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Everything posted by Deutherius

  1. Correct - if it didn't rotate, it wouldn't be tidally locked. Laythe's orbit is also perfectly circular, so it wouldn't even "wobble" like e.g. Ike would when viewed from Duna. I have actually never heard of any celestial body that wouldn't rotate around its own axis, however slowly - is it even possible? I would intuitively think that it is not, due to conservation of momentum acting in the process of formation of said celestial body.
  2. Granted! Elevator music now plays whenever you do these long burns to reduce the tedium. I wish to have more time available, so I can get more stuff done.
  3. Increasing spore diversity is absolutely important, considering dynamic temperatures. rfhjwej
  4. Nope The user below me owns a pet.
  5. Also, you can construct it from wood and plexiglass! So, the folks at google the patent office get a lot of money AND a good chuckle? I'd say that's a win-win situation.
  6. If you are not sure, just watch the yellow vehicles that are whizzing on the ground of the VAB/SPH (or the kerbals, if you have them turned on) - if they freeze, the revert/redo process is happening. If they continue walking, something is wrong (you either have nothing to revert/redo or are pressing the wrong button combination).
  7. 11km isn't all that much considering that Bop has a 21 755 meters tall peak. And getting there isn't necessarily that much more costly than getting to Eve if you know your gravity assists.
  8. -19 Man, wars are exhausting. I'm out for now.
  9. Fair enough, you have a point - I've derailed a bit from my original thought process. I still believe you can try to convey that idea better, though, so it sounds more like a polite "From personal flying experience I believe your post is wrong in this and that regard", rather than the condescending "I got this many years in the cockpit, what have you got, huh?" Anyway, my posts are pretty much OT, so I better stop now.
  10. Oh, fair enough. The second point should still stand though, right?
  11. Yeah. But if you look at the G-Force meter on the posted picture, it's still stuck at maximum even though the craft has already left the Kerbol system, which even at 67c would take some time - from this we can conclude that either 1) the initial acceleration actually broke the meter itself, or 2) the craft is still under acceleration, be it linear, rotational or the KSP patented "wobbling really fast in a chaotic dance to appease the Kraken" Could the owner of that screenshot please clarify what happened afterwards, so we can figure out just how pleasant the ride would be?
  12. Then I would research the topic myself from credible sources. My point is there are better ways to increase the credibility of your argument, and pointing out your superior credentials is not one of them. Now please excuse me while I get out of here to actually research the stuff, because my knowledge of aerodynamics is not up to par to be of any actual use to this argument.
  13. Quite a nice, comfortable and short ride, huh? ...and then you think about the G-Forces you would experience.
  14. -17, continued from MRS's post, 'cause reverse ninja rule #7.
  15. While I agree with your presented factual arguments, I really don't think that pointing out your (probably) superior flight experience in comparison to your opponent in this way is lending you any additional credibility (or discrediting his statements) - it just makes you kinda look like a boasting jerk, at least in my view.
  16. Just wondering, what is the purpose of that question and how is it relevant to the argument?
  17. There's nothing you can do about that - you can just watch him make an even bigger jerk of himself if he does. And don't worry - people who are worth hanging out with will see that.
  18. Vaporization is the change from liquid state to vapor by either evaporation or boiling, so 1) the piano cannot be vaporized 2) even if it could, the molecules that make it up would not disappear, they would just spread around in a gaseous form - the entropy of the piano itself would increase I believe the word you meant is dematerialization, which, if I'm not mistaken, is a topic of science fiction, and for a good reason - you can't just make energy, and therefore matter, disappear.
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