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Everything posted by DMSP

  1. DMSP

    Space Daily!

    Well, I decided to make a space blog. It's not too scientific, and I feel like it's a better way of spreading info then writing on a whiteboard. http://dmsp.blog.com/ Enjoy, and hope to see some of you guys there!
  2. Well, I've pushed quite far in my save. I think once 1.1 comes, It's going to be time to start again. And maybe I should start my Jool 5 mission then.
  3. Well what every administrator you are, keep going and good luck!
  4. @Starwhip I completly forgot. I'll have the craft up later today.
  5. I'm so sorry. I once got krakened in the middle of my second Duna mission, I lost all of it.
  6. "As I step on this new world, I come in peace and... No... No don't retract the ladder! Stop! NOOOOOO!"
  7. Deflated crewed module with crew inside, deorbited space station with someone in a cupola, spacecraft bent too much, parachute got deployed at 67,000 Meters, deorbited a second stage into my station, (Not even kidding on this) one of my Kerbals at my Mun station went EVA and got hit by a Jumbo Munar Insertion stage from some of my earliest mun missions, flew a jet into the VAB, the list goes on!
  8. Alright, I have begun my mission! Time for endless launches.
  9. Could OSE Workshop be allowed? It's a mod that allows you to 3D print parts, and works with KIS and KAS. It requires fuel and resources to work, and each part takes a while to print. It can't make fuel or anything. Thanks, even if it's not allowed, I'm still making this mission.
  10. Woah, sorry! I didn't see that, but that changes things. You might see me back here.
  11. @sdj64 The problem is you need KIS and KAS to assemble it.
  12. @sdj64 Is this mod ok? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/110284-wip104-pathfinder-geoscience-for-better-resource-extraction/ Nevermind, KIS and KAS are not allowed.
  13. Great chapter! I liked it a lot. The more reports you make, the happier I am.
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