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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Thanks for the payload, Moose! I have to tell you, it's highly unlikely that we'll be able to get anything to Mars in that timeframe. I'm sorry, but the planets aren't aligned.
  2. Things are very tense here at mission control! We need to abort the mission, because the second stage engine fired for too long. All our best minds are working on this! https://www.twitch.tv/realspaceprogram
  3. Dman979


    I had a "Chuck" Kerman. Obviously, he was my test pilot.
  4. Not canon... yet. In all actuality, though, I think it's fairly likely that Kuzzter will satisfy at least 2 of the goals. For now, at least, Kerbfleet is a peaceful organization, and there is no good scientific reason not to explore Kerbulus and its moons. We know that Intrepid has a lot of ∆V- in fact, potentially limitless, because it has ISRU. Depending on the encounter with the Kerbulans at Jool, it doesn't seem that farfetched to explore the new planet.
  5. Hi! Yes, I am taking this over. All original credit to @TaranisElsu, of course. There might be some minor changes to the code, one suggestion was to replace TE's workaround to remove the part from staging with Squad's module. I'll take a look into that. Obviously, all the core features of TAC-SD will remain in place. I have not made a separate thread for the continuation yet, but I will let everyone know when I do. Finally, I'm looking for a tester to help me. @Geschosskopf? No more testers needed
  6. Jeez. I'm really sorry to hear this, man. I don't really know what to say here. It's obvious you really loved your wife. I could rehash the same old "it'll get better, etc." but I'm not sure if that's what you need now. I'm just rambling here, because I don't know what to say. Best of luck, man.
  7. IIRC, I heard someone say that it was a marker for how many posts you had relative to the other users. That makes sense to me, because you can get your first few dots pretty quickly, but then you need to keep posting and they come slower.
  8. no. @max_creative, if you don't post next, I won't give you a rep.
  9. Fighter Plane Gorbachev, if you seek wins, if you seek prosperity for Matuchkin and the Forums, if you seek the Crown, come here to this airstrip. Gorbachev, take off from this airstrip. Mr. Gorbachev, shoot down this plane!
  10. Hi, @MarkWatney! Honestly, I didn't think that getting there would be your problem.
  11. ok. Any idea why? It wasn't happening before, and I haven't added any additional mods to my game since before 1.1
  12. Hey, @Endersmens, check it out! More scouts!
  13. Hi anybody, So, my KSP is acting freaky, flashing trippy colors, and loading to the wrong screen. Acting freaky: It's taking forever to load, but I do have a lot of mods installed. Flashing trippy colors: take a gander here https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-QIUTsNSBTQemN0UFIwZGozX3c&usp=sharing Loading to the wrong screen: Instead of loading with an isometric view of the KSC, it loads to a view from the surface. I've had this problem before, but when I try to move the camera around, it fixes it. It stopped doing that recently. I am pretty sure that I have all my mods installed correctly. Mods: Community Resoucrce pack log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-QIUTsNSBTQLUo0NUhWOWpTVW8/view?usp=sharing @NathanKell?
  14. Maybe choose 2 of those things? And I don't think that 80 parts is reasonable. I mean, you could go that low, but if you want any aesthetics (which we all know makes things work better)... Also, for the next round, it might make sense to not count the Weapons Manager and Autopilot in the part counts. Everybody is using them (and the same amount, too). Also, does anyone know if the ALG are working yet?
  15. Yeah! I wanna hear it too! @VenomousRequiem, explain! Please?
  16. That's not human nature! Last number is 10
  17. Nope! To piggy back off of Starhawk, you can post any crafts you want there, but people usually list what mods they're using (if any) in the description. Oh, and Welcome Aboard!
  18. We have a flight planning team. If you're interested in joining that, PM @ILikeIke. Warning- it involves some complicated maths. Oh, and welcome aboard!
  19. Hmmm, I'm really tempted to not reply.... oh. Crap. @Joco223?
  20. And I'm gonna make it messier. @Choctofliatrio2.0?
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