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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. Take a look on previous pages, and you'll see that Frizz teamed up with.. I forget his name, but they are making the Apollo program. Properly. With good textures, IVAs. Show me that "other mod" that covers the Apollo program.
  2. The Explorer I was more fun than I thought. Managed to get it into a 93x83 orbit. Mechjeb can handle it without freaking out, you just need to manually turn the engines off and on. Mechjeb will throttle up and down, so that's your cue. I had fuel left over, so I said "water buffalo," and brought it back to Kerbin, not safe, or sound.
  3. I say Home 3 because the modules he is showing off now look very little like the original modules he was working on for Home 2. Post #944 showcasing what I call Home 3
  4. or you can just download it and find out.
  5. You have to go into the config for the parts in question. The configs are in the KW folder.
  6. There's two things that don't look right there: 1. It should be ASET/folder/.* 2. Looks like you're missing a } at the end. Also, if that doesn't work, try using compress = true. I think the scale = 1 means it isn't actually going to compress it, or it's just going to do work without any results.
  7. From what I'm understanding, Bobcat is only improving the models and textures, and not changing names or node placement, which means you can build the Mir without worrying about the next update breaking your save. Of course, Mr. cat, you should already be okay with save breaking updates since KSP is an alpha. Anyway, this all depends on when Bobcat will get back around to the Historical pack. He's currently working on Home 3.0 in between whatever else he does.
  8. I made a thing: well, makeagif made a thing, I took the pics and uploaded them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ new post but don't like double post ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Experimentation: That upper umbilical doesn't like to behave, but just using the one umbilical is okay. Ah, struts. Oh, and this isn't a bug report, just having fun
  9. why are you shooting for 100x100? Try 80x80, or 75x75. If you're going somewhere else, start lower so your rocket doesn't have to do too much to get you into an orbit. Same thing with Apollo program.
  10. What's your payload? Bobcat made Proton 64% everything, including payload capability. If I'm remembering what he said correctly, which may or may not be still here on this thread depending on when he said it.
  11. I can actually say no, and not feel wrong. Just look at previous pages to see what's in progress.
  12. It might be just the mod needing updating, BUT SO FAR I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS THIS BUG! :'D link in case you live under a rock
  13. I'm pretty sure this is another issue where KSP isn't the same for everyone. If Bobcat comes in here and says, "I'm not get issue." then that will prove that KSP is still unoptimized.
  14. NOPE. That was an experiment to see if that would get it to work, and it didn't obviously. LRV with nothing else attached or with stuff attached is hovering off of the ground, and when folded up (not upside down btw) will clip through the ground. Hope that cleared that up
  15. I tried a fresh install of .23 and .22, but the LRV still has ground issues. I installed the full American Pack instead of just the LRV (that's right, I only got the American Pack for the LRV >) Took some pictures of the LRV folded up in .23:
  16. Thanks to Virtualgenius for PMing me the fix. Now on to another problem that may or may not have been fixed: The wheels are afraid of the ground! Anytime the LRV makes ground contact, the wheels hitch up like a housewife seeing a mouse. Not sure if this is something that can be fixed with a config edit, or Bobcat has to use the force of Unity.
  17. The wheels rotate separately as they are separate parts. You have to put them all in an action group button.
  18. Is there a way to fix the LRV being deployed in the VAB? I was thinking about the tweakable system so that I could manually set it closed in the VAB before launch, but I have no idea how to implement that, and failed to find any documentation on it.
  19. We know. Frizzank made it this way on purpose.
  20. I think it has to do with Configs. Every line is a "node" for some reason. Something like MODULE{} is a whole entire node that can have sub nodes. The MODEL node is what allows you to take different meshes and combine them into 1 part. It probably has other uses, but that use is the most pressing as far as I've seen. I'm looking at the Squad configs right now, and haven't seen a model node used, but I've only looked at the Rapier and one of the Nuke engines.
  21. I'm doing my best to remember, but as far as I can remember, there has never been a tire in space/on mars. Moon counts as space with gravity... AND DUST THAT GETS EVERYWHERE! Anyway, can't wait for Home 3.0
  22. Finally figured out how to install this. Frizz, you didn't say anything about making a new folder inside of the FASA folder called Misc Gave it a test on the Mercury Atlas, just for fun. KJR, however, disagreed. I BROKE PHYSICS, MOM!
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