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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. Found an error with the LEM ascent stage: I looked around, and even looked at the mk 1-2 command pod, and I have no clue what's going! Game is still playable as far as I can tell, so we can put the hammer down... for now.
  2. The life of a KSP player: Install, install mods, play, install more mods, play some more, complete uninstall. Fresh install, install mods, play.... Sometimes, to throw people for a loop, we move the whole directory! So yeah, guess it was FASA :roll eyes: The little go kart is working fine now. Just some minor issues, such as the wheel nodes need to be brought in a little bit so that the wheel parts look like they are attached, and perhaps a couple of nodes on the platform for the seats instead of relying on surface attaching. Oh! and I just noticed that your latest patch has something wrong in it: The KRoverPlatform.cfg has a ~ at the end.
  3. Well, if a little bit of heat was just the issue, that was fine by me! The VAB is on fire every other day! Anyway, that fixed that error. I am finding a new error: It goes away after EVA, and the error text appears after one second intervals, instead of 1 mili-second intervals, which means it might not be too bad. I'm not sure if the wheel volume set by KIS by default is too high, but you'd need a 1000 volume container to hold all of the parts (4 wheels, platform, 2 bumpers, and seats). Also, the bumpers are really fragile. One little bump, and Broken! Lastly, when right clicking the parts, the action button appears twice (For instance: Right click a wheel, and "Deploy Wheel" appears twice instead of once). Glad we can keep this mod alive. No other lunar rovers out there.
  4. That works a little better, though the seats try to attach via node instead of just surface attach. And the wheels still take up too much volume However, I still experience that strange bug I reported earlier. I'll try to ask in the KIS thread with my output_log, but I doubt kospy will answer my question.
  5. Possible bug report: Tried attaching the node attach legs to the LEM descent stage, but the nodes wouldn't attach. Possible leftover from .90 days? Need confirmation because I had other mods installed, and I'm a little whipped at the moment to install a fresh KSP (again) and test just FASA. I did turn the LEM descent stage into a KIS container to hold the ASET rover (which the rover isn't quite working at the moment). If that's the issue, I'll hit it with a big hammer tomorrow.
  6. So when I did get the rover partially built (four wheels, one bumper, one seat), I sat bill onto it.. and then got lag, the rover parts were highlighted and the highlight color was switching from red to yellow in a flashing fashion. There were also things on each part that looked like health bars. Also, the game crashed shortly after. Time to throw computer out the window! (jk)
  7. You need to override the volume of the wheels, they end up taking way to much space with default settings. And when pressing X to attach the wheels, they only go into surface attach mode, not node attach mode. As for the nodes themselves, I'm wondering of we could reoriantate them so that the bumpers and wheels will attach in the default way, instead of backwards and upside down.
  8. Russian engineering is good. We add bear to every part. Bear absorbs heat. When too much heat, bear releases heat with powerful Russian roar. All glory to the state!
  9. Just a friendly reminder: It is not a good idea to get out and push a rocket. With a tennis racket. On a rainy day. Wearing cardboard box processors. on a Tuesday
  10. Bobcat did make an Apollo Rover, however, it didn't survive the updates too well. Also, David, the Apollo Rover that was a part of Denny's Apollo program was held back due to funkyness. Will we ever get that rover? Most likely not. Time to cry to sleep at night like I do.
  11. HOLD IT! (phoenix wright reference) Then why does the KAS drop work while the KIS drop does not? Huh? HUH?! HUUUH?!?!? *dances aggressively to drive his point home*
  12. Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that KIS KAS bar!
  13. Rise, my minion! Rise! Mwhahahahahahah! Okay, enough necromancer. I'm currently trying to convert this mod to use KIS instead of KAS since KAS's inventory stuff is going to be deprecated by KIS. Link to my post in KIS in case anyone wants to help out.
  14. I'm trying to convert a mod that used KAS to use KIS instead. The mod in question is the Portable Rover From ASET. Basically, with KAS, you take the rover platform out, drop it on the ground and deploy it, take a wheel out, right click the rover platform, and click something, and the wheel is attached to a proper node. Same goes for the solar panel bumpers. I want to do the same thing with KIS, but I'm not sure how. Anyone willing to give me some aid? So far I've done this to the platform: MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem shortcutKeyAction = drop useName = use usableFromEva = false usableFromContainer = false usableFromPod = false usableFromEditor = false stackable = false volumeOverride = 0 editorItemsCategory = true moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove equipable = false } MODULE { name = ModuleKISPartMount bayNodeName = WFL allowRelease = true allowedPartName = ASET_PRC_Wheel sndStorePath = KIS/Sounds/containerMount } and this with the wheel part: MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem shortcutKeyAction = drop useName = use usableFromEva = true usableFromContainer = true usableFromPod = true usableFromEditor = false stackable = false volumeOverride = 50 editorItemsCategory = true moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove equipable = false } Unfortunately, even with bill and his trusty screwdriver, I can't mount the wheel to the appropriate node on the platform.
