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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Did not pack my undies for the Duna ascent, it's a little tricky, thanks to the higher TWR and RCS you can lift off at around 100ms which is good, go for a steeper climb of about 25'+ and get ready to open the bays and light up the nukes. I run out of oxidiser with an apoapsis of about 55km, I used the nukes to push it up to 60km and then circularised. Was not expecting the rapiers to quit so quickly, you might want to consider going light on the LF getting off Duna so you can save some oxidiser for landing on Ike to refuel, otherwise it's off to an oxygen world to land, which won't be hard as you have 4200ms of dV to burn.
  2. I have updated the download to add a couple more struts, the rear two cargo bays are a weak spot, also tweaked ladders to make it possible to get in and out on Kerbin or other high gravity world
  3. I am using stock scatterer, the newest one does the waves and provides memory savings, it's worth upgrading to, and stock EVE for clouds, but my ground terrain is KSPRC
  4. Not sure if this is just my heavily modded install, my vessels spawn/move about 600m off the ground and then fall at 0.3ms I can't do anything with them while they are falling, except revert, they also seem to be missing fairings and clipped parts, sorry for the dark shot. Maybe its a problem because I am using KSPRC terrain, the height map might be stuffed
  5. Use the large decoupler TR-38-D, surround it with the small no suspension aircraft wheels LV05, decouple the decoupler from the wheels. This should make a good bearing, the more wheels and the tighter they are pushed into the decoupler the tighter it will be, and you will need more torque to turn it, if you put structural plate on the turret then it's going to weigh tons, you will need a lot of torque. try not to make it too heavy. PSA build the bearing in the VAb and attach it in the SPH
  6. I am pretty sure you can link steam screenshots too
  7. This is the KSS Voyager, it's mission to boldly go where many Kerbals have gone before, just better. It is a completely stock MK3 spaceplane that can single stage to orbit from Kerbin and any smaller worlds. It can land like a regular plane in atmosphere or also VTOL on any rocky body in the system, I think even Tylo (not tested yet, I'll get back to you). It can refuel itself and return to Kerbin again. I even think it can SSTO, land again and then SSTO again (again not tested, the dV is there though). It is super easy to SSTO on Kerbin, almost boring you could say. Below is a video showing ascent from Kerbin and descent on Duna, enjoy. I hope @SpaceplaneAddict gets a chance to test it for SCF this week. To SSTO from Kerbin, Rapiers on and full pelt for the end of the runway, don't bother trying to lift off before your wasting time and fuel, before the end of the runway, RCS on for a little helping hand, it's not strictly necessary but you will save yourself a few heart pounding moments, then full up just before you leave the runway. Keep the nose rising until you can stabilise at the 15' mark, RCS off. Leave it there until about 5000m, if you have not broken 400ms by now shallow out a bit to about 5' until you have and then steepen to 10'+ and let it go. It's a pretty hands off operation. You should reach around 1000ms by 10km, if not shallow a bit, if so let it go, let it go, I have two girls can you tell? Now you want to keep rising and go as fast as possible by 20km, at 20km get ready to hit action group 1. You should be lined up just above the prograde marker by now, right click one of the rapiers and check the thrust, it will be dropping past 200kn by now. Keep an eye on your speed it's probably still ticking over multiple digits, when it slows to ticking over single digits it's time to switch mode on the rapiers with action group 1, probably at about 23km. Change your SAS to follow the prograde marker and wait for you apoapsis to hit the desired height. Personally I don't want to run out of oxidiser because I might need it to land on another world so about 82km seems about right. Once you have reached over 50km in height and drag is not an issue action group 2 to open the rear bay and ramp, action group 3 to turn on the nukes, action group 4 to turn off the rapiers. You should only have at most a couple of hundred ms to circularise and we can do this on the nukes, it's about a minute and a half burn. You can deploy the radiators with action group 5 before turning the nukes on. I have found that timewarping instantly heats the radiators up, I don't know why, don't worry they will be OK for the burn. Excellent! Now you are in orbit you need to decide where to go, with 3200ms you can go a lot of places. PSA you want to land on fairly flat terrain, sloping slightly downwards or upwards is fine as long as it is not sideways. Download Action Groups 1. Switch Mode on Rapiers 2. Open Rear Cargo Ramp and Rear Cargo Bay 3. Toggle Nuclear Engines 4. Toggle Rapiers 5. Toggle Radiators 6. Toggle Airbrakes 7. Open VTOL/Mining Cargo Bay Doors 8. Toggle VTOL Engines 9. Toggle Solar Panels 0. Toggle Ladders *Note I use SSTA in it's casual form not it's literal, though it can undoubtedly get to Eve, it's not coming back.
