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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. That would require a plugin (the klockeed martian special parts plugin), and friz has stated he doesn't want to make FASA plugin dependent. I'm currently trying to apply the KMbuoyance module to the floats, however, I have had no success due to the module being strange
  2. Need help with the KMbuoyancy module. How would I apply it to a part, like FASA's Apollo floats?
  3. Hello Gunther! So I've been playing around with the FASA Apollo chutes, and I managed to finally add drogue chutes to it. Problem I'm having now is that the drogue chutes are white. Here's the Module Manager config: @PART[FASAApollo_CM_parachutes]:FOR[RealChute] { MODEL { model = FASA/Apollo/ApolloCSM/model_RC_triple_canopy //scale = x-width, height, y-width //at normal scale (1, 1, 1) the parachute has an in game width of 9.893m //do the math if you want to change it scale = 0.61, 0.7, 0.61 position = 0, 0.025, 0 texture = RC_canopy_main, RealChute/Parts/RC_canopy_main } maximum_drag = 0.32 @mass = 0.2 !sound_parachute_open !MODULE[ModuleParachute]{} MODULE { name = RealChuteModule caseMass = 0.2 timer = 0 mustGoDown = false cutSpeed = 0.5 spareChutes = 5 secondaryChute = true PARACHUTE { material = Nylon preDeployedDiameter = 3 deployedDiameter = 60 minIsPressure = false minDeployment = 550 deploymentAlt = 500 cutAlt = -1 preDeploymentSpeed = 2 deploymentSpeed = 6 preDeploymentAnimation = Apollo_Chute_Semi deploymentAnimation = Apollo_Chute_Full parachuteName = Canopy capName = Cap } // Drogue chute PARACHUTE { material = Kevlar capName = Cap parachuteName = RC_triple_canopy preDeploymentAnimation = RC_triple_chute_semi_deploy deploymentAnimation = RC_triple_chute_full_deploy preDeployedDiameter = 3 deployedDiameter = 6 minIsPressure = false minDeployment = 2000 deploymentAlt = 1500 cutAlt = 555 preDeploymentSpeed = 1 deploymentSpeed = 3 } } EFFECTS { rcpredeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_open volume = 1 } } rcdeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_single volume = 1 } } rccut { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut volume = 1 } } rcrepack { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack volume = 1 } } } } The line texture = RC_canopy_main, RealChute/Parts/RC_canopy_main was my latest attempt at adding a texture. My first attempt was texture = FASA/Apollo/ApolloCSM/RC_canopy_drogue. I of course did copy the assets to the FASA folder, but I don't know if I need to do that or not. Thanks, Gunther!
  4. That did not work for me. Probably because my flux capacitor had to be installed upside down.
  5. About time! You do realize that Jeb is full of rocket fuel? One little poke, and he becomes a jet of flame!
  6. Bug reports! 1: Seems the Apollo chutes aren't 100% Real Chute compatible? Maybe? Sorta? Kinda? Jenga? On Stock, the chutes are fine. They even function as a cool cape! Highly Flammable! 2: The heat shield still looks slightly roasted. Needs salt! 3: [nitpick]The new CM decoupler doesn't have that umbilical arm. [/nitpick] 4: unrelated. The Fusion cells tend to run hot, but they are useful as makeshift bombs. The Red Faction shall prevail!
  7. So in celebration of KSP .90, I decided to take a picture of the Explorer on it's rocket sitting on the tier 1 pad Thanks Frizz for this wonderful mod!
  8. Friz was never making that. The guy making a crawler for KSP has left us for better things, and his mod is open source...
  9. so um... can we consider this mod dead, or is someone working on this?
  10. There was this. I have not been prowling the forum for a couple of months now, so yeah, I'm late to the bad news
  11. How FAR are we going to go with this discussion?
  12. Everything shown in the original post is in this mod. If you are talking about a different post, click the number in the upper right hand corner of the post, copy the URL in your address bar, and then make a new post with that link. Wait, why would Google translate use the word "foto" for English? That's not even an English word!
