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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Hobbitroopers? The helicopter itself is from the Soviet epoch, a by-product of Mi-26 (uses its engine/reductor).
  2. Banned because they are banana vegan cannibans.
  3. Granted. A special man dives to bring it from the sea bottom for your atoll. I wish it was a series.
  4. Floor 4776: A caption on the wall: "Be careful! Next floor is for three seven."
  5. Actually the entire Star Wars epic is completely far-fetched. It should finish in the middle of Ep. IV, as this scene is a full nonsense. IRL, Luke would see a normal, intact Lars Homestead, and alive but worried uncle and aunt, who would say to him: "Luke! The Imperial Police is here, they have some questions to you." An hour later they would be flying to Obi 1 Kenobi to confiscate the Imperial property they were looking for. Six hours later Luke would be sitting at the Imperial Police office and writing, that he was not going to hide the stolen Imperial Property; that he is just an illiterate peasant from backyard of the Universe, and was enchanted by the shiny metallic speaking bots; that he brought them to Mr. Kenobi to realize, what they are, and should he bring them to the police office immediately, or may keep them for a while to watch the holographic cartoon with the girl; that he has no idea about the rebels (whom he hates, because they want to put down the order they live in, and he is strongly disagreed with that); that Mr. Kenobi was talking something about a Jedi having killed his father, so now he hopes to join the Imperial Troopers asap, once the crops get ready, or next year, or some next year; that Mr. Kenobi had shown to him a presumably unregistered plasma sword with a button, and he was very afraid of it, as he had never taken by hands something more dangerous than agricultural tools at their farm; and yes, Mr. Kenobi was saying strange things, which he hadn't understood, about joining the Jedis, like if he is one of them. Next week Luke would be released on bail his uncle and aunt, and would be whole year signing every day in the police journal. Without Luke, the Death Star would not be destroyed.
  6. Interesting, than rocket-like thing in the background is laying on back ground, or it's the way in which the true pilots do taxi...
  7. And as experienced trader, he didn't see any difference between the China/Nippon goods and what he is getting on Hispanola. The famous Haitian pepper... Oh, wait... The famous Virginian pepper. That's why they were calling it India.
  8. Even if he was fooled first time, he knew exactly what distance does it take at the end of his life. And it was many times shorter that any Earth circumference.
  9. By almost two orders of magnitude. Anyway, he did it four times.
  10. Columbus could believe that he is going to cross a 30 000 or a 60 000 km wide ocean, but after he had arrived, he knew exactly, what distance separates him from the Europe. And especially, several crossings later. So, he could be telling everybody that he visited China, but he definitely was aware that it is "another China". It makes even more impossible for Columbus to believe in a 60 000 km wide China.
  11. Floor 4771: a sign with the stroken out caption "Floor 4770"
  12. Granted. Then one Kerbal on Tylo will be wishing to respawn on the Earth.
  13. Breaking the rules is exactly what they call cheating.
  14. They should use a vacuum cleaner. It's a lot of vacuum around. Used astronaut diapers. This should also save the mass of the lunar ship by absence of toilet. *** Btw, has anyone suggested a broom? Of course, we know that there are no dust clouds in vacuum. A long broom with an alpenstock at the opposite end. An a PP-duster for fine cleaning. By nuking it first, they can have a flat lake of glass. *** Upd. Latex suits! Expendable layer of liquid latex spray. Spray it on the suit before EVA to look stylish on the Moon, scratch it off after getting inside. All dust will be in a trashcan.
  15. Mi-28 has a radio compartment, also purposed for the evacuation of 2 (3 if tamp) people, or bail out a squad of hobbitroopers.
  16. I believe that a person who crossed the ocean, was enough experienced in star navigation and thus aware of the Earth radius to understand that no China can be 30 000 km across. Exactly like Drake and others unlikely could believe in West India and East India occupying similar territory together. It's another question that they called every non-Bibleic land "China" or "India", and were keeping in secret everything possible to help their competitors with finding the lands they had found. Nobody was declaring "All! Look, we have found Australia! But we won't tell you where it is!" All of them got used to keep the tongue behind the teeth. So, like in the USSR there were cities like Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk-70, Arzamas and Arzamas-16, Moscow and Moscow-400 and so on, separated with hundreds kilometers, read their "China" as "China-92", and "India" as "India-12" and "India-14", or "a china", "an india".
  17. Less than a half of manufactured V-2 was reaching London, but they were not effective not for this reason, but for poor navigation equipment and attitude controls. So, the prisoners' labour can into rocket science. It was not positive, it was considered appropriate. About a half survived. Originally they had captured more than were able to hold, but soon moved them into the labour camps. Only because V-2 was not enough accurate to aim the preferred targets. London was looking too desert those days.
