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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Hi, @BahamutoD, I have a few quick questions: 1. Will teammates override their target settings to help each other out? Say, will a missile-targeting plane from team A attack a plane from team B if it's attacking the second A plane? 2. I noticed that the AIM-120s flash in the radome screen when launched. How does their tracking work? Do you have to keep the target centered for a certain amount of time? Thanks
  2. try looking of the forums? and @g00bd0g, that was disappointing. Looks like there's some changing around I need to do.
  3. no, not really. I feel the same way. you have to be able to pull a lot of Gs to break their lock, plus multiple chaff dispensers.
  4. 1. It's at the default. 2. It's at 4. Depending on the plane, I have either 4 sidewinders or 4 AIM-120s and 2 sidewinders.
  5. Yes, that's also true. My fighters get up close and personal, mainly because they fire their missiles too slowly. Also, @inigma, does adding/subtracting weapons hardpoints count as weapon modification? Or just the weapons on them?
  6. So, in other words, quick planes, high maneuverability, low wing loading. You're telling me to beat the thing at it's own game. There are other ways to beat it, too. My fighters have lower maneuverability than the Weasel, and cannot turn on a dime, but I have rear-facing guns, to keep things off my 6. You have to think outside the box. I see both the Weasel and the Horus with high visible wing area. I didn't really care too much about that. if you clip wings inside a fuselage, you can reduce your footprint to gunfire.
  7. to a point. They follow the law of diminishing returns. And @inigma, I'm releasing the @ScriptKitt3h's Nightmare CF and CM. https://kerbalx.com/dman979/ScriptKitt3hs-Nightmare-CF https://kerbalx.com/dman979/ScriptKitt3hs-Nightmare-CM Please remove the Part-Clipper 11000 from the competition and replace it with these. Would anyone like to give any feedback?
  8. Hmm, getting closer.... Lost one round, made some tweaks, won the next. Edit: Won the second.
  9. So, I was trying out a second design for the challenge, and I think I'm on to something... Beat the SW pretty handily.
  10. Nope. But a fellow RSP member is here! I choose you, @Hysterrics!
  11. Doesn't matter, still can't see images until I get home.
  12. I can't see it, so I'm not gonna guess, but I don't think you're right...
  13. Uh, Adenosine triphosphate or Deoxyguanosine triphosphate? C169723H270464N45688O52243S912
  14. hey, @inigma, I've updated my craft. https://kerbalx.com/dman979/Part-Clipper-11200S Can you replace the P-C 11k with this? Thanks. Also, would anyone be willing to test it and give some feedback?
  15. I agree, the lounge sounded better. But I don't think we're going to get a representative poll here.
  16. I'm tryna grow a forest. http://xkcd.com/1663/#8a3208c6-0023-11e6-8001-42010a8e0005
  17. You mean wing loading. But that idea about tails on the center is a good one, I think I'll try it.
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