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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. They could do that in the famous Kensington Ave, Philadelphia. According to the numerous videos, it's enough just to update BIOS. "Hey! The cops!" ("Атас, менты!" in localization.)
  2. Weaklings. The Dune freemen do this without wood. Also, they produce plastic out of sand. Though, the Australians also can do it. Though, they lack the sandworm spice. No perfect place in this world. It raises a phylosophic question: since what level of mutations, the eating of mutant meat stops being a cannibalism? Cognitive abilities? But eating a mindless human is still a cannibalism, so not just this. They call it "well". Fertilizer. Not sure if attaching the back to something solid is a good idea, due to the seismic shockwave. The special bunkers usually have platforms hanged on springs as floors, and the classic Das Boot movie, iirc, has an episode where they are hanging on ropes by hands while being bombed. Luckily, there would be many other factors to shorten the lifespan after the nuking.
  3. The military fetish number for shuttles and gliders since 1950s is ~2 000 km maneuver (rounded to miles). The HTV-2 glider has performed a 2 000 km flight with S-maneuver.
  4. Not a problem. (The original package is looking too forum rules breaking.) Radioactive water.
  5. Only weeks later. Staying more than two or three days in a typical dungeon vault right outside of its overpressure damage range is as deadly as getting out in first few hours, due to the fallout radiation, passing from top. It will just let you get sieverts instead of kilosieverts. That's why the typical vault is not purposed for sitting inside and is not equipped with supplies, but instead you are told to have your own two-day food supply. Because two days later you should get out and walk away from the affected area. The same about the tanks and other such shelters. If the nuke is nuked at the optimal altitude, its direct and reflected spherical shockwaves meet and form a cylindric shockwave, which has a longer range. The same for conventional explosives, but the scale turns tens of meters into kilometers. Only to let you not inhale the radioactive particles to where they stay forever not forever for a while for a not so long but sad while. The fallout on top still keeps irradiating you from above, but the tank armor reduces is by a ten of times, letting you finish the combat task before being dismissed. As the anti-tank nukes are to be exploded in midair, and have low yield, and in case of neutron ones have decreased fallout, so the fallout is dangerous for a tank mostly not from "its" nuke, but when it's crossing the area after the previous nuke. This means that: the crew is irradiated from below (where any tank, including M1, has a tin armor) and from around due to the cloud of radioactive dust, raised by their tracks. So, as the Soviet standards were teaching, a tank battalion lifespan in a WWIII is 5 minutes. The air filtering just lets spend them with purpose. The anti-tank nukes exist exactly for the case when you don't have enough HE shells to pierce them without the nukes.
  6. The Earth uniform atmosphere height is 7.99 km. So, by diving vertically, the craft would pierce a 8 km thick layer of sea level air. The aerobraking trajectory is: So, while aerobraking, the craft will pass 100 km vertically and 500..1000 km horizontally. So, its full distance will be 5..10 times longer than that, something about 50+ km of the uniform sea level air. It's ~= 50 000 * 1.225 ~= 60 t of air per 1 m2 of the craft cross-section. As the ablator mass per 1 m2 is negligible, compared to that, the fiery tail depends only on the heated air.
  7. Sorry, sir, but our airline provides only fresh Hardtack meals. Waiter! A jellyfish with beans, please. I want jellybeans.
  8. The lungs would explode. You should exhale first. And with empty lungs it's less than a minute. Also, the limbs start popping at 10..12 km, so the blood vessels become obstructed. Actually, you have only the oxygen which is already in your brain. 15 seconds is the brain reserve time, with or without the air.
  9. A brief summary of the video. They have to confirm and get the order, to drive the personnel in, to let the trains pass in or out instead of ramming the tunnel doors (it has batteries, and the machinist wants to live), etc. As the time between stations is standard 5 minutes, the immediately physically means 5 minutes. So, they will try to close the glass doors immediately, and start heroically defending them for several minutes, while all of that is happening. Actually, the near-station market place is what has a chance to come in. The mass evacuation is almost equal to the preparation of the first nuclear strike, so unlikely would be done by some nuclear country. The Couch Division veterans of Third Nuclear Punic War were reading Veremeyev very much.
  10. TweakScale! Stop doing it! Now!
  11. If Westwood Studios had hired Clint Eastwood, the sun would stick motionless.
  12. Subways have hermetic pressure doors of various types.
  13. Granted. They are paid. Humans aren't. I wish for a human mind, but not emulated as usually. (To test some ideas on it.)
  14. I believe, it's just an urban legend for reasons: 1. Because when your opponent is approaching in front, you would want to have your shield (i.e. by default the left hand) at his side, while the right hand is nervously trying to pull out the sword and start waving. 2. Because first both have to put on their helmets, which are several kg heavy, and hard to breathe through. 3. Because it's important to perform all necessary rituals, like the verbal insulting, the glove (preferrably, a metal one) throwing, and other good manners. 3a. Also, a good-mannered gentleman takes off his cloak and puts it on his left hand: to use it as a shield; to unexpectedly throw it into the opponent's face and temporarily blind him, before quickly stabbing; to hide a pistol inside and quickly shoot down that jerk, while verbally demonstrating good manners, before he can pull out the sword. 4 but actually 0. Because when you are out of the city police scope, it's much better to wait him behind the trees and do a crosswind attack. 5. Because a knight is assisted by a ten of men, and the robbers rarely walk alone.
  15. Proton (UR-500) is originally an ICBM, and it was designed (like everything in OKB-52) to fit the common railroad, to be delivered to any place by rails. The first train was connecting several on-ground mine locations, it wasn't used inside the mine itself. It had to pass through several existing bridges and tunnels, which were developed for the standard single-carriage road. After measuring them, subtracting the side parts width, and calculating the widest possible gauge for that, Stephenson got the ugly standard 4' 8.5". Later in the USA, where they didn't have Roman roads (except in Latin America, lol, because kinda the Romans were there), they rounded it up to nice 5". As the first railroad in Russia was built under general management of the American engineer and his two Russian former students and assistants, and they had ordered the 5" things, which they had gotten used to, the further railroad development in Russia was following the American 5" standard, while the Europeans were ordering and copying the British things, and they were having a lot of Roman ancestry, so they still have 4' 8.5". Bad to have too much Roman ancestry.
  16. The sizes of things follow the exponent-like distribution. In the Solar System there are only five known objects, heavier than Earth, and only four wit higher freefall acceleration. So, the super-Earthes should be very rare, and almost always ice giants.
  17. Yes, the gaps were included in standard from the very beginning. Not exactly Roman, but still good. https://files.stroyinf.ru/Data2/1/4294839/4294839586.htm The train car (~3.25 m or so) is a platform width for standard rail gauge. ISO-container width is defined by the train car dimensions. Most of peasant and miner horses were tribal, small, and expendable. Draft horses are 18-steel-wheelers. Oversized - up to 4 480 mm, that's why Proton (4.1 m) and its shroud (4.3 m) can pass, and why the Shuttle payload bay is 4.6 m wide. Cars, not train cars.
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