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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. Unfortunately my phone was on low battery, so I don't have any more pics, but the musuem covers the entire history of the US Air Force from the Wright Bros to the UAVs and F-22 Raptor. You can find out more info here: http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/
  2. wiggle wiggle wiggle they see me wiggling. wiggle wiggle wiggle fruit salad.
  3. Thanks to CxAerospace for the majority of station parts to produce this wonder of science and magic!
  4. Thanks to Beale for providing the Russian parts necessary for rushing things!
  5. Thanks to Cormorant for supplying Buran and Shuttle parts!
  6. after a long hiatus from my K.I.S.S., more pics! Sort of inspired by the SPP, but I also wanted more pressurized area as well as a docking node for more docking modules. Besides, real power comes from the GOOtm.
  7. He has a license to kill!
  8. I just added the last truss segment, and with that and everything in the screen shots, 404, part count not found! 404 parts xP It's a laggy beast, and I have had some unplanned disassembly bugs, but overall, it's been fun making it so far!
  9. I decided to add something special to my KISS! I refurbished the old Kristall into the Nauka module, and used an APAS port so the Buran could dock! The Shuttle Brothers meet at last! Also Dream Chaser Automated Cargo Vehicle! (Cross post from Tantares)
  10. I decided to add something special to my KISS! I refurbished the old Kristall into the Nauka module, and used an APAS port so the Buran could dock! The Shuttle Brothers meet at last! Also Dream Chaser Automated Cargo Vehicle!
  11. Is this enough lights? Using your docking light and BDB docking light. Yours are powerful and better for seeing the dark! Bill was scared at night.
  12. I'm thinking of a word that begins with the letter "i" :3 Ice Cream of course! Silly people, thinking I would ever mention the most hated thing to create in the universe, Interal Views! Pfft!
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