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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. The direction they turn and accelerate towards is based on the orientation of the probe core (or pod, or seat) that you are controlling from. AFAIK, the only wheels that could potentially function like that are the giant "tank" wheels (I forget their name). Perhaps Kerbal Foundries has some wheels that can do that?
  2. This is my Head-Canon: Yes, I'm just that unoriginal
  3. Get a rendezvous/encounter with Eeloo (or any of the Joolian moons) while still in LKO, without using maneuver nodes or transfer planners.
  4. In inequality issues, indigenous inhabitants inspire incorrigable inhibitions. (HA!) hrtswit
  5. Lohman's Standard Oscillating Washer: infiltrating fearsome, hostile space factions. fppkiour
  6. Hmm well that does potentially solve some of the issue, but that opens a whole new can of worms IMO. Allowing a little movement leads to a little more movement, leads to all guns being able to move, etc. etc. Or at least that's how I see it, and it would appear to change up the game substantially. I hate to say it, but maybe just wait and see what future patches have in store of BDA. *shrug* No easy answers I can think of, at least. I'm definitely gonna try the fuel-heavy unarmed jet just to see how it works in theory. Because if an unarmed plane can win a "Top Gun" tournament... well, I'll let you draw your own conclusions. Of course, I don't think we should change the rules mid-tourney, but, y'know. Food for thought.
  7. Yeah, the balance of, well, everything seems a little off. I've had instances where I'll put 2 flares on a jet, and it'll dodge Sidewinders like a ballet dancer. Then I'll put a bunch on a different plane, and it gets hit every single time. Also very unsatisfying that guns never hit anymore :\ Hoping that'll be fixed in newer patches. Missile matches are pretty boring... I mean, theoretically, I could build a plane with NO weapons whatsoever, and win simply by carrying 20 minutes worth of fuel. As long as it isn't hit by the missiles in the first minute, it'll win. Doesn't seem right, does it?
  8. Seems really backwards to me. Or at least make ammo cost less... Also, guess we never implemented the "stalemate" fuel rule? Or what was actually decided there? No rules at all? I just don't want it to turn into a bunch of fuel-heavy, slow planes flying circles til one crashes. That's not exactly fun to watch :\
  9. Precious cargo, after qualification, zooms infinitely far, rendering pixels. atrfiut
  10. I think most people don't mind. Feel free to grab mine, if you want.
  11. Huzzah! The first victory for SlamTek! Well done to all involved
  12. Fixed the Spatha 1-A, which now has the proper number of flares. Total points remain at 59. Original post here.
  13. Hm, would radiators help? Maybe some deployable ones to, well, deploy when you're stopped? Maybe even a car that hitches up with a bunch of radiators or something.
  14. Yeah, seems like well-matched jets tend up just running into each other... it's amusing at first, but it does get a little old :\
  15. Okay, cool, should have the updated version up in a few hours.
  16. Whoops, I thought flares were 2 pts each. It looks like I'm at 68 points... I think if 3 flares are removed that should bring it to 59 points. Sorry about that! Going to work in a second, but I'll update the craft when I get back. That, or you can take 3 off, if you're so inclined
  17. Here's my second entry: the SlamTek Spatha 1-A (download link) 2x RamJet 1x ECM Jammer 5x Flares 2x Vulcan 20mm 2x 20mm Ammo 59 points Here is a new version of the Gladius, as well. No part changes: only a couple settings have been changed.
  18. Personally, I'd say each plane must carry X minutes of fuel minimum (let's say 5 minutes) upon launch. How much more you have beyond that is up to you, but keep a minimum so there's time for battle to occur.
  19. The best "piggybck" I've done was a fun little 2STO (2-stage to orbit) that launches horizontally, and can make a smooth, gliding landing back at KSC. Intended for Space Tourism, til I made a better SSTO. Doesn't really compare to a shuttle, but it's an option to keep in mind. I built the jet portion of it first, making sure everything was aligned, then attached it (and some wings) to the SRB. The idea was that the empty SRB would be able to make a safe, gliding landing somewhere to be recovered. The little ship then gets to orbit, lines up with KSC, then de-orbits to the KSC runway. The only real issue I've run into, is that when the SRB is about ~2 seconds from dry, it starts pitching up pretty sharply until released.
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