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Everything posted by Ricardo79

  1. Just make sure that fleet is never travelling as a group. I just get Reckless, Bloodbath (Achievements) because of an accidental keypress Reproduction: Get a full training modul. Dock a ship which have this drive onboard with it. shift crew (just for killing the newbies instead. Sidenote: use the stupidest Kerbals possible for fun and profit) Undock, float away a otherwise safe distance and accidently press 9 instead of 8 (if you set 9 up for shut down all your engines and start the alcumbierre, and 8 for toggle solarpanels) Garantied desintegration of the training station also the opened S.Panels. So a failsafe message like: "You are about to kill everything nearby. So don't be stupid to fire that monster!" could be handy if there is something nearby. Just like with the planets. I don't know what considers to be a failsave distance about vessels (maybe 2.3 Km???) I am sure get that lesson. But tend to forget things like this Just like the babyelephants... : Learn fast, forget even faster.
  2. If you using win KSP 32 bit: Did you checked how many memory your game uses when this happens? I do have the same kind of problem only when 3,-3.2 gigs used up after a 2-3 hours of play. But for me this happens with and without this mod.
  3. Don't be ashamed. We are Just people after all. (Although you have an old kerbal portrait ) Anyway this mod is rocks. So keep up the good work.
  4. I missed this answer. No it is there. Not as a payment for the transfer. But You CAN transfer the K+ for example to a ship on the launchpad make sure you have at least that white unfoldable antenna or that yellow one on the ship and the kolony logistics modul on the miner or on a station where you want to start the transfer. (Not tested, but maybe you can have only one KL part in the same SOI...) You can transfer it from the same planets orbit with the kolony logistics in exchange for karbonite or LFO. Ideas I am tried with this: Mine karborundum from asteroid orbiting kerbin. set to launch a ship with lots of K+ radial tanks the 500 unit sized. From the mining site kolony logistics the K+ to the ship on the launchpad. After it arrives, just collect the ship. bamm I've got a few million more Kerbucks. Mine uraninite from a kerbin orbitting asteroid (or from the mün but that is a bit trickier). KL it to the MKS station with a science modul. transform it to enricheduranium. And KL that to Kebrin the same way as K+. Attention: Uraninite is Heavy so possible launchpad explosions when the fully loaded tanker on that loads by game. With the enriched Uranium I didn't tested it with extreme weight, just small amounts because no viable huge enought tank present for that. !I think I did FSFuelswitch some of the biggest tanks to can hold uraninite for hauling purposes.! I can't remember now.
  5. That's why we requesting it to become these to stock in the upcomming versions. (stock models stock textures)
  6. Sure it was so standard. Asteroid getting to Kerbin orbit. Launched two miners first one withouth rego excavator. with stock claw. and MKS drills. Second one with regolithexcavator and inline laser and K+ tanks. Steps: Mine till depleted and resources transfered out with kolony transfer system. 70+some ton of potato consist of 50+some% resource Switch ships or get back to KSC. Than switching back to the asteroid (or the miner itself) and booom Asteroid again 70+something ton. with the 50+something% resources. Save File: Save File zipped here Not so much just a test cariermod "early on" Craft files (you maybe needing my OP iondrives for them.): Crafts zipped here I think miner V2 is the regolithMiner attached second to the same asteroid. Mod (unofficial not released nor planned to release it. Basicly just MM tweaks and some models reused, and or modelled by me therefore no other license just the YDTFYWWI = YouDoTheFcukYouWantWithIt license): Tweaked: bateries became to generators, FS fuelswitch for tanks, added OP iondrives and something like that maybe needed for crafts as their lifters are ION thugs. Mod Zipped Here
  7. Holllly sh!t :D I am not a fan of the "NOT lifelike stuff" but this one made me laught out loud. Thank you. REALchutes shouldn't use neither onions nor bacons
  8. For me everything working normally right now. So yes This update didn't caused errors and we still love it Keep up the good work. And thank you for the possibility of docking like pros.
  9. Procedural meshes? For example wings which can be bended/tappered..etc. In this way we could make "more komplex" wings with lesser parts. And Procedural parts? For example reconfigurable storage tanks I mean like FSFuelSwitch. In this way we could use for example a long jumbo like xenon tank or even other resources not just LFO statically. Resizeability is good, but not vital as all kind of tanks available. (but it could spare some memory) for example 3 tank a short a normal and a long. And resizeability for diferent diameters (almost like Tweakscale works, but official, better calculations) But +1 on the part welding possibility too from me.
