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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. Well, Bobcat's mods are pretty much dead, save for the Mir that Decq is refurbishing, but it's not to scale with your stuff and could use a remodeling. Tantares is going stock-a-like, and their soyuz can only carry 2 Kerbals. If anything, it seems we have a lack of soviet projects at the moment. But yeah, if you don't want to do TMA and Mir, that's cool. Would rather you have passion for what you're doing than just going through the motions
  2. Uh oh. Let me translate this for you, Raider: Are the Soyuz T models on your to-do list for the future? I would enjoy seeing your version of the TMA in KSP! And to add on to that, I'd like to see your own version of MIR as well. I'm enjoying your soviet stuff so far! Keep up the excellent work, Comrade! Anyway, Curiosity7907, Raidernick is currently working on US rockets
  3. Yeah, I got locked out of my account because it didn't recognize my password. I guess they didn't migrate passwords over. If you haven't already done so, try resetting your password. This forum is new, so we'll have to bang out the bugs until it's perfect again.
  4. [quote name='Absolution']It's been a whopping 5 months since my last post and I am sure that anyone who has bothered to check in has probably assumed this thing is dead. It's not and I apologize for making it appear so. The reason for my absence is in large part due to the Unity 5 transition that Squad has been working tirelessly on for several months. In short: I am terrified of what this means for my mods. Will they be utterly destroyed forcing me to start from scratch? Probably not but its a concern that's in the back of my mind. Therefor, I've been very hesitant to commit serious hours into further development until KSP 1.1 is released and I determine what the damage is. I hadn't anticipated Squad taking so long on the update and the weeks very quickly turned into months. I fully understand the giant workload that Squad is dealing with and appreciate their hard work. This is simply the reality of early game development. What's been going on with CORE? I've almost completely remodeled the First Light and put a small amount of effort into redesigning the Fire Hawk. Unfortunately my development cycle has been plagued with iteration as I haven't been able to nail down a good design for the Fire Hawk. Every time I finished drafting a good design I scrapped it the next day because it no longer pleased me. Wash, rinse, and repeat a dozen times and I've gotten quite burned out by my efforts. I hope to start sharing in-progress renders in a few weeks. Finally, I like to offer a big, giant thank you to anyone out there still flying my mods. Even if there's just one person I'd consider my time well spent. Thank you and good luck in all of your adventures! More info soon. :)[/QUOTE] Well, we can tell you that Unity 5 dropped support of Concave Colliders and KSP 1.0.5 has a converter that converts any concave colliders to convex. Over on the [url=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24867-1-0-5-fasa-5-40]FASA[/url] thread, we're having problems with exploding rockets, which is par for the course.
  5. is there a link to Dragon's shuttle/dev thread/site?
  6. I just have one problem with all of this: When I strap Jeb to the nose of the Shuttle, I don't gain any aerodynamic improvements. This may have to do with the tape I'm using, or the fact that Squad changed the aerodynamic elasticity of a Kerbal, but I'd expect to gain something! But I did find out you can use the solid boosters as an effective alarm clock. I'm currently banned from living in cities.
  7. Yeah, Google does show up with the pointy nose variant, but not a lot. Plus, it looks like a model error in game. Also, this wasn't the issue I was hoping people would take a bite on. RCS thrusters!
  8. So, decided to reinstall KSP, and give this shuttle another go. Results: 1. Enterprise has a pointy nose. 2. RCS thrusters on main shuttle need to be fixed. In this pic, I'm trying to TRANSLATE up, but the rear thrusters are not responding properly. Left thruster block ain't taking s*** from no one. 3. I'm going to attach jet engines because I can't NASA. 4. MechJeb needs to be updated for this new Shuttle based world. unrelated to 4:
  9. Yes, I made that up, but it's not a Kraken. Cthulu is far worse better than the kraken and should be avoided hugged at all costs.
  10. I'll be honest with you, that looks like something broke with the game. That's not a flip out. That's Cthulu's Corkscrew of Death. I can't remember if you said you re-installed KSP or not.
  11. Do you mean the Smart Parts mod? However, your English isn't helping much here, sorry. What's the Block A?
  12. So how goes the debugging? I'm sure if you made a topic in the right subforum, someone could help you figure out strange docking ports.
  13. I'm getting a dropbox error with your fixed LK parts. Also, you can edit the title of your own Thread. .90 is so 6 months ago! This was a joke brought to you by Forum Admins not allowing random picture posts.
  14. Oh, now I see it's your part. Excuse me sir, but could you please put a link to something that important into your sig [before someone has to ask for it] from now on? Not all of us have followed this thread from day 1. Thank you. Edit: I made this post make more sense. KSP can tick me off to where I spend a whole week avoiding it!
  15. hold up. How did you get the leg super structure to detach from the LK fuel tank?
  16. Lol, mike But good to hear, I'll give this a whirl tonight as long as I get home in time. Dang traffic, almost makes me wish I had a shuttle so I can throw cats at everyone while flying away! Space Cats!
  17. Well, I haven't tried using an arm in the current KSP (was probably back before beta!), but everytime I tried, it was wiggle wiggle WAGGLE BOOM! Has that been solved with any of the arms? And now for a question for everyone here: Is the shuttle 1.0.4 compatible? I'm asking because there could be a stray download link to the latest version in the thread somewhere, and I'm not quite up to thread hunting atm. Also, if it isn't, how would a steam KSP user get 1.0.2? Thankies.
  18. Last Activity: Today 18:39. He's still here. Please remember asking the mod maker to inform us of his/her status is grounds for immediate banishment. I'm only half joking.
  19. Are you using the latest KSP (1.0.4)? If so, for shame, squad, for shame.
  20. Has anyone figured out how to use Mechjeb with the Explorer? There doesn't seem to be a Limit Velocity option, just limit acceleration and limit throttle.
  21. Either A: Your download got corrupted, or B: Your computer needs to be put out to pasture. What are your computer specs? CPU, Ram, GPU, OS, etc.
  22. Why bother going all the way to 200 km orbit when 80km works perfectly fine? From Wikipedia, the Apollo 11 mission orbited Earth once at roughly 185.9 km, and the ISS maintains an orbit with an altitude of between 330 and 435 km. So 80km around Kerbin for boosting missions (going to further obits or other planetary objects/outside of Kerbin's influence), and then going above whatever height the Kerbin Terrain unloads is great for space stations so you can reduce some of your lag. I always shoot for 80km since 200km would be overdoing things.
  23. The parts falling through ground problem, despite KAS never having this problem, is a KSP issue. Best thing to do is to drop the PRC platform onto the Kerbal's head.
  24. Bug Re-ugh-port: I tried launching the Explorer probe and rocket, and everything was fine until the Fire Nation attacked. Okay, seriousness: After staging, the rocket starts to tumble. And in that pic, I was trying to take the screenshot, but activated the second set of sergeant rockets by mistake. That is not the issue, it was just an accident during screenshotting! I'm guessing this has to do with drag. Ah, drag. I used the Redstone fins to help steer it, and managed to get Explorer into orbit. Then I de-orbited it, and it survived re-entry. Might it be a good idea to call FASA a 1.0 Beta until all of these little bugs have been fried?
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