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Everything posted by Venusgate

  1. Another reason to be somewhat above 70km is, if you're going to do an nuke transfer burn from station orbit (like a 4+minute burn) your periopsis might lose 10-20km (meaning your trajectory would take you well into the atmosphere if you started your burn at 70, but if you were at 120+, you'd be completely safe) Fixed this for you.
  2. Actually, i think the most immediate thing you can do is turn on precision controls by pressing CAPSLOCK (it will turn the needles in your yaw/roll/pitch dials in the bottom left from orange to blue) basically, what this does is give your RCS and SAS a longer "accelleration" to get to full, instead of just 0 thrust/full thrust. This should help your wobbles quite a bit. The wobbles themselves is a continuing bug where the SAS tries to overcompensate itself, especially if there are multiple sources of SAS and if you have any parts that are clipped, it will definitely exacerbate the problem. As for not being able to use prograde et al, I've run into this too. another bug. not sure howto fix.
  3. Roverdude said it would be attachable to a 2.5m cross section and the inflated diameter is 10m. And no, it won't be a mod part.
  4. Assuming by last moments you mean when the docking ports are within each others' influences, I almost always shut off rcs and sas as soon as I see the magic moment when the ports start to attract each other. If I'm anywhere close, the dock is going to happen, and I've had bad experiences with sas and rcs trying to fight the magnets and ripping things off.
  5. Say, these look pretty good. I like the pocket baydoors. Few things more frustrating than your design choices being limited because of big folding dumbo doors.
  6. Actually, KAC has transfer windows, not to mention Transfer Planner, but yeah, stock would be nice.
  7. On Rapier, on Terrior, on Skipper, and Rhino! XD
  8. It also adjusts it for diminishing Oberth effect. Try doing a long transfer burn with a low TWR, the farther past the perapsis you are, you may start to see your burn dV climb even if you're at full burn! XD
  9. Self explanatory title is self explanatory. And just for body, both slinging in and slinging out.
  10. It took me until the last picture to understand what I was seeing. That's fantastic.
  11. Finally launched my first real sun-station. Enough room for 5, enough greenhouse production to double supply life for four, but only sending up a single russkie Kerman. Those 1900 supplies ouch to last him a few years...
  12. Sat network rockets are probably my ugliest. Radial, and sometimes the transfer/orbital stage is long enough to do a second set of radials.
  13. I've thought about using the KAS anchors for eating up required dV on no-atmo landings, but i suppose the same concept could be used for very-short runway landings
  14. I think what you're asking for is really just bushwacker balloon tires, aren't you?
  15. I aim for 4000m/s in KER and build fugly rockets. I also keep my launcher stage(s) high(er) on the asl isp. so, obviously, im not taking off with terriers.
  16. Under normal circumstances, no, it will not cause troubles if you dock in line. Unusual circumstances: TWR of 10+ CoM of the docking vessel is not centered over the docking port axis The docking ports form a pretty solid attachment, but it is at least half as weak a connection as a straight up editor build (like an engine on a tank)
  17. Consider putting a heatsheild "on top" of your lander, not unlike a Samurai hat, elaving the retractable legs and main engine(s) pointed retro as you re-enter. Your craft may be a little top heavy, tho, fyi.
  18. A while back, I put a base down on Minmus intending to be a mining base, but the design didnt go spectacular. Just got a contract to expand it from a 9kerbal outpost, to a 17 kerbal, 3 scientist base. My experience with manually docking additional parts has been frustrating, so I decided i'd give a KIS install a try. Worked like a charm! (Additional parts are the two K&K habitats on the back end)
  19. I'd say not intended, but a specialized heat-deflecting nose cone IS probably needed. So unintentionally filling a unintentional gap
  20. You shouldnt need to transfer kerbals at all, they can stay in their pod and as long as their docked, that part should be checked off I think that you have run into a naming bug. try closing and reloading. KSP will reinitiate finding all the names and instances for everything and it should turn out fine. Assuming: -You dont have multiple stations and you chose the wrong one by accident -the timer isnt counting down alrady, and wont check off the dock until the time is up
  21. I'd say discount "gravity weakens as you go higher", as you maybe went from 9.81 m/s^2 to 9.805 in that distance. Other factors to consider: atmospheric drag is going to take some dV off. You are already going ~250m/s tangentially eastward when you are landed, so calculating surface velocity can be kinda wonky.
  22. On name distinction, perhaps since your planned parts don't cross into atmo flight, rovers, or space habitation, "LBSI's Stockalike Rocketry Expansion" (I think SRE isn't a spoken for mod acronym yet XD)
  23. I imagine you have multiple tanks in your atmo stage. If this is the case, the fuel drain behavior for engines is always "drain the tanks furthest to nearest." What this means for you is that the Center of Mass keeps dropping as you go up, and when your CoM if below the visual center of your rocket, it wants to THROW that heavy end toward space. Like trying to throw a dart backwards. What you can do: MAOR fins. MAOR SAS Shorter rockets - the atmo drag isnt going to totally ruin you. experiment with short fat ugly rockets until you get a feel for what you can get away with. DON'T throttle down until your Ap clears the atmo - especially if you have vectoring engines (like the LT-45) - unless you have a starting TWR of 5+, or are launching a flying saucer, the amount of drag you're fighting will be less than the amount of gravity you need to get away from. The longer your engines are burning away form the gravity, the more it's draining from your dV.
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