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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. So I'm curious, how do other folks complete the Aerial Survey missions without a plane? I tried sticking wings and an LV-909 on a rocket, but I couldn't really get enough dV to get to any of the zones. Going to orbit first would require pretty precise de-orbiting to survey correctly. Anyone figured this out?
  2. Yeah, I tried to fly out and pick up a Kerbal before I unlocked targetting and stuff. I could get close, sure (about 8km) but beyond that it's nigh impossible to accurately rendezvous with him :\
  3. Armageddon: That's how I tried it originally. Seemed like it should work but didn't for whatever reason... Bloody: Now that I didn't try yet... I'll give it a go later tonight. Thanks!
  4. Craeshen, try [ img]hyperlink [ /img] (without the spaces)
  5. Late 40's, early 50's. A manned Mk I pod as your first payload to space seems silly... even if Kerbals are expendable. I'd like it if you had to launch a few cheap, low-mass satellites before sending up Kerbals. This would help new players learn the ropes, and allows better diversity (hopefully) when you finally do get to manned spaceflights. Just my two cents
  6. Hi all, So I did a search for this and couldn't find a thread for it (maybe I'm bad at searching?) but I wanted to know if there's a way to delete the stock craft from KSP. I hate starting a new sandbox game and having all these foreign, half-working (well maybe they're not... never used em) ships taking up my spots and making it harder to find my own crafts :S I had tried to go into the KSP folder and manually delete them, but this led to me being mostly unable to use the SPH (couldn't save or load anything in SPH) Any thoughts?
  7. I use F12 all the time... because that's the Steam screenshot button Alt+F12 tho, never. At most I've installed HyperEdit to test some monstrosities in space, but never in career. If I do career, I'm doing it for the challenge. Alt+F12 negates that 100% for me
  8. I HIGHLY recommend checking Steam if you haven't already. I've bought 90% of my games from them in various sales, and I've never been disappointed in the price.
  9. I typically consider my career a failure if I lose one of the OG Three... the other Kerbals, well, not so much.
  10. This is my original science cruiser. It has every experiment, as well as a total of 4 good canisters and 4 science jrs, and a science lab. It's capable of having multiple landers/fuel cells attached. The reason for the multiple goos and jrs is so that, while aerobraking, I can hit em all real quick, then when I'm out of the danger zone, I can lab em, clean em, and repeat. Since I've built this, I've started using TAC, so I might have a new version of it soon.
  11. You have to mentally stop yourself from referring to Earth as Kerbin. Your roommate who doesn't play KSP knows about ISP and TWR thanks to your ramblings.
  12. Well, in order of difficulty (as I understand it): Minimus easiest, Duna harder, Eve hardest. Besides that, Minmus is pretty boring compared to the planets. If it were me, I'd probably go to Duna with a rover.
  13. Working on building a new style of station: I call it the Hobo-Station. Basically, instead of docking the modules together like a normal Kerbal, I just get them close to each other and connect them via KAS. Will post pics later
  14. Lol, I love little crafts like this. How much dV does it have?
  15. Before I started playing KSP I would've only been like 30% interested in these pics. Now, however, I find them fascinating. Thanks for sharing!
  16. When your rocket is gaining dV during it's ascent. And you're not even using LV-Ns.
  17. I think this has something to do with the way Unity handles very small decimals. In my experience, the closer you get the less twitchy it gets.
  18. For me, spaceplanes started as a simple, cheap way to get small payloads to space. Now, I make them if I want a better-looking ship. But they still don't look as cool as ones I've seen on here...
  19. Lately, with RSS, I've been going for the "minimalist payload" approach. Try to have as few parts as possible, unless a lighter-weight part can be used. (I.E. a couple cubic octagonal girders instead of the standard-size ones) Otherwise, well, they're not very stylish. Just kinda... basic. At most I'll pimp em out with colored lights or something.
  20. After re-installing RSS and launching one too many rockets with missing components, I finally made a physical checklist. No more forgetting solar panels, or RCS blocks, or MonoProp, or crew, or... like anything else really. Hopefully!
  21. Today (technically last night) I captured my first asteroid (class A) and brought into a stable (albeit eccentric) orbit around Kerbin. At that point I got to thinking about a thread I saw on here, something about "would Kerbal-kind be able to survive off of what you have in space?" so I started on a large-scale Mun Kolony using OKS/MKS. So far I've got the first mining outpost built. Took three launches (C3, Refinery+drills, Storage+solar) and provided some precision-landing practice. Next up, the vast Mun farms, the factories, and the housing. If I can get all this accomplished, I'll then attempt it again on another mun... probably Ike.
  22. My, what a giant pe... ROCKET! I WAS ABOUT TO SAY ROCKET >.>
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