  18. Maybe. Or they were reading same sci-fi books. I guess, the early XX style was common. Also, Western movies were shown in cinema. *** What is strange on this picture is that the tower arms are retracted, but the bridge is still extended, and the human on the bridge is waving with hands. Something went wrong? SpaceX, check it just in case.
  19. To occupy less place after killing them comfortably, and to need less efforts to cover with ground. How could three men be buried in one tomb? Did they die at once? Then why this burial composition is so strange. Usually people don't bury with hand put on another one's crotch like he's petting or protecting the neighbor. They either align or cross the arms. And the bones don't look lying straight. No gifts are seen. This also makes the sacrifice version less probable. The interworld travellers usually have a bribe for the underworld spirits. It was just a glamour cinematographic version of the native uniform, and I can see nothing caricature in them. For me, it's vice versa, the movie screenshots depict normal warriors of their tribes. They should look frightening for the other tribes, and a gentle nature is not welcomed when a normal practice is to hunt each other, or drill the prisoners' head (traditional for Chukcha and Inuit, based on the XVIII-XIX war reports), or scalping the heads (normal for the Northern Amerindians, despite of the modern nonsense that the Europeans had brought this practice; nowhere in the Europe they do it, just because a settled nation doesn't need to carry the souvenirs and have them lightweight, entire heads on the fence are good enough). Burning and piercing is a normal part of a tribal initiation, this also leaves a print, and illustrates the softness. IIrc, the Indians were successfully using force and violence against other tribes, while of course a missionaire can just give advices. "Righteousness" = "following the right rules, established for greater good". AI can't be programmed, it can be taught on examples. That process can be programmed. Exactly what Savonarola was doing. Everything excessively spent is a sin and should be prohibited. Including the Botticelli's paintings. "Decision" means "punishment for those who doesn't follow it", otherwise it's a "wish". For the punishment, the Wendat should have an intertribal mechanism to force any tribe to follow the decision. Otherwise is just an anarchy. If they had such mechanism, it doesn't look that their society was so much kind and soft, because the punishment is for the whole tribe, including innocents. Good people don't do so. 2000 km2 0.1 human/km2 = 200 hunters-gatherers 1..2 human/km2 = 2000...4000 steppe herders 10..100 human/km2 = 20..200 k peasants All local Siberian peoples (except ~1 mln Yakuts, who are medieval invaders), are 200 k in total, and that's more than was in early XX. Somebody had published a rather optimistic view on the tribal demography. There is no so much food in the forest, that's why the people turn it into plowland. The very place of 35x56 km2 is either for several villages of peasants, or for 2..3 tribes of hunters-gatherers. They are antagonists, they need the opposite. HG need forest, not field; P need field, not forest. At the same time once the agriculture appears, the peasant population exceeds the hunter-gatherer population by orders of magnitude, and inevitable conflicts force the HG either to leave the place, or to be assimilated. So, I'm afraid, it's a fantasy. Alive, but hidden. Also it's cheaper to pay for several guards than for a hundred of workers they guard. Just such practice competes with mass forced labour used by much stronger corporations, lol, so it's marginal or used in places which nobody cares about. Say, the mining in Africa. Of course, technically the children are willingly do it. But in fact, how could they reject? Labour camps and prisons of XX in all developed countries were also a labour force, cheaper than hired ones. For unqualified mass labour, like channel digging, stone crashing, or wood cutting. Btw, V-2 were manufactured by the slaves (prisoners), so even told rocketry.
  20. Are you sure, they were buried? Based on the left one, they were killed, or inhumated alive to send them to gods of the underground, especially since the middle one was an anatomically deformed (hermaphrodite? just strangely looking?), and possibly impaled like a vampire. Yes. The arguments. Savonarola is almost an etalon of righteous, non-selfish person, like an AI, just wanting others be as righteous. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. See, what happened next. Any low-level tribal and criminal society doesn't have a leader established by law, as there is nobody to establish the law. You follow the strongest, or the most rich, or the "eldest" family of your tribe. But you are free to stay alone, until some force wnats to take yours or you. Occupying (in good sense of the word) what area, km2? Typical density for the hunters-gatherers is ~0.1 human/km2. Largest European cities were 10..20..50 k, and they were fed by farmers. Impossible for the hunters-gatherers due to the highly variable amount of food per year. They mass born in fat years, and mass die in thin years, so the population is held at the low bound, and kid mortality is normal. A significant advantage of settled agriculture.
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