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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. So, T-55 is the best APC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDF_Achzarit They should restart its production.
  2. "Wait... Where is Apple-compatible outlet on the hatch?"
  3. Gladiator A person, who makes people glad.
  4. Banned for calling the result of hard-working people efforts "terrible".
  5. The corn galleons will arrive next month, sir. Would you order something while waiting? Waiter! I ordered a blood sausage, but not a bleeding one.
  6. -1 man vs -7 men Also, there are non-explosive systems. Yes, because they don't know that pressure = force/area, and that the total mass of the carriage is too great for one small charge. Also, it's anyway hard to take aim from the moving APC, so the accuracy isn't affected too much.
  7. Everyone is banned like Ivanhoe by Brian de Ban-Guilbert.
  8. It would be something weaker than HEAT coming in. And even weaker than an uranium arrow.
  9. Granted. The fox brakes the cage and throws out the keys. I wish someone has noticed when the cloak disappears.
  10. The towel is too well for the Nap's kind. Waiter! Pick weak Pickwick, bring Lipton for lip tone.
  11. Still too many details. That's the aim: P.S. Noone fastens seat belts.
  12. Yes, the lab experiments are documented fine. And the views from the plane as well. But I mean that this phenomenon looks usual for the medieval people, who were watching it right on the churches, cathedrals (with their metallic pikes), and on the wooden ship masts. As the thunderstorms and the medieval cathedrals look same, I was expecting a lot of videos on youtube, but I can't see anything but planes and thunderstorms.
  13. There is a known from literature phenomenon of St. Elmo's fire. Usually they tell about the electric fires on cathedrals, ships, and other close static objects with sharp vertical things. But when I google for a video, there are only lightnings, seen from an airplane cockpit, or a thunderstorm far away. What happened? Is this phenomenon still available? Had somebody actually seen it irl? Maybe there are youtube videos with a cathedral with the St. Elmo fires on pikes? In my city there are metal vertical things, and some of them on top of gothic-style buildings, but I've never seen it. Maybe, the buildings are not enough high. But as here are people from places with medieval architecture, maybe some of them have seen it?
  14. It stopped merging posts after (less than?) a minute.
  15. Granted, but missed. It's snowing today where I live. I wish it stopped,
  16. Banned because Bruce is actually Robert.
  17. Granted. They had, they were... And look at them, what happened now... Granted. Welcome to Russia. I wish for the 5th chapter of the on-going novel.
  18. According to wiki, the author is still alive. So, instead of playing with the Vigenere and Transposition methods, they still are able to apply the proper decyphering technics, for the sake of Greater Truth.
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