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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. According to the Wiki, he should be able to. Where it says on your screenshot "Level 3 is required" is definitely a bug. (Should be "Level 2 is required") I think I encountered this bug in 0.90, and posted a bug report, but got no replies, so I figured it was pretty rare. Has Bill repaired any wheels prior to this?
  2. I guess the point is that it's been discussed to death plenty of times before... I'm under the impression that everything that could be said about it has already been said. Not saying it's a bad idea (personally I'd love to see more interesting features and terrain on planets) but just that's it's been suggested by everyone and their cousin already.
  3. Rhino Zuul viciously horned Wesley's older sister. ndbcnd
  4. Brutal Origami- (and) Radioactively-Enhanced Assault Locust Uber-Mensch CANADA
  5. Heh, despite having visited Mun too many times to count, I've never seen any anomalies. Congrats!
  6. Yesss, that's basically the style of body I'm going after with most of my rovers. I kinda wish there were more aerodynamic cylindrical girders for better drag management, but that, I suppose, could be modded into the game. (Edit: Also, a clear "window" part would be EPIC) I have wondered, though, if terms like TWR and ISP even apply to internal combustion, wheel-driven vehicles, and if they do, how those numbers would be calculated. Just because I want one part of my game to be realistic, doesn't mean the every single part has to be realistic Yes I realize what I'm asking of the rovers (especially being off-road and all) isn't really feasible in the real world, but it sure is fun in the game.
  7. Huey flew upwards, eating irradiated dog yogurt. kenchjd
  8. Taco Warrior ordered whiskey. Old Randy died suddenly. dsfaas
  9. Winter Shelter (for) Extreme Conditions (with) Reclining Anti-Combat Kitchennete CRUNCHY
  10. Wu ignited Erik's unsanitary gulag. kdmcbfh
  11. I agree that Tweakscale is endlessly useful, but it shouldn't be incorporated exactly as is. A Squad-made version would be nice, particularly for structural plates and girders (which make up the bulk of most of my designs )
  12. If Top Gear has taught me anything it's that vehicles built in Italy are undoubtedly beautiful; and they break down every two minutes
  13. That would be KIDS (Kerbal ISP Difficulty Scaler), though it looks like the last supported version was 0.90
  14. Asking Squad to change something is not likely to yield a lot of results... Installing mods, however, will.
  15. Yes, but I'm not trying to build a land-speed-record car... In any case, I installed FAR, and now things that should be occluded are occluded, and my rovers behave how I expect them to
  16. That's a good suggestion, thank you. I'll give it a try.
  17. Yeah but that just looks like an airplane minus wings. If the only way to be efficient is to have them look like that, then that seems to be a damper on creativity. Guess what I should say is, no more structural-plate-and-girder rovers.
  18. Turns out it's the fact the girders and structural plates generate a ton of drag and provide no occlusion area behind them, meaning that if your rover is made of mainly those, then all of them are subject to drag... even if it looks like some parts should be sheltered. So, basically, external seats and any sort of roll-cage or even minor decoration, or anything useful at all, really, is completely out of the question. TL;DR - No more cool-looking rovers on Kerbin Everything gets drag! EVERYTHING
  19. I graduated a year early. Saved me the embarrassment of going alone.
  20. Well as near as I can tell, EVERY part is producing drag. Even that ones that look like they should be occluded... Maybe I'm just doing something different and didn't realize. Only vertical ones as paneling, basically. I had a similar set-up in 0.90, but maybe the new system doesn't like how I set it up? Will do when I get home.
  21. Hello! So I've got a small question/complaint/whatever you want to call it, and it's thus: the new drag system (may) have killed jet rovers. What do I mean by this? Well, take a look at this screenshot: If you look closely, you can see that my Eos Rover there (which circumnavigated Kerbin) is maintaining speed in the 50m/s range, with a TWR or 0.24 This seemed normal to me. My kart is light, and has a jet engine on the back. Makes sense. Now, however, the drag system fights my rovers like heck. In order to get the same speed, with a similarly-designed rover, I need somewhere in the vicinity of 1.8 TWR. That's just ridiculous. So what can I do to get back to the performance I've become accustomed to? I'm certainly not gonna run my rover at the TWR. The closest solution I've found is opening up the debug menu and changing the atmo drag... but to me, this feels like cheating, unless someone has figured out what settings to put it to, to make it back into the soup (or equivalent). Another idea I've had is to just make a plane, then stick wheels on it... but then it'll look stupid and I won't drive it. Has anyone else encountered similar problems?
  22. Is there any plan to change the wording? Or possibly add landing gear to the acceptable list? It's a little ridiculous to have something this misleading in 1.0x
  23. Made a "plane" that uses rocket fuel, launch straight up, glide down and land back on runway.
  24. It's the answer! To everything! *Head explodes*
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