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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Seems the last download with the majority of the updates that @eorin had posted has stopped working so here is a new link, I think it has the majority of stuff in it. @HoveringKiller use the link below a few posts to download, you don't have to delete any files out of it.
  2. Get this version here make sure you delete the ModuleManager.dll that is in it, then it will be useable but missing new parts and cockpits that have changed might not work well. There are some scripts and other things in the last couple of pages to add new parts. I have coloured whole cockpits by adding the part with no mask reference at all, just adding the part in the config and making sure DeepReplace=True Also in the part description you may need to change the shader, try different shaders, Spec, BumpSpec etc
  3. I suggest you use more curved radiator parts, you can make them seem almost seamless, and curved, and I have been working on Kerbpaint, it now supports a lot more of the newer parts.
  4. Thats why I put the Junos in the drop tanks, nice replica, it's like all our jeeps and land rovers, many ways to get to a similar end result. I've still got a way to go on the configs, just for all the stock parts, never realised how many there were. Also some of the masks are really hard to get right, sometimes there is no contiguous area just lots of shapes cut out at random. Now get BDArmory and mount 6 50 cals in the wings and have a dogfight, it's fun!
  5. It took a while to get the thermo hinges, right, then it took ages to get the docking ports to work consistently, then the main bearing. The main bearing works well in most scenarios, but it does not deal with lateral force well, it can get stuck or dislodge the battery above it causing a lot of wobble and ultimately a fairly flappy ride to the ground. There are three sets of four wheels in it, but it still get lateral movement. I have seen it turning faster than any other bearing part I have ever seen, but that happens very infrequently. The blade angle is a problem as well, more angle gets the bearing moving quicker but also provides less braking effect to the booster.
  6. Probably not, it was one of many tests, not many of them landed
  7. I spent way too many hours working on these puppies not to show you guys. Here is a quick video of my Superfluously Rotating Recoverable Boosters. Made with a measly 108 stock parts, these useless beauties make some kind of vague helicopterish movements before crashing....I mean landing. They are supposed to rotate independently of the rest of the booster, and they did in testing, just not in this recovery test, that also took way too many tries. I can't think of any good reason to use them, I just kept working on them until they worked, mostly. You must be doing less than 25ms to deploy the blades successfully, the boosters themselves are actually quite powerful, but who needs 108 parts in a booster. I am wiping my boots of them for a while, If you want to continue the obsession, the craft file is here. Edit: Oh Yeah, thanks to Majorjim for the Thermometer hinges.
  8. Thank you. The hab blowing up is not intentional, but welcome. I am not sure, I did several saves, in some we renamed the big four, we had to play around with names to get the right occupations. In others we figured out how to give them the actual names and occupations, in some we left the big four at KSC and it was a totally random set of Kerbals, his BadS flag could well be set.
  9. That's the prior version, I don't think @blackrack does the CKAn integration, it may be automatic through Kerbalstuff I am not sure, anyway check the first post their is a newer version that fixes that, it did for me on Ubuntu 15.10 with the same drivers
  10. What OS Windows, OSX, Linux What KSP are you running, 32bit, 64bit Workaround, 64bit Linux What Graphics Environment Directx 9, 11, or OpenGL Most importantly, did you get the latest 0.22 version that has the fix for that issue?
  11. While I like the idea, and the idea of your contract pack I have never had a desire to play career. Sorry.
  12. When light goes through the atmosphere near the edge of a sphere it travels much further than from directly in front, this gives more chance for the light to scatter so the edges should show more scatter.
  13. It's pretty cool and life like, with the atmospheric scattering from the map/orbital view, I would think this would be variable with angle. So the view on the edges shows more saturation than direct on, a bit like sunsets, the effect comes from the depth of atmosphere.
  14. Also Linux, don't forget and run it in 64bit natively, though not the best option unless you are already familiar with Linux
  15. I have built a lot of Rovers to work on Duna. The stock wheels suspension are too stiff for Duna's surface, making it very easy to roll. In stock you can get around this by adding on weak part between the wheel and the frame, like Spider engines, the more Spider engines, the more supple the suspension. You could make your wheel part with much more supple suspension. Another trick I use is to add a Jet engine pointed upwards, this lowers the CG of the rover making it much less likely to tip, you could add this to the bottom frame of yours. Long rover trips on Duna are very likely to induce a roll, somewhere as you just trim the w key to keep the rover moving.
  16. Got that from CKAN By the way I'm not for Curse, just correcting information. I think @blackrack would be better off in the long run using github, he could do commits from inside his IDE, overall it's a better developers tool. Host release on curse maybe if they pay you, scatterer is popular enough to earn some dosh, and he deserves it.
  17. I just found, as someone new to the interface, and without the benefit of hindsight, that I had no idea what the different sites were for, I had heard of curse and that was where I went initially, it wasn't till I mucked around a bit that I found curse forge and how to create and author a project. Did not RTFM. What's curse for then, it seems directed at finding and downloading mods, packs and and stuff. Files only appear there when they are released on curse forge. I assumed it was supposed to be the frontend for curse forge, where people went to get the latest release rather than all the alpha and beta files?
  18. I know he is implementing bobbing in the water according to wave height @blackrack is the mesh on oceans different with scatterer?
  19. I know when Squad chose Curse as the 'official' mod download system there was a great deal of bitterness they didn't choose an already developed solution like Kerbalstuff, I'm not sure what the main beef was, curse is commercial and has ads probably. I didn't start using it till much later, it's a bit confusing at first as there is curse forge, where you upload and control the files, and curse.com where people go to find and download stuff, it's the same login, but yeah it took a while to figure it all out. About the same amount of time it took to figure out github really.
  20. You could try curse for your downloads, it provides a download counter, you upload the file and then mark it as release to allow downloads.
  21. Where is the torque coming from, I saw two batteries, are there reaction wheels clipped in too?
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