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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I use what I call my BFG (Big Friendly Greeting) rounds, they can range up to 6km on the surface accurately, never tried them in space, you can see them and in action in my tank thread, at peak speed they can vaporise structural plate, they are small, light and accurate, you could adapt them into your gun there.
  2. No, it's another guy who is making a mod to use the Firespitter texture swap to change the textures on parts. I think it has mk1 LF fuselages, also trying some changes to the Whiplash, it paints the whole thing and I only want to paint the grey part and leave the nozzles and cutouts black. It has the larger landing gear and a couple of small changes elsewhere.
  3. I am not sure if it will work for Windows users if it defaults to directx11, people report the parts just being black when forcing directx 11. I am talking to another mod author about it and whether the functionality can be incorporated into his mod.
  4. This is the latest download, do not, repeat do not use the one in the OP DOWNLOAD
  5. The Matroyska project is coming along well, pretty much added some struts and shifted some things around. First time turning the engines on. It's utterly awesome and absurd at the same time, but when the rear cargo bays open and the nukes fire up it is just awesome, 89 parts so far
  6. So I had a couple of ideas and thought about integrating them into an easy to use Duna/Laythe mission vehicle. I wanted it to be relatively low part count, easy enough for a newbie to fly and sort of cruise in style without a lot of muss and fuss. It should be able to land - at a chosen location, so a range extending winged shuttle vehicle seemed a good way to get down. The crew should be able to get back to orbit to rendevous with the mothership. They should be able to come home and land, not in a capsule but by gliding down all plush style. So this is what I came up with, an SSTO mothership with interplanetary drive in the rear cargo bay. In the middle cargo bay is a mk2 shuttle descent vehicle, which will have some small engines to extend flight and rove a bit on the surface. Inside IT's cargo bay is a mk1 ascent vehicle that either rises on VTOL jets, or maybe a landing leg tilt to takeoff angle. I almost spent more time writing this than I did building this rough prototype, what do you think? Edit: Oh I was thinking of calling it the Matroyska!
  7. Man I could have used this doing the Tylo SSTO challenge
  8. Yeah I have included all those masks and configs, I reorganised them into a structure equivalent to Squads parts folders. Also some of the parts have changed and I have been redoing parts where appropriate, just basic one color for all masks at the moment.
  9. Well it went completely unappreciated elsewhere, so I might as well post it here, I will update KerbPaint download again soon, just trying to lick a small issue with the engines.
  10. you could use a cargo bay as a snowplow on the front
  11. So this is what has been happening lately, a little Vietnam era cinematic, I'm sharing these images as a bit of a teaser, also one is exclusive to this forum because I love it. http://imgur.com/a/JgUpF
  12. Like everyone else I was playing with Wing Commander, sorry about the dark shot, I was actually flying most of the time from a different airfield that was in full daylight, then I came back to mess with Wing Commander and just did not worry about the lighting. The AI is experiencing the flat spins, but it can recover and I never do, does that mean it's a batter pilot than me?
  13. to stop capsizing you have to spread the buoyancy across the width, like with the ironclads, some empty liquid fuel tanks placed at strategic places will give you more in water stability. The sinking part is another thing, I think the differences in cargo bay buoyancy is minimal and the ship must be close to sinking anyway.
  14. Do you want the lander to take off again and go back to Kerbin? Do you want anything with it, like a rover?
  15. These are specifically Vietnam era though, and deployment gear, not airport gear, though I think a well stocked airport should have some vehicles, they make the craft screenshots so much better, like Majorjim's x-37 with all the little vehicles
  16. On the next post picture you can see the fuel truck in the background, these steps are for the SR-71 and so are a bit high for the F-4 in the picture. I'm going for Vietnam era so the pilots might just drive up in a jeep. Selfish Meme: sorry about the bad pun
  17. That looks incredible, I think the problem would be the gravity curve. @BahamutoD probably has a calculation of a shell dropping over it's flight due to gravity and thats why the AI shoots in front of where your craft is, it simply needs the addition of local gravity into the calculation. (simply being codeword for much more complex than I think). I know I was just joking, I know Rune likes more...stuff that goes to space
  18. One more, setting the scene Apparently the fuel truck is a M49A2C, never heard of it, but I can copy pictures, Vietnam era aircraft refuelling truck
  19. You laugh now, but what happens next time you forget a ladder? Do you think this is Spacecraft Friday material @Rune ? Can you believe that is 35 parts! They are actually modelled after these, a little......
  20. I'd just like to let you know, thanks for making this, and I think I found a mod incompatibility, when you use VesselMover to move a craft with command seats, when you exit the seats and click follow me the Kerbal runs off in the direction of where the craft was originally. This may be due to VesselMover not updating the landed property properly, I am not sure, @BahamutoD might have a clue as well. Here is a video to demonstrate, note this does not happen with pods
  21. You can use ImageMagik to open .dds files and then save them to .png for editing in Gimp, and then reverse them back
  22. Will the craft load Ok in stock? It actually changes textures not paints using a shader right? Is it easy to add to? Can we add our own textures? I've just spent a lot of time on KerbPaint, mainly because painting can add an extra element, but also because it does not effect the stock craft, I think you could integrate KerbPaint like functionality into this probably.
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