  13. To further update my bug report: I'm using Mechjeb version I tried the RCS balancer on a clean build of KSP, and no luck. I built a small vessel and used hack gravity, and default SAS actually manged to fire other thrusters to counter the torque. pic of vessel The RCS thrusters were placed off balance. The top ones are closer to the COM than the bottom ones. SAS managed to fire the proper sequence of thrusters in order to keep the vessel from spinning during translation. Please note that this is great for a small vessel like what I built here, but something larger like the KSO's need additional fine tuning. The RCS balancer, on the other hand, seemed like it was cutting the throttle down for the top thrusters, which only makes the torque worse (translating left right, up down, but not forward backward. Forward backward would translate the vessel up from Kerbin and back down to Kerbin in the picture provided). output_log.txt just in case someone wanted to look at it. Hope this helps!
  14. Hello all! I've decided to finally seek help for this issue: For a long time now, whenever I use RCS balancer, it just doesn't work correctly. By a long time, I mean since it was added to mechjeb, and yes, I did just try to use it with factory defaults today with the latest dev build. Course I have no idea what those settings for RCS balancer do, but anyway... Some of the problems I have are RCS balancer will prevent ports from firing even though they should be firing, and a general lack of actual balancing. One craft I'll mention is the Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter. Other people have mentioned RCS Balancer in Mechjeb as a way to balance the RCS thrusters on the KSO, suggesting that by some act of nature, I'm not allowed to have a working RCS balancer module as it never works. I'm hoping you guys will be able to help me either tune RCS balancer (again, I have no idea what those settings actually do), or perhaps finally discover a bug that ramon and sarbian haven't gotten to. Or perhaps unlock a mystery of epic proportions about the supernatural world. Pic #1 Only one port firing when translating forward (docking mode obviously) Pic #2 Same port firing, this pic shows that the chin port is not firing to counteract the torque of the off center thrust.
  15. It wasn't a derp, they took the forums down to do some upgrading, but the upgrade wasn't nice, so they put everything back up the way it was. No derp.
  16. Rise, Lord Threader! So, I'll go ahead and ask what everyone is either too busy to ask, or keep forgetting to ask: Where are the walnuts?
  17. Let's not forget the Nova Silisko. That one is a pretty amazing design.
  18. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24867-FASA-May-21-Stable-Release?p=1160614&viewfull=1#post1160614 Use that link instead. When you want to link a post, on the post in the upper right hand corner is the post number, and you can click that to set the page for that post. The reason why your link doesn't work (for cool people) is because I have 50 posts per page, and the page numbering is different. Yes, you too can have 50 posts per page! Just go to settings, general settings, and scroll down, and set that drop box to 50 per page, and you are there! No more do you have to worry about that dirty smell in your refrigerator! With 50 posts, you can easily water the garden! I have no idea what I'm doing! Additional: I just logged out to check my link, and it works! Logging out sets the posts per page back to default, in case someone was wondering why I bothered. Additional Additional: Should we just close this thread?
  19. Can you provide a link to a list of "reasons the curse site is bad"? That would be more helpful than a claim with no support. This is still on topic as Frizz could use this information, too. I suppose. Off topic would be if people started listing off reasons right here in this thread... which will probably happen anyway despite my white bucket head of justice. Praise the Sun!
  20. It isn't, try visiting the home page for astronautix. You're country or ISP might be blocking it.
  21. "Long ago in a distant land, I, CM IVA the shape-shifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But another project wielding a magic sword stepped up to oppose me! Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future where my evil is law! Now the project seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is CM IVA...."
  22. We might want to post something like, "DO NOT SUGGEST THINGS!" every new page of this thread. That will at least give us something to point at when someone breaks DA RULZ.
  23. Exactly what I said. I was explaining to likke_A_boss what an upper stage actually is just in case he "forgot." I already know Helldiver and Nazarath don't take requests.
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