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Bill Phil

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Everything posted by Bill Phil

  1. Hmm... Calcuting sine and cosine. Rocket spreadsheets. Giving estimates for total mass and all that. Random number generators.
  2. Well it was the Delta III, so... Common bulkheads are useful, yes, but they offer challenges. Separating the propellant tanks slightly hurts performance but is not a show stopper and likely allows quicker development.
  3. You don’t need to calculate. I’ve found that 2000 m/s is a good estimate for the delta-v, plus about 250 for plane change corrections. So long as you leave when the angular separation between Kerbin and Jool is roughly 90 degrees, with Jool ahead of Kerbin, you should be fine. Make sure to leave Kerbin prograde relative to its orbit. Don’t be afraid to make some mid-course corrections, you’ll need them.
  4. Been fooling around in GMAT. Currently trying to model a low thrust transfer from LEO to LLO, with mixed success. At least I got to the point where the Moon shows up...
  5. I'm one of those guys who wears shorts and T-shirts in freezing weather. Most of my time is spent inside (especially during Winter...) so it's not a big deal. Of course, if I'm going to be outside for extended periods of time, I'm getting some thicker clothes.
  6. KSP is doing mostly fine. Not much has really changed, save the soup-o-sphere and nuclear engines using just liquidfuel and I think the engine nerf. The core gameplay is the same. You can even play sandbox without heating and commnet...
  7. Just like my dad says. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIZ Might be relevat?
  8. I wouldn’t say it’s not related at all. Learning in a school setting is a series of social interactions and having trouble with social interactions can lead to learning abnormalities. Even so the relationship isn’t a strong one, and many people are able to overcome the issues they faced.
  9. Yeah. The social problems brought on by aspergers and the like can also lead to troubles in learning, or perhaps not. Depends. It’s difficult to generalize since it’s not the same for everone. Teacher quality is certainly important. But that would be the case regardless of whether or not the student has that type of mental condition. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s and I still have trouble with a lot of social interaction. But I’ve also learned to deal with it in most cases. Probably has nothing to do with my math skills or my (apparently) good public speaking skills. Those had to be developed and cultivated, like all skills.
  10. Possibly. But more than likely no. Mathematical ability is somewhat based on how one thinks. I used to be awful at math. Over my school years though I managed to change my thought processes, and got pretty good at it. Certain parts of math are easier than others and certain parts are harder. I think I may have had trouble with the multiplication table as well. But there are patterns and other things to take advantage of. Even now I don’t have it all memorized. Not much of a reason too.
  11. Huh. I never used the comm parts of the game before. Didn’t interest me. Maybe I will after my current career (which is from 1.4.x but I am finishing the tree).
  12. To be honest I never really liked the originals... Wait, where those even the “originals”? Hard to say. They were quite old though, and they were quickly outdated.
  13. They really need to be stock. At least the 2.5 meter and 3.75 meter ones. Maybe even add a 1.25 meter version for clustering sparks?
  14. You know I've had this game for six years and I still haven't done the Jool V challenge? Maybe it's time to change that...
  15. Clear sky for the eclipse. Heck yeah.
  16. So basically slap a Dragon II on top of the Starship? I can see it. Maybe not Dragon II specifically, but something in that spirit.
  17. Well we used to run F-1 engine tests back in the day... Almost a third is farmland. A good chunk is probably owned by the federal government. The rest is just land, I guess. A lot of places in the US are like that. Wyoming is bigger but with a lot less people...
  18. Well I live around Huntsville Alabama so I live near the US Space and Rocket Center which has numerous things that went to space or are from space. It’s got Skylab debris, an Apollo capsule, had a moon rock, and assorted other things. I also saw a piece of fabric in MSFC that flew on the Shuttle.
  19. No Alabama, huh...? Yeah. The area isn’t exactly small. Indeed, 600km radius is not small either. Just small when compared to our solar system’s planets.
  20. Still radiation. Maybe Callisto... But dang those are far away.
  21. They probably have scheduled flights/shipments and base it off of that. If they had a shipment that went to NJ and another from NJ to your place (or another node) but no shipments from California that go to the closest place to your address, it could be faster to route through NJ.
  22. I’ve been sick recently. Cold, sore throat. All that. I’ve decided I won’t let it prevent me from enjoying food (it makes swallowing painful).
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