  8. I think you meant turbofan, or jet, as opposed to a turboshaft, where a jet pushes a wheel to make it rotate. That's why @The Optimist was confused.
  9. This has some nice accurate stock missiles on it https://kerbalx.com/SelfishMeme/KG-12-Finch
  10. I love it, it's about as useful as my oil platform and just as pretty!
  11. Progress picture for today, also made two videos, one SSTO'ing from Kerbin, one landing on Duna, those will come with release. Going well so far, got it balanced nice, hard to slow down on Duna, I stuffed up the first landing by going too fast, nailed the second though. I am using KSPRC terrain with stock EVE and scatterer, doesn't do much for my FPS but just look at it!
  12. I may have created the most boring SSTNAB ever, the hardest bit is getting off the runway (roll off the end with the s button mashed down, blip the RCS if you need it), but after that just match speed to height i.e. at 5000m be going 500ms, to 10000m+ then just go as fast you can till the air runs out, at 80 km apoapsis or higher you can switch to nukes to do the last 160ms or so to circularise, if your impatient you can do it on the rapiers, but this way leaves you with 3200ms+ of dV to go wherever you want. I am just testing and balancing the VTOL/STOL jets for small moons and atmosphered planets and moons. It has drill, ISRU, and Storage tank, RTG's, batteries and solar and some radiators. It is so boring to fly to orbit I almost fell asleep. Comes down very well, make sure you have plenty of runway though if you are coming down nearly full, it takes a while to slow down. Release soon once I have finished testing and refining
  13. Almost, just a whisker, a tad more....kabooom (in about 1 second)
  14. I didn't actually intend to build a building jumping car, it was just a happy coincidence that someone also posted a video of jumping the admin building and I thought I would give it a try in this. I just put the suspension in because I wanted it to work better at high speed across rugged terrain.
  15. Well thanks for the mention! I gotta admit mine was pretty low effort, I didn't even take a screenshot of the Duna Buggy on Duna! I just found out @Azimech's seaplane can carry my SST Nearly Anywhere Spaceplane which weighs about 215t! wow. I have trouble getting my Spaceplane off the runway, a minimum height of 40m over water is an approved (and necessary) take off manoeuvre, and he can lift the whole thing!
  16. It looks like you are not using the proprietary driver for your graphics card. I can see that would be a good reason not to use fairings though you are missing out on a fair amount of building flexibility.
  17. I wonder if I should get out the airshow to accompany the hype train again, though last time it ended in disaster
  18. I would use a fairing for the nose and also a tailcone leading up to the front of the canopy and away from the back, it's hard to get the taper right for noses with stock tailcone peices, because they are shaped differently IRL, you can angle the fairing a bit to more closely represent the lines. The main wing may need a bit more slant, the one in the picture almost reaches the cockpit. For the ends of the radial tanks, try radial intakes instead they can give you a smoother blend back into the fuselage. I don't have a good picture of my F4 showing this but it works with a bit of rotating. I thought about trying a couple of these myself when I saw that article
  19. I don't think so, one of the things deferred was going to the new shader system
  20. That can lift my entire SSTNA!
  21. The original version looked like it did because I was thinking of packing it up in a fairing and launching it backwards with a rocket, so all the surfaces needed to be close to the body. I guess I can't call it Project Matroyska anymore, no more craft within craft.
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