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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. Woot! As a reward, Salyut 2: It's nothing but steel spheres and steel wrappings. Steel spheres going all the way down.
  2. How about more ISS construction pictures? I don't think we have enough of that My next mission is a Buran cargo run with the Quest Airlock. Then I wait for @Beale to finish the Pirs/Poisk docking modules. Will more than likely run some more cargo runs and crew changes until then.
  3. @rsparkyc is temporarily maintaining proc fairings in E-dog's absence:
  4. Could you provide a link to each required mod on the first page? And also, what does each required mod do for this Contares? I have an idea for a few of them: Real Plume for the engine effects RetractableLiftingSurface for retractable lifting surfaces Firespitter for additional part animations and switching textures and models. DMagic no idea. USI-Tools no idea Tweakscale shouldn't be required for Contares by itself. Maybe for compatibility with other mod parts. TACLS is just for life support, but shouldn't be required, just optional if you like that stuff. Not sure why we're still using Procedural Fairings.
  5. I can't wait for Pirs/Poisk! My Kerbaled International Space Station just won't feel the same without 'em ^^ But a periscope for my underwater Soyuz project would probably be a good idea. Just have to figure out how to sink a Soyuz without resorting to flooding it... >.>
  6. Hot dang that's a good looking ISS! Which mods did you use? And what does it look like when you de-orbit it? xD
  7. Space Feesh! It sucks up all the space trash! Also doesn't have a launch escape system apparently
  8. For the 2 stage LK, I do remember someone on here made a version for Tantares. I unfortunately can't remember their name, nor do I have the time to look for them, but someone has to remember!
  9. Leerstar visits Salyut 7! This is experiment for later Mir missions Surprisingly the Leerstar Stock craft, with some modifications, makes a really great space plane/shuttle xD The RCS is balanced enough for MechJeb to auto dock :3
  10. Tantares is "Some parts sold separately" Test of launch escape system (yes, we build whole rocket for best results!) I also added a node to the top of the VA control antennae
  11. Made a Mir station last night All the little lights are from the KSO shuttle/station/other vehicles mod. Helps me see the station when too far away and on the night side of Kerbin xP
  12. To save people some clicks and typing, the torus tank that held the kerosene was tilted in order to improve fuel extraction.
  13. My dogs had no problem flying their 2 stage LK. Well, until the police showed up. Gotta wait for Independence Day to light up rockets
  14. Space horses are really annoying. All they ever talk about is partying. I'd go with Space Bears. Very few words, but they always know how to fix a space ship.
  15. I think we need some clarifications, then. Earlier you said Soyuz is in Dragon01's hands. Now it seems you are saying you are still handling Soyuz. Would it be right to assume both you an Dragon01 are working together?
  16. First of all, BolleT, your English doesn't seem to be that great which might be why Decq can't understand you. Secondly, Decq can't answer any of your questions about a rocket he's no longer modding.
  17. Apparently Dragon01 is back and is going to continue with the soyuz (there's a missing quote saying "Will we see soyuz soon") Unfortunately this is all unconfirmed and the only thing I can take from this is that DECQ isn't developing the Soyuz system. I'd need Dragon01 to come on here and say "soontm" before I'd start holding my breathe. As far as I remember, he was banned (No Discussion as to why or thread will be locked!) and then was trying to make his own site for the Bobcat mods, but that all toppled over for some odd raisin. It seems after Bobcat's mods were first released, it's been an uphill battle to keep them updated. It's a curse I tell you!
  18. Well fry me some onions and slap some steak on em, that worked. And now for a programmer's favorite saying, why?
  19. I actually tried a few flights without mechjeb to test the aerodynamics. Went straight up for roughly 5000 meters, then tilted just a hair past 5 degrees, and flippity flop! Then I noticed as the whole assembly was falling (or with the first stage decoupled), it stabilized with the rear facing down, thus allowing me to attempt a Falcon 9 landing. Somehow, somewhere, in some far off galaxy, the aerodynamics for the not-proton are getting flipped. I really hate these bugs where the person who can fix them can't recreate them. For me it's a constant "It's not working, fix it!" and I'm like "But it is working" as I stare into their souls with hollowed eyes. @_@
  20. Did a Stock KSP reinstall, Mechjeb and Tantares only. Flew the same configuration as you, and flippity flip! Also just put a progress command module on top, and still flippity flip. To me it appears that the not-a-proton-don't-sue-us has reversed aerodynamics. Instead of wanting to point the nose into the wind, it wants to point it's rear to the wind. Both the first stage and second stage do this. Great for landing like the Falcon 9, but not great for getting into space. I'd suggest downloading your own mod and seeing if those files are behaving. Perhaps also reinstalling KSP. Might also need to do the debugging dance of software testing.
  21. For anyone still following this thread, DecQ is working on the bobcat stuff over in his thread. Make sure to go to the last page to see Soyuz images.
  22. Tried the newer Mir Core config, and there's still two nodes that aren't functioning correctly.
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