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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. MARCH 21, 2016 12:06 EST FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: As the final bolts are welded into place, the Independence 7 Ground Assembly Team lets out a wild cheer. Says one excited kerbal, "!Atidlam otnujnoc le odot ne Nk 5 ed sonem! Yay-yak-eippiy!" The team has worked hard to get to this point. The capsule was originally overweight, but after some double-checking with the Life Support, Electrical, retro-burn, and Booster specs, they were able to cut the capsule's integrated mass to less than 2,700 kg, from an initial mass of 3,700 kg. In the midst of the celebration, a technician remembers that they forgot to add the flight computer to the capsule! It's not a big worry, though, because like everything else here it's attached with duct tape. There were some problems along the way. When asked about the issues, Wernher Von Kerman said, "Well, they [the booster and capsule] didn’t line up right at first-like, the booster was ~10 meters off to the side- and when I tried to offset it back, it wound up in the ceiling. We were able to get it back to it's proper position, but there might still be some random torque caused by a slightly offset engine. Nothing major, though, and I'm sure that our BadS pilot will be able to handle it. If you'll excuse me, I need to take some of that hydrazine for my office while I write an S-covering memo." As of this time, everything on the hardware end looks GO for launch. -- Chuck Kerman Vehicle Assembly Building Kerbal Space Center Earth
  2. And if there's two things that I took away from KSP, it's that orbits are pretty easy to change by rotating your craft, and that orbits are impossible to change, because the planets are on rails.
  3. Hi, @3spurr! To insert an Imgur album, click on the green "i" thing at the far right of your editor, and copy and past the album code. Oh, and Welcome Aboard!
  4. That is true, but I liked the whole "WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" thing on the way down. It's his exuberance that made me choose this scene- he seems so excited to be riding the bomb, in the same way that I was when I saw the update.
  5. Huh. Well, my username is a lot easier to figure out, but I'm not going to tell anyone if you get it right. Welcome aboard, @Frednoeyes!
  6. I already drained most of it out. We have enough for 12 hours in all consumables now. The LET was also over mass, so I switched it out for the FASA one and added an HTP semi-cone and decoupler for the chutes. It was down by about 200 kg there. And I got rid of the SM at the bottom- we didn't need a year of LS.
  7. Ok, then I will add a small orbital insertion package, with ~50 m/s of ∆V, to make sure we're in a 150-180 km orbit. Multiple restarts, hypergolic, and lightweight. Low TWR, too.
  8. Ok. It's not done yet, but I will have it finished ASAP. We might also want to consider an automated launch program, so that we won't need to worry about getting to the proper orbit. Do you know if MechJeb will work, or how @EladDv's program is coming?
  9. no. I'm still doing the testing, for g-force, staging, and some refinements. And Action Groups.
  10. Let me know what you want, and I'll modify it. The capsule now looks pretty different (but still recognizable) from the first gen. A lot lighter, too. No solar panels, less LS, etc. Lots of mass savings.
  11. Waaaa-hoooooo! I like the bosun's whistle effect. And "Entrail vengeance." And the rest of this update. P.S. INB4 @Starhawk! Happy Concerned landings!
  12. That would be the LET, which I've replaced from the original design to one less massive. Warning- there will be a lot of FASA parts, because they look more real. If I can replace a SXT or VSR part with a FASA one, I will. The capsule is the exception, though. @CliftonM roger.
  13. It looks good! I think that I can work with this pretty easily. @Sequinox, what mods does it use? @CliftonM, I am going to start the capsule integration now. I'll send you a full mod list by tomorrow morning.
  14. That... is very heavy-duty. And almost completely worthless for anything I'll be doing. Nice!
  15. IF you can get it done ASAP, we might be able to use a 3 tonne LV. This would be easier, because it means I wouldn't have to calculate a new fuel load. If not, than we'll use the 5/10 one.
  16. I was hoping that @Sequinox might have a 3 tonne to LEO booster, but if not, then we'll use @Joco223's 5/10 tonne LV, with some fuel missing.
  17. That's awesome! I remember running out of LF/O on my first try, and using all my RCS fuel to get there. To refuel, right click on one tank, and then command click on the second tank. you should see some "In" and "Out" buttons. to end the transfer, press the "Stop" one. Way to go!
  18. Hi @unevoie! Don't worry, mashing randoms buttons is fine. My first month, I was launching retrograde for all my orbits, and putting LF/O nozzles on the bottom of my SRBs. And brothers are always a great place to go for help. Welcome aboard!
  19. Hi, @KerbalTardisGaming3248! Yes, there is a wiki, but I don't know how up to date it is. IIRC, there will also be tutorials in KSP 1.1, too. Welcome aboard!
  20. Booster- Go for 3/26, EST. What time, though? We need to figure that out.
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