  10. It wasn't yours I am spoke about. I don't saw yours yet and indeed very courious about them. So I give you bacon if you just let us peek into your napkins :D . I'd like to kick in the butt and skydived home the rescued green ones Just for fun and profit.
  11. Hello RoverDude It is surely a Regolith Issue (The upfront to this can be read in the K+ thread). That asteroid weight approximately 78t. I excavate and mine it (with excavator and inline laser miner and your ore and water drilling parts) till depleted (that's why it halted but I did noticed recently) and sending ore, karborundum and ISRU created LFO and others to another station with the kolony logistics of yours. Each and every time I switching back and forth the emptied out asteroid suddenly get back to it's former glory and mass and have another 50t of excavatable gooodies inside of it. It is nice and cheaty but surely not intended. Anyway I am very happy to finaly managed to make it working.
  12. Hmmm. Multispectral Analysis module writes 2.8756% of Karborundum. And something like Argon (athmo).(how can a asteroid have an athmoshere?) The KA625 drill wirtes nothing to harvest. ( Is that drill can't operate on attached Asteroids? YEP it can operate For ore at least.) In this I need help of where to look for the right instrument and useability of it (I mean attach-ed or just floating nearby?? for the karborundum and the argon) I am on a 3million Km Kerbin orbit with a class c I think and a 1.2 million Kerbuck worth of nothing but ore/water hardware. Water/minerals/uraninite/substrate/ore drills working just fine on the same asteroid I think these two are MKS stuff. Ok those drills are goooooood For fun and PROFIT. Good to have an orbital uranium factory with a kolony logistics module. I love your mods. For the tank setups: which tank am I supposed to store argon? I didn't find one suitable. And how to "mine" it? (This little baby have 4% some according to the multispectral analysis (athmo )) I know this is a "regolith" ressource, but what for if we can't sell it/store it? Other than that this is mostly useless even for ion drives unless you came up with something in the constellation I don't want to install another mod Like realfuels or nearfuture ion to this KSP. Finaly I am getting it somewhat stable with the absolutely must to have mods and USI products. Edit------------- The fearsome regolith excavator did the trick. I am in the karborundum monopoly now. I am hoping to switching back and forth to the tracking station won't disintegrate the asteroid Edit2: ------------------------- YESSSSSSSS It is alive. But As I can notice. Something wrong going with that excavator and the inline laser too. All the drills worked in the background while I was landing back those reusable lifters. Therefore I am full of ore and the excavator and the laser stopped working as soon as I get out of the range and they were unloaded. According to what I can see it has only that 0.1 unit of karborundum which was left with.
  13. Hello RoverDude I just found an asteroid with Karborundum. And realized, only the Ka625 minidrill can mine it (according to the parts description and modules list in VAB) All the radially attached (DRT 15-40) drills only lists karbonite. (I do have installed K+ too) And just a note or maybe a possible feature request: With mostly all of YOUR mods on an otherwise stock game there is no need for liquid hydrogen (Or I am just not seem it. Anyway doublechecked) But if I am right, you should consider FSfuelswitch karborundum instead of the LH. For example the inflatable storage: Refueling-2 setup is pretty much useless. it lists: SolidFuel ??!??!?!!? (What the heck is that for? Solidfuel boosters aren't worth even hauling empited as they are sooo cheap. And how can you make that fuel anyway?) LH: absolutely useless! I tripple checked that right now. Your "extra" engines use Karborundum, karbonite or exoticmatter and Xenon gas. Monoprop: That tank setup is only usable for this. But If you would change it for example: MP, Xenon, Karborundum That would be THE GOLDEN tank setup. (I did that for my personal use but I am affraid to loose it after your next release as I tend to forget things like it ) I am write here my other observation related to AMT because that has not got a forum opened to it: That ship desintegration thing for me only occures if I attach the inline laser right after that regolith excavator and maybe related somehow to Tweakscale too. As when I got rid of that no problems occured. there are still nothing in the logs, sorry.
  14. Ferram: Thank you. I download it right away from this forum. My problem turned out was FAR's structural failures was turned on. I got rid of that since no more wing deconstruction occured. That hotfix thing was resolved the docking port issues instantly. So keep up the good work. As Leszek said these mods are rocks. they are vital for all of us. As for the release and programming issue: I am not a C++/C# programmer but I am a programmer so logical error detecting is in my vein. If you describe the difficulties/problems you experience, maybe I or mostly WE could help give you our ideas, therefor it may be possible to help you and us too.
