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Everything posted by Keudn

  1. Here is my output.log https://www.mediafire.com/file/db9b2awex1cfoqb/output_log.txt This is the first time I've had scatterer flat out not initialize, it is definitely installed correctly, here is my gamedata folder as well.https://i.gyazo.com/a022473128ec52fda40b3d88083bd9ce.png
  2. Hi guys, I am having an issue with scatterer not loading at all when I launch KSP. I am working on getting a RO game started on 1.2.2. My modlist copied from module manager in game is as follows KSP: 1.2.2 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit Advanced Jet Engine - 2.8 B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40.11 Community Category Kit - 1.2.2 Community Resource Pack - 0.6.6 Connected Living Space - Deadly Reentry - DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.8.1 Ferram Aerospace Research - Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.2 <b><color=#CA7B3C>Kopernicus</color></b> - KSP-AVC Plugin - ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.4 PlanetShine - Procedural Parts - 1.2.11 RCS Build Aid - 0.9.1 RealChute - 1.4.3 RealFuels - 12.2.4 RealSolarSystem - 12.0 RemoteTech - 1.8.6 Saturatable RW - 1.12 SolverEngines - 3.2 TestFlight - TAC Life Support - 0.13 As you can see scatterer isn't on the list. I replaced the planet configs with the ones provided in RSSVE but still nothing. I have used both .0320 and .0320b and neither versions work. Any suggestions?
  3. I am trying to figure out how to use Kopernicus and I can't get the planet I am making to actually appear in game. I created a folder inside of the Kopernicus/Config directory and called it TestPlanet. Inside of that TestPlanet folder I made a TestPlanet.cfg file. I followed the guide here as well as the PlanetWithMaps example. Here is what code I typed into the file
  4. "No weapons externally on a craft(except for Vulcan Hiddens, GAU-8s, and 50 cal. turrets)" So any missles we use must be inside the aircraft? Also what parts of B9 are we allowed to use? All of them?
  5. Can I ask what you mean by all turrets must be fixed forward?
  6. Dang too late to the challenge, in my own tests my V6A Hawk defeated the current King of the Hill, oh well good experience, on to the next challenge!
  7. When I try and install this mod nothing changes in the game. I still have the stock Kerbin system. I am running 1.1.3, does it not load and change the system on this version?
  8. Hi everyone, I am having a bit of a problem with this mod. When I drop the AlternisKerbolRekerjiggered folder into Gamedata and launch KSP in 64-bit mode, nothing changes. The solar system is the stock one still. What am I doing wrong?
  9. So after firing up KSP today I all of a sudden can't click on the VAB or Tracking Center. I can highlight them but nothing happens. Also the back to main menu doesn't work. I tried clearing the cache but no go. Here is my log https://www./?db9b2awex1cfoqb
  10. RCS tanks didn't have that so I removed them and readded them and it works! Thank you!
  11. Oh okay sorry lol, where are the cache files for module manager? EDIT: Nvm found them! I will test and see if that helps! EDIT2: Still don't work :/
  12. Its installed, is there anything else I have to do? Okay, should I remove that section of code then?
  13. I am having trouble with RCS on my ship. Only the pods built into the command pod will fire, the radial mounted RCS won't fire, i have tried multiple different blocks as well. Here is a screenshot of the ship that is having problems (http://gyazo.com/b57163decec1d7c96676a47280ef3472) Here is my log - https://www./?bs52ln5p33kr34g And here is the ship - https://www./?a5r2xph8q9329tb If anyone can help with this it'd be awesome, its pretty hard to dock without RCS!
  14. Does anyone know how to get my service module's RCS to fire? Since my command pod is separated by a heatshield only the RCS on the pod itself fires, the RCS on the fuel tank won't http://gyazo.com/3139cf08f44a5e237b9f8ff3ec939d89
  15. Does anyone know why my remote guided vehicles don't work? I am currently running .90 and when I try flying a probe it tells me there is no connection. Does RemoteTech have problems with .90 and I should wait for it to be updated or what?
  16. How did the Apollo LM and CSM attach together? I know the LM was below the CSM and that the CSM decoupled and turned around and they connected nose to nose but how were they held together before that? Also why won't the Aerojet AJ10-137 ignite?
  17. I removed the old ModuleManagers and took out the russian engines mod and it lasted for a half an hour before crashing on me, good enough in my book
  18. How can I lower the memory usage? I am using the 2048x2048 pack because everything else crashes Here is a screenshot of my GameData folder, I don't remember every mod I have installed, I do know it was almost all the ones that are compatible with RO
  19. Hi, I'm having a problem with KSP crashing on me, I'm not 100% sure what is causing it, it seems like it crashes whenever loading a previous ship in the VAB, wether it be from a save or returning to VAB from a test launch. Here is my output log, is there a mod that is incompatible or did I install something incorrectly? https://www./?e644zsm704171y3
  20. My friend is getting the error "The machine you are trying to connect to is actively refusing the connection". It worked the other day over LAN but now we can't get it working with my WAN ip. I have it port forwarded and the firewalls are all off, still nothing. Anyone have a fix? Edit: Nvm I sent him our server files and his works fine, my router must be stupid I guess >.<
  21. Okay thanks, and how can I get the H-1 to ignite mid-flight? I can only get it to fire by attaching a LSE and ignitor toolbox to it on the ground
  22. How do I cluster them though? I can't place more than one on the bottom of the fuel tank
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