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Everything posted by Deutherius

  1. My conscience wouldn't let me keep the 5k anyway... I'll donate the 20 million. Would you rather sit in a bathtub full of spiders or a bathtub full of cockroaches? Naked, of course. For 20 minutes. Let's assume neither animal type would be lethal to you.
  2. I don't have a legal guardian. That seems to imply I'll die regardless of the button. Oh well. Push the button to increase your IQ, but decrease your sanity considerably. Repeatable.
  3. Deutherius


    (I'm confused, are the terminals or the travelers bringing the joy?) My guess is: glasses EDIT: Newpage repost
  4. Granted! The store's owner is mad at you for stepping on his chocolate bar. I wish for better guitar playing skills.
  5. I'm indifferent about it. The user below me would like to be able to see a higher range of frequencies from the electromagnetic spectrum.
  6. Immediate Never-Varying Intimidation Trainer (with) Anatomically True Implementation (of) Ostrich Noises ZEALOTRY
  7. Pretty nasty choices, Yvette didn't bother. oegfvfki
  8. There is no "best" way to do it. If you have the dV, you can consider the most direct approach to be the best one. If your dV budget is tight, you might want to use Jool's moons to your advantage. I am by no means an expert on the Joolian system, but I would probably wait in Laythe orbit and try to get a Laythe->Tylo->Kerbin assist, possibly incorporating Vall in the process. You can also get to Pol, wait for the optimal window, lower your jool Pe to just above the atmo (which is not going to cost much) and then just burn at Pe to escape Jool with some nice Oberth effect exploitation. Bonus points for combining both
  9. What have you done, OP?! You have doomed us all! I have somehow managed to block out the song and concentrate on the video only... I lost it at the technoviking dance.
  10. ...what? In no way I have ever said or even suggested that. I have even stated that everyone is free to do whatever they want with this feature. My concern with this is that I fear youtube will FORCE creators to put some of their content behind a paywall, even if the creators don't want to. Pretty much exactly the opposite to what you are suggesting I want.
  11. Just interest. I came to the party with 0.24.2 - I'd like to visit some older versions to see what "ye olde KSP" was like. Just like visiting a museum
  12. In the first paragraph: Sure, if the creator decides that s/he wants the videos to be accessible by anyone, great. But, and now I'm looping back to the start of our discussion, I would imagine some kind of a limit to be enforced so you cannot just ignore this new "feature".
  13. While you are right about the less distance but less velocity part, the real reason why latitude doesn't matter to daytime length in KSP all that much is that the celestial bodies have no axial tilt and usually very little orbital inclination (to Kerbol). This causes the arctic and antarctic circles (or however you want to call the kerbalized variants) to be on very high latitudes. I agree with the rest of your post and would estimate the daytime length in the same way.
  14. If you mean the weird elliptical orbit with the Sun being in the center instead of in the focal point of the ellipse - no. Also, that would net you two close passes per year - and we don't have two summers. The usual theory is that summer occurs when the Earth is in perihelion and winter happens when we get to aphelion. Not to mention that the seasons are being caused by the Earth's axial tilt and not the distance from the Sun
  15. While technically an extra choice, I wouldn't consider "pay the subscription fee or don't have access to this video" a good choice, especially since the current model makes the videos accessible to everyone. Well, unless you ban your videos in some countries, which I never understood. Ads are fine. Voluntarily paying money to remove the ads is also fine. Getting some extras for paying that fee is also fine. (Am I basically describing the twitch.tv model? I think I am. It's a good model.) Putting entire pieces of video content behind a "PAY OR GTFO" wall is not fine. (And by that I mean sure, nobody can stop you, but it's most likely going to alienate a lot of people) </opinion> EDIT: Who could forget the great poopstorm that happened after the too soon announced KSP forum april fools joke this year? There was (among other things) a mention of subscription fees and some content being visible only to the subscribers (I think - I'd like to verify this claim, but I can't seem to find it). People were not pleased from what I've gathered. (Yes, it's a different situation, but the point is similar - taking a system people are used to and which works and ****ing it up in some aspect/s)
  16. I believe both the brontosaurus and the stegosaurus were herbivores, so they should be fine... ...unless the theories of kerbals being actually plant-like creatures are true, in which case you shouldn't get your hopes high. Especially since there is absolutely no vegetation on Laythe or Duna and the dinos must be hungry
  17. I think youtube and google take 45 % of both the ad revenue and the new system, the 55 % mentioned in the article were said to be left to the "partners" (the uploader). I have actually managed to completely forget about the existence of Google+ and the merging with youtube. You might be right on that one. Damn. Interesting question. Not sure how the public would embrace a "stop using adblock here or we will pursue you on legal grounds" policy from google. Probably not well. I'd sign a petition against it even if I wasn't using adblock. The way I understand it, if you are partnered with youtube and producing ad revenue, you *will* be forced to use the new feature. And you will get 55 % of the money pooled from it. I would even bet that you'll have to sign a contract that will force you to put a paywall on a percentage of your videos, lest there will be consequences. *puts on a tinfoil hat*
  18. Banned for still not having the flag in your sig fixed.
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