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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Now I see why you were looking for help with KerbPaint, I'm sure we could fix up those cockpit masks if you wanted though being black sorta fits in with the whole Hotblack Desatio aesthetic
  2. You were the maintainer for the friday just past, why we were all wondering where it was. If you can't do ut I can do a quick and dirty in about 8 hours
  3. I maybe could but not for at least 8 hours, and it would have to be a drive by. Have to get the kids to sleep first and I only have an hour or so after that.
  4. A new era of interplanetary warfare has begun! I would like to claim credit for originally developing the BFG round, but it seems I developed it independently after @Mad Rocket Scientist had used something very similar as a mortar round on his Jeep. And now you have expanded upon it again for space warfare! Good stuff.
  5. You can rebind your rover keys to the translation keys
  6. timeand date says your current time and date are 09:34:24 UTC+8 Sunday, 28 February 2016
  7. These are all stock craft, and thus using the Hermes mod is out. Adding mod craft adds dependancies, complexities and support. Anyone can play this, even on a potato laptop, the part numbers have been ruthlessly optimised. It's not quite finished yet, though playable, I was waiting for 1.1 to come before christmas, but it never did, and now looks to be a month or two away.
  8. Livestream from last night, trying to fit a mk1 Laythe ascent behicle into a mk2 lander annd have a tilt mechanism Mucking around after thelivestream
  9. Will it fly on Laythe,I used to have one that worked
  10. I'll run it again later and check the logs for you, the input stack lock looks like a development one, someone put it there to test looks like.
  11. Tried the input stack thingy, all I got was one input lock that looked like grrrbuzzzzz a scene change fixes it, but it does not happen with just EVE and scatterer.
  12. So I re-installed to test, had between 800mb-1gb of memory free while playing with SVE UR installed, still had the grass in the SPH issue, and this time the oceans disappeared, you can see the clouds and everything but it's like scatterers ocean shaders got turned off. I am using the latest scatterer dll with the SVE configs copied over the top. When it's just EVE and scatterer I don't get these issues. Functionally just playing in OpenGL should be the same as using Linux. Thats all @blackrack does
  13. I have removed the modded parts, just the stock parts were hard enough to reorganise with my limited time. The way I have it structured whoever wants to add support for a mod can just add a separate config file and masks to the KerbPaint folder. They don't need to touch the stock stuff at all. Stretchy Tanks was folded into procedural parts and the others have gone through big changes, I don't know if they work anymore, I have not tried. If someone wants to do it they are welcome.
  14. I would really like this effect by @BahamutoD to come into the jet engines, that would be fantastic, I don't think he ever released it, but real plume is where it should go. https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3asn9a/working_on_heat_refraction_for_exhaust_wip_mod/
  15. Not sure where to announce it anymore so if I am in the wrong place let me know where it is going and move it.
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