-v1-1-Prune-those-parts-that-suck-up-your-RAM!-%282015-018%29 may help
  22. Nifty. I hope the land sections won't be too painful. How's it powered?
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