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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. This game is an alpha... Anyway, give us a pic of your rocket, otherwise you're the lier. and I didn't see the next page button...
  2. My, aren't we late to the game: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24724-0-22-X-BobCat-ind-Historical-spacecraft-thread?p=787970&viewfull=1#post787970 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24724-0-22-X-BobCat-ind-Historical-spacecraft-thread?p=788563&viewfull=1#post788563 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24724-0-22-X-BobCat-ind-Historical-spacecraft-thread?p=788513&viewfull=1#post788513
  3. You've been on this forum almost 4 months now. You should know better than to ask about release. It's always either soon or not soon. In this case, the obvious answer would be soon minus any complications with KSP or Real Life.
  4. Found something for you, Dragon. Though they don't explain where the soyuz is getting it's lift (you found that out, and it looks like they show the offset COM effect in the graphics), it's still pretty good stuff: Additional: Here's the launch sequence. Gives us a little bit more info on the Launch Escape Sequence.
  5. Almost had an aneurysm with that. What you do is you go into the folders and delete the parts you don't want. Come on bro.. come on...
  6. We do have the docking adapter somewhere on the forum. However, it's not that good looking. And it wasn't "shuttle docking module." The better name would be "Make it so we don't have to move Kristall all the time." The Shuttle could and did dock to just Kristall, but they had to move Kristall to the "front" node every time, which is why they made the "big orange docking module." Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Kristall module would have had to been moved to the "front" node for Buran docking, too.
  7. Excellent detailing. I knew you'd be the guy to get Atlas off the ground. We're increasing your funding. Expect multicolored bills by Tuesday.
  8. Dang it, I edited my post 2 seconds after you posted yours, meaning you probably didn't see what I added
  9. Hate being that guy, but Mercury Unfolding Antenna? ADDITIONAL: The Mercury does not like landing on land: Safe landing! I've got that sinking feeling. esplod
  10. I decided to test the ares 1 + orion without putting the docking port on, and what do you know. Started grav turn at 8km, and then stage sep of the SRB, and the 2nd stage stayed under control of MechJeb. As for the off center thing you're experiencing, I'm not getting it. Orion doesn't want to twang or zang or even zip zibbity zabble. And the LRV is still set as a commandpod instead of being a part.
  11. This current implementation of the tech tree is all about kerbals. Kerbals are whacky crazy things, and everything they do is whacky and crazy. However, the research system as well as the whole game is still under works, so we should take every update with a grain of salt the size of Gilly.
  12. Ah good, just in time. Just figured out how to train monkeys.
  13. Sometimes x looks like z, but that's okay. You really should be worried when x looks like w. That's a bad sign. Also, when y looks like o, you better get out of your chair and run for the hills as fast as you can, cause that can only mean one thing: Jeb figured out what dark matter is and how to use it. I love variables.
  14. Could you give us the output log? It's located in the KSP directory in the folder KSP_Data. It's just called output_log. I'd reccomend using Pastebin to paste everything in the output_log in order to show us. If you can also grab some screenshots for us as well, that would be great. I want to see this for myself xD
  15. This ought to put a stop to these stars.
  16. Granted, you now live in the void between universes. I wish I lived underwater. Perhaps in a pineapple, but I'm also open to rocks.
  17. Banned for thinking there's a brony "cause"
  18. Granted, America is now a Socialist state! No more hungry! No more Homeless! No more out of work Hamsters! I wish I could sing like a bird.
  19. Not abandoned, just put on the back burner.
  20. I had to change how the fins on the payload tops worked. MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = airbrake startEventGUIName = Deploy endEventGUIName = Retract } Does MM allow you to replace things in configs? Well, I'll step down from this modification since you've got it handled. I have found something wrong with the LRV in it's config. The module line (right under name at the top) has CommandPod instead of Part. This is bad because the old CommandPod module has the invisible torque force, meaning LRV on Mun wants to roll around when you press the keys, and you can't turn that force off. If what Dragon said helped you, then ignore this. Otherwise press Alt + F2 during launch, and tell us or show us a pic of what it's saying. I probably should have told you that in the beginning, but I forgot xD
  21. Not really, not sure what the hate for it is all about. The user below me will give me an answer.
  22. How about this: If Bobcat gives us the perms to release just modified .cfgs to the public again, we can then give you our set ups for you guys to experiment with. Until then, A link to my tumblr post so you can see! Of course anyone who knows a thing or 2 about the configs can probably make their own version. @Dragon: I actually came up with this set up back when the Soyuz was first released (pre April purge), right around when CCCP was still working here. In fact, in the old style Soyuz orbital module's config, you can still see bobcat's test nodes commented out with the exact values I used/use. @Bobcat: I don't know if the previous time you gave permission to hand out configs is still up or not, which is why I ask so I don't step on any toes. Special Note: I also added Symmetry to everything. Something Bobcat keeps forgetting about
  23. Why hello there Launch Escape System. Also, obligatory Korolev Kross!
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