  15. Hello Minor bug report from my debug log: No icon for Rendezvous_Autopilot_active And there are a ton of nullreference when Fliing with MJ405 For example: [Error]: MechJeb module MechJebModuleAscentAutopilot threw an exception in Drive: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at MuMech.MechJebModuleAscentAutopilot.DriveGravityTurn (.FlightCtrlState s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.MechJebModuleAscentAutopilot.Drive (.FlightCtrlState s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.MechJebCore.Drive (.FlightCtrlState s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  16. Hello there. This was the second time your mod not working (from user's perspective) as it used to be. And I wander if this is came from mod author's missconfiguration ro the newest version is buggy or something mistaken on my part? The symphtomes are easy to describe: When this plugin notifies me recently I am not getting a download button just the notification and a close button. I can remember a week ago With another mods this was working fine. Got the notification and the download button which opened the browser window right on target. Now is this function gone? As I can remeber I didn't get the download button for tweakscale and right now I am not getting it with the realchute. Just the notification pops up. Can it be misscnofiguration on my end? or mod authors should set up their products another way? or you just stopped this function in the newest AVC?
  17. l.o.l. Okay It is maybe my mistake somewhere related to the re-installation of the AVC mod. But I get notified of this 1.3 version. but there is no download button present. Just the close button and the notification about the new version. In fact this is the second mod I do not get download button with the notification. I swear there was a download button few days ago for a third mod on the upgrade window by AVC. Can Someone check if he/she gets one or not?
  18. Ohhh I wasn't clear enough then I pointed out existing mods: Like the "napkins" from EVA chute (or from the ejection mod) (that is just a box ) Or that yellow "box" from the ejection system mod (that could mess up the looks of the craft too) Althought THEY ARE helpfull, they looks crap. So I was just pointing out design flaws if Chriss make a new thing should change for a better option in his release
  19. You can use the 4th icon from the right between unlink and insert video and type in the https://www.dropbox.com/sh/91rsfxnka2ds6qx/AADCWyQMEVtR7R7Xip1qNZeFa?dl=0 for the url on the upcoming window. By the way This was my problem too, with the .25 version of the game. after using ATM. Without astronomers pack. I do had that cloud and citylights mod I can't remember it's name sorry. At the main screen I had little triangles they was green even after I get rid of ATM directory. So this error should be something leftover from the old days.
  20. Just please make em wide or round. That "box" don't worth copiing it. Anyway I am looking forvard impatiently to have em. Also a "built in eject" option would be nice. In this way we can get rid of those ugly yellow boxes too. So it could be easy minus 2 must have mod.
  21. I don't think so. As I am using both this and RCSBuildAid too, to me getting an exeption window is quite common in my gaming periods. mostly every MJ action drops one.
  22. Thank you. I can understand what you described. I didn't know that is a bug. Thinked always as a sideffect of the round() functions or too long floats. I did have (not tried any more) a serrious bug with the inline laser and the regolith excavator (which is a claw also). I thinked you pointing about that in the mention of the claws. The bug was simple attached to an asteroid and start mining switching ship or just changed back to KSC allways desintegrated anything nearby but the claw itself. Even the potatoroids are gone. I thought you think about something simillar. That's why I asked. Thank you for the answer.
  23. Helaeon: What is the catch with the claw? (Which claw anyway?) RoverDude: I am impatiently waiting for it (the 5m drive). Oh by the way. I using KASA dock and created a tiny probe with this drive. My stations parts allways exploded (I suspect the bubble was messing with them) Then I edited the config for the XSI class huge dock to rescale it twice up the original size. now that initial bubble burst (when the ship was finalized by EL) is fit inside of it. therefore I'd like to ask if is there any possibilities to not fire that initial bubble when the ship is get to the launchpad or the dock? I didn't tried your tiny orbital dock yet. Oh. I am forgot to mention the profit possibilities with it Make it in orbit and land it at kerbin garanteed free 1.2 million kerbuck. Anyway this drive is awesome, thank you. Yesterday was the testflight for me. And I am so sad... I need a bigger galaxy to play with now Side note. After the fifth deconstruction of the probe I realized I should turn off exotic matter generation while firing the engine
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