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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Civil version: 171 Mil ID version: 173 I'm still not sure, who is right.
  2. Thinking that the galaxy is something more than a whirl in a cup of latte, is cheating.
  3. Can a bhill? Bhill of Canning.
  4. A moment, please. I'll bring a tube of construction foam to add into you hot chocolate. Waiter! Is the moon shining here?
  5. Granted. Mary Stew comes in the room. I wish for a Scroll of good wishes.
  6. Read the nearest GSO satellite passive emission signature, emulate it, and destroy it. They will think, it's a dead sat. Upd. Won't work now. They read this forum.
  7. Ban shee, ban hee, ban aall of theem.
  8. The legend of 90s, Gameover and Bonus.
  9. Cloud mind and customizable temporary bodies are the way. The Dark Matter series had something like that.
  10. Yes, it's a Champignonship Soup. Waiter! A reversed chirality soup, please. I'm on diet.
  11. Organic water pool. Goo Hill
  12. cuz caught hot trot (The Vikings series). As there was Floki, so there were Fodin, Fthor, and Ffreyja?
  13. The nearest patrol ark will approach, enable the human spawner, and populate it.
  14. Granted. You have installed Nach OS. I wish for a Windows-compatible anti-Windows, but not Linux.
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