  15. Is there a specific way to add the KisInventory module to a part? When I add it to a part, it increases the mass by 2 tons. I'm only adding the module (see below), not anything else. Not even adding anything to the inventory. My flux capacitor is finally right side up, so that's not causing an issue anymore. This is how I'm adding it with Module Manager. Kod forbid I messed up my MM config. If everything looks good to you KIS guys, I'll hit up the MM forum just in case. My last resort is to shave 2 tons from the part. @PART[FASALM_DescentStage]:FOR[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleKISInventory maxVolume = 1 externalAccess = true internalAccess = false slotsX = 6 slotsY = 4 slotSize = 50 itemIconResolution = 128 selfIconResolution = 128 openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove } } Also, is there a way of taking a KAS item out of the KIS Kerbal inventory and attach it to the Kerbal KAS style? Otherwise, we have to drag the KAS part onto the kerbal, "place" part (which means it falls onto the ground, but not the way I want it to), grab with KAS grab key, then right click place. More steps than Joe Average can handle >.> Further explanation can be given with pictures if requested.
  16. The atlas texture in the proc parts mod is not reflective. Reflective means you can see the scenery, and you cannot with proc parts. It's just a metallic texture with a good normal map on it. It looks more like a matte metallic finish rather than the reflective metallic finish the real atlas skin had. Saying this, the matte finish they have in proc parts isn't too bad, and might look good on FASA parts. Perhaps as an optional download.
  17. I feel a petition might be going too far. It's not like Squad showed us one thing and delivered another (Aliens Colonial Marines), or gave us not vastly different endings (Mass Effect 3). However, I do agree that Squaids shouldn't rush themselves. 1. Squad says something. 2. Flame wars on the forums. 3. Squad clears the air. 4. Rivers of tears and rejoicement.
  18. If I remember correctly, Bobcat lost the model files for that one.
  19. I too would be happy to test the explosive capability of the ISS filled with fuel and oxidizer hitting the KSC after de-orbiting. This stuff might be important O_o
  20. That is a Realism Overhaul issue, not a FASA issue. Please post in the Realism Overhaul thread with Realism Overhaul problems. Failure to do so will get you frowned upon.
  21. For anyone watching this thread and not the CSS thread
  22. He got sick and has to delay everything, and that's fantastic news? O_o
  23. Who are you asking?
  24. Here's the explanation for the KMbuoyancy module: Unfortunately, this means it's not a simple config edit. Anyway, friz, you always have the option if you ever wanted to! -------additional information--------- I managed to use Realchute to add drogue chutes to the Apollo Parachutes. Module Manager config: @PART[FASAApollo_CM_parachutes]:FOR[RealChute] { MODEL { model = RealChute/Parts/model_RC_triple_canopy //scale = x-width, height, y-width //at normal scale (1, 1, 1) the parachute has an in game width of 9.893m //do the math if you want to change it scale = 0.61, 0.7, 0.61 position = 0, 0.025, 0 texture = RC_canopy_main, RealChute/Parts/RC_canopy_drogue } maximum_drag = 0.32 @mass = 0.2 !sound_parachute_open !MODULE[ModuleParachute]{} MODULE { name = RealChuteModule caseMass = 0.2 timer = 0 mustGoDown = false cutSpeed = 0.5 spareChutes = 5 secondaryChute = true PARACHUTE { material = Nylon preDeployedDiameter = 3 deployedDiameter = 60 minIsPressure = false minDeployment = 550 deploymentAlt = 500 cutAlt = -1 preDeploymentSpeed = 2 deploymentSpeed = 6 preDeploymentAnimation = Apollo_Chute_Semi deploymentAnimation = Apollo_Chute_Full parachuteName = Canopy capName = Cap } // Drogue chute PARACHUTE { material = Kevlar capName = Cap parachuteName = RC_triple_canopy preDeploymentAnimation = RC_triple_chute_semi_deploy deploymentAnimation = RC_triple_chute_full_deploy preDeployedDiameter = 3 deployedDiameter = 6 minIsPressure = false minDeployment = 2000 deploymentAlt = 1500 cutAlt = 555 preDeploymentSpeed = 1 deploymentSpeed = 3 } } EFFECTS { rcpredeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_open volume = 1 } } rcdeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_single volume = 1 } } rccut { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut volume = 1 } } rcrepack { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack volume = 1 } } } } in case anyone's interested!
  25. Ah, so Friz, the creator of the model, would have to do extra stuff to get this to work with his floats. I see now. Thanks!
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