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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The Dying Earth is about magic, while these ones are primitively technologically heroic. They manage two airship creatures, one of them is propelled by the gas explosions.
  2. On topic. https://books.google.ru/books/about/The_Wind_Whales_of_Ishmael.html?id=-16uPwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y Far future, the Earth is dry, the oceans have degraded into pools, the skies are populated by monstrous flying creatures, the surviving people are managing some of them, the main hero saves the world oops, a spoiler.
  3. Hypergolic RCS engines. Monopropellant (hydrogen peroxide or monomethylhydrazine) or bipropellant (UDMH + NTO). Ignited in a millisecond, doesn't need an ignition system (burns on component contact, or on contact with the catalyst plate), dosed accurately, reusable for many thousand times (say, the Almaz RCS had 1 000 ignitions planned, 10 000 ignitions tested).
  4. Banned by the crashed time machine.
  5. Now it's not just soup, it's laghman. Waiter! Where is the butter in this soup? The fly is already in it.
  6. And right yesterday they have reported about another Angara A5 shipping. Now it's clear what for.
  7. The cold gas ISP is extremely low, while the high-pressure tanks are extremely heavy. So, it makes sense only in sense of effort minimization.
  8. They were just too lazy to wash it every time from soot, so they made it out of soot. Also, this pipe organ should loudly whistle in the incoming air flow, so any acoustic station would notice its presence once it's in air. The stealth wants you to think so. It's a stealth, how do you know if it is or isn't.
  9. https://howthingsfly.si.edu/media/shuttle-reaction-control-system#:~:text=A Reaction Control System (RCS,direction or combination of directions.
  10. A frog, inflated with hydrogen. It can get dense, unless it pops. Bacteria, producing hydrogen in the frog intestines. No problem.
  11. The Ban Allen belt is banning your spaceship.
  12. Yes. A waiter. An expecter. We, druids, were waiting for twenty years for somebody sitting on this special chair. Waiter! It's a Matrix cafe, you are virtual, and the food is, too. Why am I waiting for thirty minutes?
  13. Floor 4387: The neighbors of the Weasley family, attached to the ceiling.
  14. Calling 911 because your sleigh cannot land.
  15. "So, we have grabbed the Mars. How should we bring it to home?"
  16. The RCS burn rarely lasts for a second, and its thrust (thus, its fuel consumption and exhaust production) is many times lower. So, it's just starting to burn, but immediately gets extinguished, and the burn turns into smoke..
  17. Sic transit gloria mundi. I remember the hyperloop hyperhype here several years ago... Now it's "nobody is surprised".
  18. There is a linear array of the Things, and their parents are the ArrayFactory. If Greta wins, and the smoke pipes get closed, will Santa be ramming wind plants and solar panels, and infiltrating into the room through the electric outlets?
  19. Since the Pyramids had been built, Dave is bored and missing for the good old times, when he was motivating the builders with a whip.
  20. (Offtopic just to close the unexpectedly caused water heater mass geschtalt).
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