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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Long messer With luddism as the Luddist movement. But the industrial revolution has devalued all their flea-hunting secret secrets by moving to stupidly using steel bars and tools, and any enough rich person became able to found his own workshop or fabric in his manor, using the guild renegades as local masters. So, iirc the guilds were fighting against the new industrial things, but their resistance was futile.
  2. The aliens from Sirius keep trying to prevent the human expansion in space. To hide, they renamed UFO into UAP.
  3. The Spanish Inquisition bans the heresy!
  4. There are only two inhabited planets in the Solar System.
  5. The Rains of Customere are a banning OST.
  6. The eels are wondering, too. is lamprey a lam prey or a lamp rey?
  7. Interesting, whether Grizzly and Chieftain were inspired by WH40k, or vice versa.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/nuclear-test-ban-body-concerning-if-russia-considering-quitting-treaty-2023-10-06/ Reuters says that Russia may start stopping the nuka-test banning treaty, The former Svobodnyi, a ballistic rocket polygon at the rocket division site. Was functioning for years. Two clowns: Gorby - a tea cosy put by his pre-predecessor on the boiling kettle of party management and economic model. Being licked around by the loving Western community, actually he was ruling the USSR during the Riga/Vilnius (and the gas-stopping play), Tbilisi, Sumghait, etc. performance, which the same community is same strongly hating, and was doing everything to prevent the USSR splitting. Electorate is such electorate, lol.... Actually, even the January'85 Plenum was obviously impossible for the Gorby team alone, let alone the April'87 Plenum. Gorby was just a frontman speaker. Speaking a lot without doing anything was what he was strong in. Sakharov - a former scientist, a fruit grown in his academician father's family greenhouse and since childhood having not much common touch with reality, one of the fusion nuke team, popped up by Solzhenitsin propaganda while others were secret. After being hen-pecked by his second wife (a daughter of a big Soviet propagandist) and leaving his three children from the first marriage, had gotten obsessed by her idea of the USSR destruction (after taking his part in making bombs to destroy the USA, and developing a nuclear tsunami). His very first performances as the state council deputy shocked everyone, were treated in "he is not a traitor, just an idiot" way, and after that he became a reversed Scarecrow (from Oz), i.e. previously was wise, then became scary and stupid, so became a political nothing, used as a banner by his political colleagues. The Siberian separatism was running after Gorbachev, and looks being digested by a stronger force since 2000s. And since then the Vostochnyi became even more important than previously was. Also, some strange things make to think that until ISS a no-station was (and still is) not an option, regardless of the shareholders' decisions. Let's recall that Mir has been visited by several times more US astronauts than SU/RU cosmonauts, and that the so-called "Roerich Banner" was established onboard twice. First before Priroda had docked, then for several years until the diving. https://roerich-kz.translate.goog/publication/raxkosmos.htm?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=ru&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp This kinda says that it's not clear who was interested in the USSR station more, the Russians or the Americans. Idk, why. Maybe they grow a Philosopher's Stone onboard.
  9. First https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_sail to slow down from interstellar to interplanetary by reflecting the solar wind (i.e. radial slow of protons), then https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_sail to make a Sun-Jupiter-Earth slalom and slow down from interplanetary speed to planetary, by interaction of the electric net with their magnetospheres, then https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrodynamic_tether to circularize orbit. Interesting fact: all three can be the same expandable radial structure, and it can be an extension of the magnetic nozzle used for acceleration.
  10. They say, the Americans have Grizzly, and the British have Chieftain. https://technology-snauka-ru.translate.goog/2017/05/13255?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=ru&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp Probably, some Western fetish from the medieval culture, lol.
  11. Banned for ordering a grahamburger.
  12. If put the nuclear-powered stirling on ground, and attach it to the spacecraft with enough long optical fiber cord, we can keep winding the onboard rubber motor by mechanically pulling the cord. The advantage is: no limitations on the nuclear reactor size and mass, and no nukes onboard. P.S. That's exactly the way I was using to play Incredible Machine game series. It works.
  13. As it was quoted before: "In Australia they don't treat a black cat which is crossing your way as a bad omen. Because the black cat is the most harmless thing, which you can meet in Australia." P.S. A discussion about cats, bringing snakes was then following.
  14. The Russian ISS modules are the Mir-2 and backup Mir ones. There were various designs of Mir-2, but to the date of the ISS building, the economics was making them look uncertain. The Mir itself, afair, originally had 3 year long planned lifespan, later prolonged to 5. Nauka is officially till 2027, may be prolonged till 2030 (actually, while it's breathing). Mir was actually working for 15, and without the Progress crash probably could fly for several years more. So, probably an improvised Mir-like station, made of ready-to-use and/or easy-to-finish modules: Zarya, Zvezda, Nauka, and the bunch of 2-meter small ones which are currently at ISS. Which would live for 20 years, because it's less room to clean for the crew. Also, as Soyuz was having a crew of 2 until the Soyuz-TMA (the 3rd one was added, and the room was expanded, for the price of various tricks and US money, to let an American astronaut fit the seat). So, the post-Mir station would have a crew of 2(+2), like Mir. P.S. Technically, Mir was self-assembling, if the autodocking system had been finally debugged, as the docking and re-berthing procedure was automated. The Proton launch complex was designed as automated ICBM launch position from the very beginning. Tower and etc. were added for civil usage. This means, that a ready Mir station could be launched and assembled in several days, and the only limiting factor was the purpose and money.
  15. Looks like Colosseum. They can lease the ground floor as a stadium to fund the telescope work. Also, it's a ready-to-use arena for postapocalyptic gladiator mortal kombat.
  16. Banned for having not enough ribbons.
  17. Granted. Vehicle 1, Vehicle 2, @AlamoVampire, Vehicle3, Vehicle 4, ... I wish to process more data per second in my mind.
  18. And especially Mr. Manley dislikes when they call him Munley.
  19. Look at the earring shadow, tilted from vertical. Is it really filmed on the Earth? They did it in a studio on the Moon.
  20. 0:24 "Our special reporter has shot the moment of the rocket, shroud, and payload separation from aside!" 0:36 "A team of engineers was following the satellite to tune it in situ." 1:04 "That guy, who filmed it." 1:20 The first death outside of the Earth. Also, the first meal, cooked outside of the Earth.
  21. Hey! Look! The Ancient Egyptians were knowing about the Kerbal Space Program. https://www.penn.museum/cgi/hieroglyphsreal.php?fullname=Kerbal+Space+Program&inscribe=inscribe P.S. When will the proper font be added to the forum and game assets?
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