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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. It got passed along to legal. I imagine they're pretty busy, and might not be able to answer this question.
  2. So, uh, the topic was about how the OP can't access the forums at school. Let's get back to that, please.
  3. This question about the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  4. Dman979

    Pets Thread

    Funny you should mention that... That was my dog for nine years. This June will be a year since we had to put him down- he was suffering from an aggressive form of liver cancer which we caught too late, and surgery didn't help. I still miss him.
  5. Well, if you really want to make our lives easier, there's a button at the top-right of each post which says "report post." If you see something you think might need moderator attention, smash that button like it's the hammer swinging game at the county fair and let us know!
  6. Glad that's ironed out, @GregroxMun and @Gordon Fecyk
  7. Well, if the original OP agrees, we can sacrifice a post to the forum gods and transfer thread ownership to you. Do you own the mod now?
  8. Guys, when I say "Just a quick reminder to stay away from politics on the forums. I've hidden some posts," I mean it. There were more politics in this thread, and now there are more hidden posts. Knock it off.
  9. Something, something, now you're thinking with portals... Seriously, a moderator appreciation day is a nice thought, but it's not needed.
  10. Please, we're just regular users who happen to be in the moderators group. We don't need or deserve any special recognition- it starts to remove our sense of co-unity with the rest of the forums. I'm sure the rest of the moderators feel the same way as I do.
  11. Just a reminder that profanity in videos isn't acceptable here. Keep it off the forum, or I'll have to lock this thread. Again.
  12. Just a quick reminder to stay away from politics on the forums. I've hidden some posts.
  13. Since this thread has no purpose anymore, I'm locking it.
  14. Welcome back, @NewtSoup! I've moved your thread to Mission Reports, since you're sharing your missions here.
  15. And with that, let's get back on the topic of saying how great I am. (And some other people, too.)
  16. Well, I hate all of you. Especially people who ping me to say how great I am, because I already know that I'm the most awesome user on the forums. Y'all're on my naughty list. No, that would be @Deddly. He is Mr Nice Guy, after all.
  17. What? Oh, right. The future is now, old man!
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