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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Yes, starting again is fine. If you check the OP, there has been more than one war.
  2. Yeah, the engines were a problem I'm having with it. I've tried attaching them different ways, and there are a few more i can try. I'll have to fix that asymmetric flameout at altitude. Maybe limit the AOA it can pull. I've dropped HARMs on my newer versions. Glad that it seems like the right idea. It can turn pretty well with just guns loaded, so I think I'm going to reduce the loading on it a bit. Thanks for the feedback!
  3. Wow! That has got to be one of the longest rounds ever in the Number War! In the future, please PM @RainDreamer, @Deutherius, and myself so we don't have to search for any winning posts. We'll get back to everyone about this as soon as we can. In the meantime, feel free to start another round!
  4. anybody have any thoughts on the Part-Clipper 11000? I've been doing modifications on my own, but it would be nice to hear other people's opinion.
  5. Well, that makes sense, most of the time. But the AI also has a hard time switching between guns and sidewinders for me. Also, are we allowed to submit pairs of fighters, to fight together? Say, with different armament?
  6. @inigma, fair warning- I might change my craft before the match. Any idea of when it'll be? Also, are we allowed to submit pairs of fighters, to fight together? Say, with different armament?
  7. @EladDv, @Mad Rocket Scientist Ok, let's get started on a recoverable first stage booster. I'd rather use Skype for this.
  8. But sometimes the SRBs fail in flight, with TestFlight. Also, if you PM me you skype address, I can send you the SS-02 craft.
  9. We don't have a manned launch set yet, after the scrub. We'll let you know what the next mission is, so you don't have to keep making too many graphics.
  10. They're a little OP. I have about 20 chaff pods on my fighter, and the damned things still blow up.
  11. Known for being the subject of my previous comment.
  12. Hi, Analog, and welcome aboard! If you're interested in joining us, but want to know a bit about what we're doing and how you can help, I'd recommend @ZooNamedGames. He's the Flight Director of the project. We were aiming for a manned launch in the end of March, but things went south, so we're generating new mission ideas for now.
  13. Huh, why does this not have more comments? I can't see it, but I'm sure that it looks great, like the U-Boat. Have you ever been to see U-505? It's the only boarded German sub from WWII. It's in Chicago.
  14. What about asparagus or onion (Each inner stage is fed by an outer stage, which is fed by another, and so on. As apposed to aparagus, where usually 2 stages feed all the other ones, and then get dropped away.)? Have you factored in the weight of the decoupler, too?
  15. Yup, and I think that the moderators will have their work cut out for them, too. But if you think about it, we're kind of being negative, too, by disparaging them before they've even joined. As for the rule, I'm not a modder but if I was I'd really appreciate it. I have a hard enough time doing schoolwork, let alone working on something I'd start for fun.
  16. Uh, what? You're changing your control modules around in response to other challengers? Isn't that against the rules? Also, who won?
  17. Ok, I'm glad to hear that. It is a big time commitment, and that's why I've been quieter recently. Nope, it's your LV. The only changes have been in some staging events, paint color, and fuel load to customize it for the mission. No changes in hardware at all. The project name for the manned mission is Project Scorpius. Your LV was named Solaris. Following NASA's naming custom for manned missions, the launch becomes Scorpius-Solarius 01, or SS-01.
  18. What? Why? This is still Kerbal Space Program- Overengineer or you're doing it wrong!
  19. Well, I've told my planes to fire 6 missiles per target. They have 18 available. I should probably cut that down some, but we'll see how it goes. I've gotten to the point where I'm consistently beating your craft, though. I clip engines for pure power.
  20. Well, Dayum! that looks pretty. Six engines, you say? Might have to replace the Part Clipper-11000 with the Part Clipper 11200! Without any of her mounting points (i.e. jammers, radar, all hardpoints and missiles, counter-measures, etc.) I could probably do supercruise, too- but NOT with all that equipment. Most of it's designed to be launched at the beginning of the fight, so things get better from there. I'm pretty happy that I was able to keep my COM from moving a significant amount throughout all flight phases- takeoff to weapons dry to fuel dry. It's probably one of my best (albeit ugliest) planes so far.
  21. Known for lingering in the back of my mind, where I know I've met you before, but I can't remember where, when, or the reason.
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